Energy, Agriculture & The Environment

"I am dedicated to ensuring that Texas receives its fair share of government funding in support of its infrastructure. We must work together to ensure that the natural resources of our great state continue to support the prosperity and success of all Texans."

                                             -- U.S. Senator John Cornyn

  • The United States has become too dependent on other nations for approximately sixty percent of the oil it consumes. This reliance on foreign oil allows other nations to dictate the price of energy in our country and threatens our economic security.
  • Encouraging conservation, developing alternative energy sources, and increasing the responsible production of our domestic sources of fossil fuels will help make our nation more energy independent.
  • I strongly support reasonable oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Developing a strong, comprehensive energy plan is a top priority for me.
  • Texas has more highway miles than any other state. Our transportation corridor is vital to continued prosperity, and I will ensure that Texas transportation needs are met.
  • Agriculture is vital to the Texas economy; one in five jobs in our state is related to the agriculture industry.
  • Our environment is a beautiful gift; we must preserve this gift for our children and grandchildren.