Food & Drinking Water Protection 

Information regarding food and drinking water safety and defense for the U.S. Army and other DOD customers. Information and guidance on food and drinking water safety, inspections, sources, service facilities, and sanitation.

Soldier in the field eating a healthy meal


Commercial Audits

Commercial food, bottled water, and ice production facilities wishing to sell their products to DoD are inspected by Public Health Command veterinary personnel to verify compliance with regulatory, industry, and DoD requirements.  If the commercial food production facility passes the audit, it is placed on the Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurem... (more)

Drinking Water

Information on providing high-quality drinking water and safe recreational waters for DoD installations and deployed forces worldwide.  ... (more)

Food & Drug Recalls

A DoD All Food and Drug Acts (ALFOODACT) message contains information on recalls or potential recalls of foods, nonprescription drugs, nonprescription medical devices, and health and beauty aids which are known or suspected to be hazardous or have been tampered with and are or may be in the DoD system. The DoD's ALFOODACT message system provides worldwide distribution of Defense Logistics Agency... (more)

Food & Water Risk Assessments

Food & Water Risk Assessments (FWRA) are conducted when there are no or insufficient DoD approved food sources available to support short-term events and exercises outside the continual United States (OCONUS). Food, bottled water, and ice suppliers and providers are inspected using a risk based assessment for actual or potential health threats; intentional and unintentional adulteration of the... (more)

Food Defense

Food Defense works to prevent the intentional contamination of food, bottled water, and ice from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) or physical agents. It takes an integrated and coordinated effort between such agencies as intelligence, antiterrorism/force protection, police, public health, and food establishment personnel to evaluate and address personnel, physical, and operationa... (more)

Food Safety

Whether at home or deployed, Food Safety is important to everyone's health.  Food Safety includes everything from proper food storage, washing hands, preventing cross contamination of foods during preparation, proper cooking temperatures, clean up and disinfection and many steps in between. The U.S. Army Public Health Command (USAPHC) personnel perform sanitation inspections of all food serving fa... (more)

Operational Rations

An Operational Ration (OPRAT)  is standard pack, individual or group ration purchased by Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Troop Support for the purpose of feeding military troops during training or in an operational environment [as opposed to Humanitarian Daily Rations (HDRs) which are intended to feed large populations of displaced persons.] DLA Troop Support maintains specific requirements for wha... (more)