HHS/ASPE. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.Background


This list gives you the acronym and meaning about words and terms found throughout documents on this site, as well as other acronyms used in the Alzheimer's community.* PLEASE NOTE: Some acronyms may stand for more than one phrase.

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3MS   Modified Mini-Mental State Examination

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AA   Arachidonic Acid
AAA   Area Agencies on Aging
AACD   Aging-Associated Cognitive Decline
AAMI   Age-Associated Memory Impairment
AAN   American Academy of Neurology
ABCN   American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
ABI   Ankle-Brachial Index
ACA   Affordable Care Act
ACE   Angiotensin 1 Converting Enzyme
ACF   HHS Administration for Children and Families
ACL   Administration for Community Living
ACTIVE   Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly trial
AD   Alzheimer's Disease
AD8   Ascertain Dementia
ADAPT   Alzheimer's Disease Anti-inflammatory Prevention Trial
ADAS-Cog   Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale
ADCS   Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study
ADD   HHS Administration on Developmental Disabilities
ADDLC   Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Leadership Council
ADEAR   Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral
ADEPT   Adult Development and Enrichment Project
ADL   Activity of Daily Living
ADNI   Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
ADRC   Aging and Disability Resource Center
ADRD   Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
ADCS   Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study
ADSSP   Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program
AFA   Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
AHRQ   HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AIM   Alzheimer’s Impact Movement
ALFA   Assisted Living Federation of America
aMCI   Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
AoA   HHS Administration on Aging
AORP   Alzheimer’s Disease Outreach and Registry Program
AOTA   American Occupational Therapy Association
APA   American Psychological Association
ApoE   Apolipoprotein E protein
APOE   Apolipoprotein E gene
APOE e4   Epsilon 4 allele of the Apolipoprotein E gene
APP   Amyloid Precursor Protein
APS   Adult Protective Services
APSC   Area Planning and Services Committee
ARIC   Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study
ASA   Acetylsalicylate (aspirin)
ASD   Oklahoma Aging Services Division
ASPA   HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
ASPE   HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
AVLT   Auditory Verbal Learning Test
AWV   Annual Wellness Visit

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BDI   Beck Depression Inventory
BIO   Biotechnology Industry Organization
BMI   Body Mass Index
BNT   Boston Naming Test
BP   Blood Pressure
BRFSS   Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
BSRT   Babcock Story Recall Test
BVRT   Benton Visual Retention Test

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CAD   Coronary Artery Disease
CADRO   Common Alzheimer’s Disease Research Ontology
CALA   California Assisted Living Association
CASI   Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument
CARIE   Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly
CCSQ   CMS Center for Clinical Standards and Quality
CDC   HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CDR   Clinical Dementia Rating
CDR-SB   Clinical Dementia Rating-Sum of Boxes
CEAL   Center for Excellence in Assisted Living
CEE   Conjugated Equine Estrogen
CERAD   Consortium of Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease
CERT   Center on Effective Rehabilitation Technology
CES-D   Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale
CHD   Coronary Heart Disease
CHF   Congestive Heart Failure
CI   --  Confidence Interval
--  Cognitive Impairment
CIND   Cognitive Impairment Not Demented
CLC   Community Living Center
CME   Continuing Medical Education
CMMI   Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
CMS   HHS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CNS   Central Nervous System
COPD   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COWA   Controlled Oral Word Association test
CRP   C-Reactive Protein
CSI-D   Community Screening Interview for Dementia
CVA   Cerebrovascular Accident
CVD   Cardiovascular Disease
CVLT   California Verbal Learning Test

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DALTCP   ASPE Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy
DBP   Diastolic Blood Pressure
DCT   Digit Cancellation Test
DHA   Docosahexaenoic Acid
DHEA   Dehydroepiandosterone
DHP-CCB   Dihydropyridine-Calcium Channel Blockers
DIAN   Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network
DLB   Dementia with Lewy Bodies
DM   Diabetes Mellitus
DoD   U.S. Department of Defense
DSM   Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders
DSST   Digit Symbol Sustitution Test
DWR   Delayed Word Recall

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EERP   EmFinders Elopement Risk Program
EJA   Elder Justice Act
EML   Early Memory Loss
EPA   Eicosapentaenoic Acid
EPC   Evidence-based Practice Center

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FACA   Federal Advisory Committee Act
FDA   HHS Food and Drug Administration
FFRDC   Federally Funded Research and Development Center
FOA   Funding Opportunity Announcement
FTD   Frontotemporal Dementia
FTT   Finger Tapping Test

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GDS   Geriatric Depression Scale
GEC   Geriatric Education Centers
GEE   Generalized Estimated Equations
GEM   Geriatric Evaluation and Management
GRADE   Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
GRECC   Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center
GWAS   Genome-Wide Association Studies

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HAN   Healthy Aging Research Network
HBPC   Home Based Primary Care
HCBS   Home and Community-Based Services
HDDS   Hasegawa Dementia Screening Scale
HDL   High Density Lipoprotein
HDL-C   High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol
HDRS   Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
HFFQ   Harvard Food Frequency Questionnaire
HHS   U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HIPAA   Health Information Portability and Accountability Act
HIT   Health Information Technology
HMG-CoA   3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarly-coenzyme A
HMO   Health Maintenance Organization
HPEB   South Carolina Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior
HR   Hazard Ratio
HRSA   HHS Health Resources and Services Administration
HRT   Hormone Replacement Therapy
HTN   Hypertension
HUD   U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

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IADL   Instrumental Activity of Daily Living
IADRP   International Alzheimer's Disease Research Portfolio
IHS   HHS Indian Health Service
IL-1B   Interleukin-1beta
IL-6   Interleukin-6
IOM   Institute of Medicine
IQ   Intelligence Quotient

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JNC VII   Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

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None at this time.

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LBD   Lewy Body Dementias
LBDA   Lewy Body Dementia Association
LDL   Low Density Lipoprotein
LEAD   Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer's Disease
LOAD   Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease
LTSS   Long-Term Services and Supports

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MAC   Memory Assessment Clinics
MCD   Mild Cognitive Disorder
MCI   Mild Cognitive Impairment
MDD   Major Depressive Disorder
MeSH   Medical Subject Heading
MI   Myocardial Infarction
MIRECC   Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center
MMSE   Mini-Mental State Examination
MNC   Mild Neurocognitive disorder
MPA   Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
MSQ   Mental Status Questionnaire
mTICS   Modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status
MUFA(s)   Monoumsaturated Fatty Acid

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NAN   National Academy of Neuropsychology
NAPA   National Alzheimer's Project Act
NASUAD   National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
NCEP-ATPIII   National Cholesterol Education Program-3rd Adult Treatment Panel guideline
NDSS   National Down Syndrome Society
NIA   HHS National Institute on Aging
NIH   HHS National Institutes of Health
NIMH   HHS National Institutes of Mental Health
NINCDS-ADRDA   National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disease and Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association
NLRC   National Legal Resource Center
NOTEGA   National Organization To Stop Elder Abuse and Guardianship Abuse
NQF   National Quality Forum
NREPP   National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices
NSAID   Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflemmatory Drug
NS   Not Statistically significant
NSF   National Science Foundation
NTG   National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices
NYU   New York University

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OAR   NIH Office of AIDS Research
OASH   HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
OAA   Older Americans Act
OMAR   Office of Medical Applications of Research
OR   Odds Ratio

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PACE   Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
PACT   Patient-Aligned Care Team
PDD   Parkinson's Disease Dementia
PHSA   Public Health Service Act
PMA   --  Prepare Minnesota for Alzheimer's Disease
--  Primary Mental Abilities
PSPC   Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative
PUFA   Polyunsaturated Fally Acid
PVD   Peripheral Vascular Disease
PWD   People Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

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QIO   Quality Improvement Organization

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R2P   Research to Prevention
RCT   Randomized Clinical Trial
RDAD   Reducing Disability in Alzheimer’s Disease
REACH   Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health
RERI   Relative Excess Risk from Interaction
RFI   Request for Information
RR   Relative Risk
RVLT   Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

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SAMHSA   HHS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SBIR   Small Business Innovation Research
SBP   Systolic Blood Pressure
SBT   Short Blessed Test
SCOPE   Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly
SD   Standard Deviation
SDMT   Symbol Digit Modalities Test
SE   Standard Error
SEB   Syndrom of the Emotional Breakdown
SERM   Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
SES   Socioeconomic Status
SF-36   Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey
SFA   Saturated Fatty Acid
SHEP   Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program
SIS   Six-Item Screener
SNP   Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism
SPMSQ   Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire
STAI   State Trait Anxiety Inventory
STMS   Short Test of Mental Status
SWHR   Society for Women's Health Research
Syst-Eur   Systolic Hypertension in Europe trial

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TBI   Traumatic Brain Injury
TCE   Targeted Capacity Expansion
TEP   Technical Expert Panel
TFAM   Transcription Fractor A, Mitochondrial
TIA   Transient Ischemic Attack
TICS   Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status
TICS-m   Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status-modified version
TNK1   Tyrosine Kinase, Non-recptor 1
Trials A/B   Trail Making Test Part A/B
Trials B   Trail Making Test Part B
TRND   Therapeutics For Rare And Neglected Diseases

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USPSTF   U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

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VA   U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VAD   Vascular Alzheimer's Disease
VALA   Virginia Assisted Living Association
VHA   Veterans Health Administration
VRT   Visual Reproduction Test (immediate and delayed recall) from the Wechsler Memory Scale

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WAIS   Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
WAIS-R   Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised
WF   Word Fluency Test
WHO   World Health Organization
WMD   Weighted Mean Difference
WMS   Wechsler Memory Scale
WMS-R   Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised

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None at this time.

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None at this time.

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None at this time.

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In addition to the NAPA website pages, acronyms have been used from:

  1. Williams JW, Plassman BL, Burke J, et al. (April 2010). Preventing Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Decline. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 193).

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NAPA Home Page

Home Pages:
Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP)
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Last updated: 10/15/2012