Combined Federal Campaign

Fuel Efficient Ground Vehicle Demonstrator Bravo (FED)

DA&M Onboarding

The DA&M CFC Bake-Off is Approaching!

On Tuesday, October 23 at the Pentagon, the Director of Administration and Management will host the 2012 DA&M CFC Bake-Off event! A group of staff contestants will demonstrate their baking talent and create patriotic-inspired desserts for a special panel of judges. Who will be the winner?

The judging panel includes the DA&M, Mr. Michael Rhodes; Director of WHS and CFC Chair, Mr. Bill Brazis; Acting Deputy Director of WHS and CFC Vice Chair, Mr. Sajeel Ahmed; and the NCOIC of the Secretary of Defense Executive Dining Facility, SGM Jeffrey Chatman. A celebrity guest judge will also make an appearance. Attendees can view and sample baked creations throughout the judging period, so bring your colleagues to the first organization-wide CFC event of the giving season.

For more details, visit the 2012 WHS CFC website

October is Energy Action Month

In support of National Energy Action Month, Department of Defense (DoD) senior leadership will host a series of leadership forums throughout the month of October to discuss how the DoD is improving our military energy security and how it will strive to leverage energy as a strategic advantage during the 21st century. In a recent memo, Secretary Panetta noted, "By changing the DoD energy posture, America will have a military that is better able to project and sustain forces around the world to meet any challenge to the Nation's security and the interests of the American people."

DoD military services are recognizing the importance of maximizing energy efficiencies in a number of different ways. For example, Army experts from three research commands showcased one of its major energy innovations via the state-of-the-art Fuel Efficient Ground Vehicle Demonstrator Bravo, commonly referred to as FED.

Get the Latest Scoop on DoD Transportation!

If you commute in the National Capital Region (NCR) and seek information about Department of Defense (DoD) transportation service offerings, the WHS Transportation Office is here for you! Visit the website by navigating to "DoD Transportation," located under the "Key Resources/Services" tab, above.

The WHS Transportation Office site provides users with general information about the DoD Shuttle Bus and Mark Center Transportation Programs. Commuters can find details regarding shuttle bus rules, acceptable badges, and operating schedules during holidays, in addition to dispatch numbers for Lost and Found and transportation options for physically challenged employees. To stay current with DoD transportation updates, you can "Like" the WHS Transportation Office on Facebook or "Follow" @WHS_Transport on Twitter.

Safeguarding PII in the Workplace

Each of us has a role in protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the workplace. To read the latest tips from the WHS Security Team, read the article.

Panetta Discusses Cyberdefense

Secretary Panetta explained the DoD's critical role in cybersecurity during a speech to the Business Executives for National Security, Oct. 11. Read more.