The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators

Job Creators Speak Out

Small business owners discuss how regulations impact them

Vantage has sought to minimize electricity consumption at their data centers. The price of electricity in America has caused many in their industry to flee to countries with cheaper electricity. New Utility MACT standards will raise electricity prices, impact environmentally friendly data centers like Vantage, and send more high paying jobs over seas.
On October 12, 2011, The House of Representatives passed three free trade agreements with Panama, Columbia, and South Korea. Job creators from manufacturing and farming industries visited lawmakers to discuss the importance of these agreements. President Obama signed the Free Trade Agreements into law, and they are expected to create 250,000 jobs in America and increase America's competitiveness in the global market.
Cement industry job creators discuss the harmful regulations of the Cement MACT Rule. On October 6th, the House passed The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011. This bill, if signed into law, could save thousands of jobs and reduce unnecessary regulations on the construction industry. Unfortunately, it is stuck in the Democrat-controlled Senate along with 38 other bipartisan jobs bills.
National Cement is an Alabama-based cement manufacturer. Due to the EPA's Cement MACT rules and other conflicting regulations, National Cement's plant construction expansion project had to be placed on hold. On October 6th, the House passed The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 which has the potential to save thousands of jobs in the construction industry.
Katschnig, a fourth generation farmer from Illinois, discusses the impact that the proposed EPA Farm Dust rules will have on his farming. On December 8, the House passed the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act, which would stop the proposed rule in its tracks. Unfortunately, this bill is languishing in the Senate, awaiting action along with 38 other bills.
Sunflower Electric Power Corporation is a not-for-profit electric utility cooperative in central and western Kansas. Sunflower is battling proposed EPA rules, which would halt the continued development of Sunflower's new coal-based electricity generating unit, costing over 2,000 jobs, and $2 billion in private investment. The proposed MACT rule will stop the financing and construction of all new coal-fired units in the U.S. Currently, there are twelve other similar projects worth more than $50 billion and 18,000 jobs at stake.