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Trip to Iraq

I have just returned from my most recent trip to Iraq where I made stops in Baghdad, Fallujah, and Ramadi.  During my trip, my goal was to determine if the new strategy – the Baghdad Security Plan – is working.  As I have done in the past, I will post my “Iraq Journal” on my website where constituents can read about who I met with and what I saw on my trip. 

This was my third trip to the region since December of 2003, and each time I go to Iraq I see a country that is better than my previous trip.  Our troops’ efforts are making a difference.  From security in neighborhoods to irrigation systems on farms, Iraq is slowly getting on its feet.  To be sure, significant obstacles remain and setbacks will occur along the way, but I believe our troops can successfully complete their mission.

Supporting a Taxpayer Bill of Rights

While serving in Congress, I have been part of the fiscally responsible Republican Study Committee (RSC), which is a group of members who put a high priority on spending taxpayer dollars wisely.  The RSC has often stood up against irresponsible policies that expand government spending and create or continue wasteful federal programs.  Each year, more and more taxpayer dollars get poured into these programs in a seemingly unending cycle of budget madness.

We at the RSC believe there is a better way.  Therefore, this week the RSC will launch the “Taxpayer Bill of Rights.”  The goal of this initiative is to reform how taxpayer dollars are spent and develop solutions to current budget challenges.  If successful, it will lead to policies that help protect taxpayers from over-spending, over-taxation, and budget deficits.  More details on this initiative will be unveiled in the days and weeks ahead, and I will be sure to include them in future Roundups.

Date and Locations Set for 2007 Academy Forums

This year’s Academy Forums will take place on Saturday, March 31.  These forums are open to all students, including those currently in middle school, who want to learn more about attending one of America’s four military service academies.  Parents, counselors, and teachers are also invited.  Liaison officers from the Air Force Academy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Naval Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy will be present to answer any questions regarding the academies or the application process.  Information will also be available for university-level Reserved Officer Training Corps programs.

The day’s first forum will take place in Abilene at Cisco Junior College (Room 152) located at 717 E. Industrial Blvd.  Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m.  The Lubbock forum will be held in the Science Education Center at the Science Spectrum located at 2579 South Loop 289.  Registration will begin at 1:30 p.m. with the presentations beginning at 2:00 p.m.
