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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Spot The Block Campaign for Parents

Spot The Block Campaign: For Parents

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Helping your kids understand how to read the Nutrition Facts Label on food packages is important. After all, the label is a tool for making food choices that they’ll be able to use throughout their lives. And the sooner they begin to Spot the Block, the sooner they’ll be making healthful choices when comparing foods.

There are lots of ready-made, informative tools to help you help your kids get their food facts first.  Check them out below – and have fun engaging with your child as you Spot the Block together!

Around the Block

Around the Block Parent Sitelet

You and your kids can work as a team to develop nutrition facts awareness and lifelong healthful eating habits. Around the Block can help you share the importance of reading the Nutrition Facts Label with your children.

TipSpot the Block Parent Tips

Help your children learn about nutrition and establish healthful dietary habits in everyday situations. Check out these tips for talking about using the Nutrition Facts Label on food packages at home, at the supermarket, in the cafeteria, and at fast food restaurants.

PDF icon (download PDF, 2.14MB)

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A Key to Choosing HealthfulA Key to Choosing Healthful Foods

This printable fact sheet offers information to help make quick, informed food choices that contribute to healthy life-long eating habits for the entire family.

PDF icon (download PDF, 550KB)

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Eating Healthier and Feeling Better iconEating Healthier and Feeling Better

The label makes it easy to determine the amounts of nutrients in a food, and to compare one product to another. This booklet contains information about using the label while planning meals, shopping, and cooking.    

PDF icon (download PDF, 302KB)


