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State of the Union Address: What to Look For

President Bush will deliver his seventh State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 23.  I encourage everyone to tune in and listen carefully to his speech, which will air live on most news stations at approximately 8:00 p.m. Texas time.  Regardless of one’s thoughts on the issues, the State of the Union is an important part of the democratic process and helps shape what will be some of the major topics of debate for the coming year.  This year’s speech should be especially interesting considering the transition occurring in Iraq and the new leadership dynamic in Congress.

The White House, as usual, isn’t releasing the text of the speech ahead of time, but there are I few topics the President is likely to address.  Concerning the War on Terror, he will likely restate his new strategy for victory in Iraq and other efforts to defend America and its citizens.  I suspect he will also talk on the need to build on the economic progress made in recent years.  Thirdly, there is a good chance he will talk about the need to reform health insurance in this country and increase access to affordable health care.

Committee Assignments

At the beginning of each Congress (every two years), committee and subcommittees assignments are determined.  For the upcoming session, I will begin my third term on the Agriculture Committee, as well as continue serving on the Financial Services and Science and Technology Committees.

I’m especially looking forward to the work ahead on the Ag Committee.  With many of the 2002 Farm Bill provisions expiring this year, 2007 will be a big year for agriculture as we work to renew many of the programs from this successful and popular legislation.  In addition to being the top-ranking member of the Ag Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture, I will also serve on the subcommittee which oversees farm commodities and crop insurance.

I will also begin my second term on the Financial Services Committee where I have been selected to serve as the Deputy Ranking Republican on the panel.  As part of the leadership of this committee, I will have the opportunity to shape policy that affects small businesses and local financial institutions that, along with agriculture, make up the heart of the 19th District’s economy.
