OCFO : Private Sector : TFMEP
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Welcome to the TRICARE Financial Management Education Program (TFMEP) homepage. The TFMEP course provides a financial overview of the Military Health System (MHS) and a TRICARE business environment orientation. Topics that will be covered include: M2, MHS Budget Process, Private Sector Care, the Prospective Payment System (PPS), T3, TRICARE Regional Office (TRO) operations and the Realignment, Referral & Recapture (RRR) data tool--Basic Course Only.

> Contact Us, If you have a question or wish to sponsor a TFMEP Course.

TFMEP San Diego PresentationParticipants may attend a TFMEP Executive or Basic course. The Executive course is two days and targets individuals making decisions in organizations. The Basic course is three days and targets individuals responsible for gathering decision support data. The Basic course’s curriculum covers all the material in the Executive version plus has a block of instruction on the RRR data tool and a hands-on M2 workshop. The courses have no rank restrictions. Classes are limited in size to promote an interactive environment amongst Subject Matter Experts and class participants.

> Register for a class today!

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