
Products available for predeployment training, deployment use, or refresher training are available for ordering using the Language Materials Distribution System

To provide feedback on any of our products please use: feedback@dliflc.edu

Basic Language and Culture Aquisition

DLIFLC has released Rapport, a mandatory online basic language and cultural awareness training program in Dari and Pashto, required for all servicemembers and civilians deploying to Afghanistan. Iraqi Rapport training is also mandatory for all Soldiers and DA civilians deploying to Iraq.

Cultural Orientations
Cultural Orientations offer an engaging introduction to a given cultural group. Linguists and non-linguists alike will benefit from these interactive materials and pertinent language exchanges that are coupled with an objective and practical look at daily life in different contexts. Topics include religion, traditions, family life and differences in the lifestyles of urban and rural populations.

Headstart consists of ten modules, each including two Sound and Script and five Military Tasks. Sound and Script teaches the basics of the target language script.

Familiarization Modules
The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center offers country familiarization materials and language survival kits/guides directly supporting both linguists and non-linguists.

Countries In Perspective
Each country study starts with a Country Profile section containing basic facts about the target country, followed by selected themes organized under the major headings of Geography, History, Economy,Society and Security.

Legends & Folktales
Folktales and legends embedded in a specific culture provide an opportunity to explore and teach rich and fascinating social lessons.

Area Studies
Area Studies is a blended instructional model. The instructional components combine learning principles and theories with the newest multimedia technology and creative approaches to fully capture learner attention. Each module contains self-study lessons, face-to-face instruction hours and assessments.

Language Enhancement

G.L.O.S.S.online language lessons are developed for independent learners to provide them with the learning/teaching tools for improving their foreign language skills. GLOSS currently offers 2850 reading (RC) and listening (LC) lessons in 24 languages! More lessons are added every month… make sure you check them out.

Weekly Training Events
The project name refers to the four hours a week military and government linguist/analysts use to maintain and enhance foreign language skills. Our mission is to enable these critical personnel to independently, conveniently and efficiently maintain and improve language skills whatever their location or circumstance.

Post Basic Delivery Service
The PBDS is for official use by Language Training Detachments and provides the ability to view online or download Post Basic Course materials by week, as compressed archive (zip) files. The materials, intended as teacher-mediated lessons, are available in Arabic, Chinese, Dari, Korean, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Russian, Hebrew, and Persian Farsi. PBDS materials consist of eight 6-week courses created in a modular design which focus on Final Learning Objective topics.

Advanced North Korean Dialect Materials
Advanced North Korean Dialect Materials (ANKDM) are supplementary materials for Korean language learning materials and can be incorporated into any basic, intermediate, and advanced courses, based upon proficiency level. These interactive, online content-based instructional materials will provide students with cultural and regional information about North Korea, leading toward Final Learning Objectives.

Phone Conversations
One of the greatest identified needs of MSA learners is to be familiar with dialects. This site contains over 300 casual phone conversations in non-standard dialect and lesson plans with support materials for classroom use.

Accents Library
The Accents Library is a handy collection of accent samples that vividly illustrate regional speech variations of standard language.

Arabic Grammar Search
Have you forgotten a fine point of Arabic grammar? The Arabic Grammar Search takes you inside the language with complete A-Z Search and Help functions.


Cultural Awareness Assessment
Topics include geographic facts, major religions, social customs and basic survival phrases of the dominant language of the region. Other key aspects of the CAA incorporate detailed information on the security situation, military, government, history and economy of the region.

Online Diagnostic Assessment
Online Diagnostic Assessment is  a tool developed by the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center to help the foreign language learner, evaluate and manage foreign language learning.

DLIFLC 1759 Lewis Rd. Bldg 614, Ste. 251 - Presidio of Monterey - Monterey, CA 93944 (831) 242-5119, (DSN-768)