U.S. Congressman Kenny Marchant

Proudly Serving the 24th District of Texas
Press Releases

Marchant Honored as Guardian of Small Business

Washington, Sep 13 - The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) recognized Congressman Kenny Marchant (TX-24) with their Guardian of Small Business Award which recognizes Marchant’s outstanding record of voting on behalf of America’s small business owners. 

Dan Danner, NFIB President and CEO, said, “The record shows that Rep. Marchant is a true champion of small business, having stood strong on the key small-business votes in the 112th Congress. This award reflects our members’ appreciation for supporting the NFIB pro-growth agenda for small business.”

“As someone who owned and operated a small business for many years, it is an honor to receive this award,” said Marchant. “When small businesses can’t thrive, neither can our nation. I am so proud to be called a guardian of small business and I will continue to do everything I can to allow America’s small businesses to succeed by opposing tax hikes and unnecessary red tape.”

NFIB is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to promote and protect the rights of its members to own, operate and grow their businesses. 


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