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Teal ropes to spotlight sexual assault response
Select Airmen began wearing teal ropes, which symbolize sexual assault awareness and support, within the student population at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., starting Oct. 15, 2012. Teal rope members receive specialized training by the 81st Training Wing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office staff and serve as a link between non-prior service students and SAPRO for information and referral support. (U.S. Air Force photo/Kemberly Groue)
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Teal ropes to spotlight sexual assault response

Posted 10/16/2012 Email story   Print story


Commentary by 1st Lt. Tina Tissot
81st Training Wing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office

10/16/2012 - KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. (AFNS) -- Among the core of our force at Keesler Air Force Base are our technical training students who, no doubt, enter the military with an array of stories.

Although they come from all walks of life, service, sacrifice and commitment are some of the same threads that weave their stories together. But what happens when an incident of sexual assault, whether it occurred before entering military service or after, threatens individual and unit mission readiness?

The introduction of Keesler AFB's unique "teal rope" program will address issues surrounding sexual assault through student involvement. A comprehensive effort is required as part of the solution to effectively address sexual assault issues. The 81st Training Wing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, in coordination with the 81st Training Group, will manage the teal rope program. Keesler AFB leaders developed the program with the goal of increasing prevention and awareness within the student community and providing outreach events that challenge the beliefs and behaviors that enable sexual violence among peers.

Starting Oct. 15, selected Airmen will begin wearing teal ropes -- the color symbolizing sexual assault awareness and support -- within the student population. Teal rope members receive specialized training by the SAPRO staff and serve as a link between non-prior service students and SAPRO for information and referral support.

Involvement in the program is open to students who have a minimum of two months left in their training. Students must be recommended by their military training leader, pass a background check and maintain an 80 percent grade point average to be accepted into the program. Teal rope members are expected to model the Air Force core values; uphold the highest standards of professionalism as representatives of the SAPRO; and be an approachable, listening ear for their wingmen in times of need.

"This program is so important because it helps raise awareness among our newest Airmen, and they will carry that knowledge throughout their careers," said Chief Master Sgt. Angelica Johnson, 81st Training Wing command chief. "This is an opportunity for Airmen to be leaders and help regulate their fellow Airmen on an important issue. It's also a chance for Airmen to go to a peer they may be more comfortable with, which assists the overall prevention efforts across the base."

All Airmen deserve an environment that is free from sexual harassment and sexual assault, and a culture where they can be treated with dignity and respect.

Shortly after being sworn in as the 20th chief of staff of the Air Force, Gen. Mark Welsh III addressed us all by saying, "Every Airmen has a story ... you are what makes our Air Force the best the world has ever known!"

Whether student or permanent party, we can all be part of the solution to end sexual assault.

10/19/2012 9:21:23 AM ET
Are you kidding me? What a horrible idea. I can't even stomach reading the rest of the article. How embarassing
Proud to be, AETC
10/18/2012 7:30:04 PM ET
I was a victim on sexual assalut in tech school and i had no one to talk to. i think this would have been helpful to me. im glad they are putting airman to help airman. its hard and intimating to talkto the MTL's and the 1st Sgt especially when you are new and you dont know what their role entails. we need to learn to trust eachother and have someone in our peer group to help us. They do however need t be trained on how to deal with the issue and respect privacy.
yayi, hickam
10/18/2012 7:22:52 PM ET
The comment trolls and negativity on any and all of the stories on this site are really getting out of hand. Instead of flaming the authors or denigrating the programs, how about you come up with alternative solutions if you think these are so unacceptable? Out of all the comments on this story, @Joe Offutt is the only one who even leaned toward that. No organization is perfect, but if the AF has gotten so stupid and wasteful and ridiculous as your comments would lead us to believe, why aren't you putting in your separation papers? Surely there are civilian organizations out in the real world that are salivating to have you and your awesome attitudes on board. Instead of using what few brain cells you have to put everything down, why don't you try to use them to make things better. You could start by shutting up.
10/18/2012 3:15:50 PM ET
LOVE the comments on these. They bring out the Blue Kool-Aid drinkers enmass
Garrett, Reality
10/18/2012 1:50:04 PM ET
Whatever happened to the idea that the all volunteer force were made up of people who were educated and of higher caliber then low uneducated people found through out the troubled city streets. I think 99.9 percent of the military are highly responsible people, some may not know what consistutes sexual assault in the minor sense or infraction. At least I hope that may be the case in some cases. Just weed out the bad ones with zero tolerance.
SNCO Ret 89, Ohio
10/18/2012 11:30:10 AM ET
Words cannot describe just how epically dumb this idea is. Wonder when the rainbow diversity rope will come out......
That guy, over there...
10/18/2012 11:09:39 AM ET
Another program like so many others to address the result. We really need programs to address the cause and not the effect proactive involvement at every level focused on prevention. Teaching young Amn to get involved to listen to be aware of signs of distress those should be the goals. This rope is nothing more than training a few to do what all should be doing. Shouldn't we all model AF core values not just teal rope folks
Joe, Offutt
10/18/2012 2:49:48 AM ET
Really This is gonna fix what They should save money and just wrap a reflective belt around their shoulder.....
Nasty, Almost retired
10/17/2012 5:18:50 PM ET
So I would make a great E9 because I support the concept of helping our Amn in Tech Trg I'm just a SNCO that is thinking positive and waiting to see if this makes a difference in our sexual assault numbers actually being reported in tech trg if that makes me drinking the blue kool aid or a future E9 then so be it. Way to go Keesler for trying something new and seeing if the result will be worth the criticism we shall see in time.
MSgt Davis, Lackland AFB
10/17/2012 3:37:49 PM ET
to Maj staff....Glad that you think oh SO highly of us Sir...This was sarcasm in case you didnt pick it up.
John Smith, My Tardis
10/17/2012 2:47:58 PM ET
For the last 65 years Airmen have behaved like rabbits in heat. This little cutsie rope will not change a thing.
Maj, staff
10/17/2012 2:24:20 PM ET
right beacuse people actually listen to this is gonna fail so hard. man we need a better system to help victims...this isnt working.pretty color tho i like teal.
John Smith, My TARDIS
10/17/2012 2:12:44 PM ET
Msgt Davis you would make a excellent E9.
blue , Kool aid
10/17/2012 12:43:22 PM ET
A two syllable word comes to mind and the first syllable is BULL.
Col Flagg, Here
10/17/2012 11:54:53 AM ET
The White Rope or Chaplain Program is to assist the Chaplains with their service and be a listening ear if needed not to be smart on Sexual Assault. By the article these Amn will receive specialized training from the SARC on how to help sounds like a victim advocate in the dorm.
MSgt Davis, Lackland AFB
10/17/2012 10:16:04 AM ET
Isn't this the same as the white rope White ropes sign a confidentiality agreement and are supposed to be available to NPS Airman for any personal issues they may have but are not comfortable talking with an MTL about sexual assault included.
Airman, Fresh out of Tech
10/17/2012 10:01:10 AM ET
Wow is the first comment that comes to mind when reading all of these comments. We wonder what is wrong with our Air Force and really we need to Check the Mirror where has the positivity gone It's apparent that none of you have been an MTL and know what this program is going to represent within the community but I think it's a brillant idea and wish I would of thought of it. Amn don't want to talk to people that they don't know they would rather confide in each other and if you were in the tech training world you would know how many sexual assaults go un-reported because they don't want to go to leadership etc... This isn't going to replace SARC it's going to assist SARC and hopefully help many young Airmen get the help they need. Who cares if it looks like an Army rope that's not the point... and I'm sure if it gets implemented across the AF that the uniform board may tweak it. Try seeing past the rope and looking for the positive of what Keesler is trying to do
MSgt Davis, Lackland AFB
10/17/2012 7:51:31 AM ET
Bravo RomeoI am quite aware that the AF has had ropes at tech school. I did not say that the Air Force was copying infantry cords I said that the similarity was embarassing. I have no doubt that this was simply an oversight on the part of whoever's OPR this bullet is going on that doesn't make it right. Once again. the SIMILARITY to Army infantry cords is not okay. Chalk you down for reading comprhension.
SrA Snuff, Right Coast
10/17/2012 12:08:04 AM ET
Don't be fooled this is in response to the Commander Directed Investigation and California Congresswoman Jackie Speier. This is another measure implemented at the suggestion of the Congresswoman and nothing more. This little rope will do nothing. Absolutely nothing. How about we have some stones AETC and stand up and say that 99 percent of MTIs AMTs MTLs and Instructors are doing what's right instead of rolling over while Speier calls us all rapist.
Shawn, AETC Fantasy Land
10/16/2012 8:37:39 PM ET
I pity the poor bastards that volunteer or are volutold into this position. I can't think of a quicker way to ostracize someone.
A1C Islander, Hickam
10/16/2012 7:15:09 PM ET
This is a mistake that is going to cost a student. While I understand the purpose my question is why I'm sure the answer is that for a student if the assault is from an instructor or MTL then they may not feel comfortable reporting it up the chain. My question is then where is the teal rope for permanent party who suffer assault from within their chainIf the purpose is just to provide a POC for the students to report assault to then why are we bothering with briefing them on the SAPR office in their inprocessing week Why bother training victim's advocates.My biggest fear is that this misguided program is going to lead to a student accidentally making an unrestricted report.Bottom line--good intent bad execution.
Tony, LA
10/16/2012 5:16:14 PM ET
The AF has used the ropes at tech schools for a long time: red ropes, black ropes, yellow ropes. Saying this particular rope is copying infantry cords is actually inaccurate.
Bravo Romeo, Fort Meade
10/16/2012 4:16:23 PM ET
this is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long long time.
are you, kidding me
10/16/2012 4:10:36 PM ET
I'd invite the Air Force to try this out at a tech school that shares space with Army or on an Army post and see how long it lasts. The similarity to infantry cords that the Army wears is insulting to them. Whoever thought of this should be ashamed.
SrA Snuff, Right Coast
10/16/2012 3:54:59 PM ET
Nice Infantry cord.
RG, Nellis
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