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Engineering Test Group







Rock Island Test Facility


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Test, Reliability & Evaluation Team

Fixed Site & Filter-In-Place Systems Performance

Fixed SiteEdgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) has the ability to design Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) filtration systems for fixed sites, operation buildings overseas, vehicular platforms, and facilities including military dorms and chemistry labs. From systems initial design and development to systems sustainment, ECBC offers a “cradle to grave” solution for the armed forces against CBRN attacks. Systems sustainment includes development of system/design requirement, Standard Operating Procedures and protocols, process validation, in-place certification testing, and filter monitoring for CBRN filtration systems.

In-place certification testing of installed CBRN filters for government laboratories, vehicles, and fixed sites both home and abroad can be performed. This testing certifies that the entire filtration system is capable of protecting against a CBRN attack. These systems are evaluated in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers N510 procedures for mechanical leaks using portable polydispersed polyalphaolfin aerosol generators/detectors and nondestructive gas simulants (non-Ozone depleting fluorocarbons) and electron capture chromatographic detection methods. The in-place leak test is a leak test and not a life test and is required to evaluate the CBRN filtration system for proper filter installation, and carbon/particulate damage.



  • Requirements Development
  • Prototype Design Concepts
  • Design and Integration
  • Production and Installation
  • Develop Test Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures
  • CBRN System Test
  • Perform in place testing of complete filtration systems
  • Facility/System Certification Tests
  • Airlock Test
  • Design & Drawing Review


  • Aerosol Generators
  • Aerosol Detectors
  • LMP2000 Tracer Gas Monitor
  • CAD / SolidWorks


  • ASME N510
  • ASME AG-1 Requirements
  • DOE-STD-3020-97 Requirements



Engineering Directorate



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