HHS/ASPE. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.Background

Poor Finances:
Assets and Low-Income Households

Principal Investigators:
Signe-Mary McKernan and Michael Sherraden
The Urban Institute

Project began September 2007

This project is available on the Internet at:

How to obtain printed copies of reports


Poor Finances is a series of reports on poverty, asset building, and social policy.  The purpose of the series is to assess the nascent state of knowledge and policy development and to synthesize recent progress in these areas.  America has a longstanding history of promoting ownership, and new opportunities for people to save will likely increase the number of individuals and families able to build assets and improve the economic security of all Americans.  Greater inclusivity and accessibility of traditional approaches to expanding ownership may make it easier for lower and middle income families to save.  While the focus of this series of reports is on asset accumulation and asset-based policies for low-income individuals and families, the conceptual frameworks developed are not limited to low-income populations.  This broad approach helps to identify the overall critical issues that relate to asset holding for all populations.

Introduction to the Series

Available Reports in the Series:

Questions about the Project or any of the Papers?

Please contact:
Gretchen Lehman
Social Science Analyst
Office of Human Services Policy
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave SW, Room 426F.6
Washington, DC 20201
202-401-6614 (phone)
202-690-6562 (fax)

How to Obtain a Printed Copy

To obtain a printed copy of any of the above reports, send the title and your mailing information to:

Human Services Policy, Room 404E
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Fax:  (202) 690-6562
Email:  pic@hhs.gov

You may also just print the PDF version.

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Human Services Policy (HSP)
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Last updated: 08/03/2009