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Concepts and Technologies (C&T)

Mission / Purpose

The intent of BIMA’s Concepts and Technologies Branch (C&T) is to explore the efficient identification and transition of essential biometric capabilities to DoD. Through C&T, BIMA ensures warfighters have the right biometric solutions for success across the entire range of military and business operations.

Concepts and Technologies Branch Overview

  • Establish a forum, governance structure, and process to oversee and coordinate the Defense Biometrics Science and Technology (S&T) portfolio
  • Leverage the best technology available from both government and commercial sources to develop capabilities and maintain the advantages that our warfighters need throughout the life of developed systems
  • Align initiatives across the Joint and Interagency S&T and Acquisition communities
  • Transition technology into new and current systems with minimal burden to the warfighter

Science and Technology Coordination

BIMA works with various organizations and working groups across the National Security S&T community, including partners within the interagency, academia, industry and international governments.

S&T References

S&T References
Title Version Type Size Source Comments/Description
Capstone Concept of Operations for the Department of Defense Biometrics 5 Dec 06 memo   HQDA Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7
Defense Biometrics 4 Oct 06 memo   DepSecDef  
DoD Financial Management Regulation Vol. 2B
Jul 07
Web site   Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)  
Information Technology Portfolio Management 10 Oct 05 .pdf 93 kb ASD(NII)/DoD CIO Department of Defense Directive 8115.01
Technology Readiness Assessment Deskbook Jul 09 Web site   Defense Acquisition University (DAU)  
DAU Manager's Guide to Technology Transition in an Evolutionary Acquisition Environment Version 2
Jun 05
Web site   Defense Acquisition University (DAU)  
Army Aviation Technology Assessment and Transition Management (TATM) Process Guide Nov 07 Web site   Defense Acquisition University (DAU) / USD(AT&L) Department of Defense Directive 5000.01

Links to Other Organizations

National Subcommittee on Biometrics (