Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Viral Video About Body Scanners

A video is making its way around the interwebs this morning from some guy claiming he figured out a way to beat our body scanners (imaging technology).

I watched the video and it is a crude attempt to allegedly show how to circumvent TSA screening procedures.

For obvious security reasons, we can’t discuss our technology's detection capability in detail, however TSA conducts extensive testing of all screening technologies in the laboratory and at airports prior to rolling them out to the entire field. Imaging technology has been extremely effective in the field and has found things artfully concealed on passengers as large as a gun or nonmetallic weapons, on down to a tiny pill or tiny baggies of drugs. It’s one of the best tools available to detect metallic and non-metallic items, such as… you know… things that go BOOM.

With all that said, it is one layer of our 20 layers of security (Behavior Detection, Explosives Detection Canines, Federal Air Marshals, , etc.) and is not a machine that has all the tools we need in one handy device. We’ve never claimed it’s the end all be all.

However, our nation's aviation system is much safer now with the deployment of 600 imaging technology units at 140 airports. It is completely safe and the vast majority use a generic image that completely addresses privacy concerns. Also, keep in mind that is optional. Anybody can opt out of the body scanner for a pat-down. 

If you’d like to comment on an unrelated topic you can do so in our Off Topic Comments post. You can also view our blog post archives or search our blog to find a related topic to comment in. If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact a Customer Support Manager at the airport you traveled, or will be traveling through by using Talk to TSA


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Anonymous said...

"Things that go boom"

The TSA can make jokes about explosives and airplanes but the general public is automatically treated as terrorists for doing the same thing?

Anonymous said...

The American People will not be satisfied until the TSA is disbanded and actual security put in place.


Anonymous said...

This post was poorly crafted and appears to be counterproductive to your apparent goal of reassuring citizens and downplaying the video made by Jonathan Corbett.

aka "crude attempt" at misinformation.

Anonymous said...

What a joke.

bifsplik said...

The TSA no doubt has confiscated thousands of 'dangerous weapons' during its tenure. The question is, have any of the owners of those weapons been prosecuted as terrorists?

Anonymous said...

so these naked body scanners are so ineffective that the TSA needs 19 other layers of security to keep us "safe"

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to repeat this comment, since it is worded so perfectly, and I couldn't say this better myself:

* * *

This was such a carefully worded blog post that one can safely conclude that the vulnerability described in the video is true.

I especially like your use of phrases like "some guy" and "crude attempt" in an attempt to discredit the allegations without actually addressing the allegations themselves.

Anonymous said...

Time to remove the defective scanners and save the country $8+ billion a year. Take the metal detectors and put them back in service. The TSA should start looking for others ways to reduce their expenses, like the rest of the citizens are doing now.

Keir said...

The article ignored the specific claims made by a concerned public citizen who provided video evidence that he beat the system. Instead, it decided to simply congratulate itself whilst dropping ad hominems to attack the citizen himself. Pretty shameful. And I still will not visit the US and have my wife and son subjected to officials who wear uniforms that make them feel entitled to trample on recognised decency and common sense.

Anonymous said...

I know first hand that that TSA misses objects that are on the banned list. I fly frequently and more than once have forgotten to remove large tubes of toothpaste, food, and sharp objects (once a butter knife made it through!) from my carry on. Sometimes TSA catches them, sometimes it doesn't. TSA is full of crap with it's 20 layers of security. It's not that good.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What the guy did could be defeated by having the person being scanned turn sideways.

Sure- let's irradiate everyone TWICE- once from the front/back, once from the side. That'll solve everything.

FK said...

Anonymous said...
If this is true and I doubt that it is, he just told people how to kill you. And you people put him on a pedastal and make a hero out of him. Priceless.

If this is true, then the TSA has spent Billions of dollars on useless technology that can't keep us safe. THAT's what'll kill you. And you just keep ignoring that and blaming the messenger. Priceless.

Theeler said...

So would someone be able to sneak a "crude" weapon like a box cutter through this scanner using this "crude" method? And then use the plane as a "crude" cruise missile?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what our military would have to say about the legitimacy of crude forms of destruction. Especially after ten years of dealing with IED's. Your dismissive tone towards the video just further illustrates the incompetence of the TSA. You can brag after we stop seeing news stories of TSA personnel missing loaded firearms during screenings.

Mark Walters said...

When will it be time to end the security theater? Follow the money - who profits from these scanners - the TSA union employees that run them, the TSA management that use it to justify their existence, and the manufacturer!

THe Federal Government should return the scanners and demand their money back and put these manufacturers out of business. Too bad no one seems interested in doing that.

Anonymous said...

"People willing to trade their freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both."

Ben Franklin

Anonymous said...

We need to get the government out of our airports if we truly want to fly safely.

Anonymous said...

How many terrorists and bombs have the TSA found so far again?

Jim Huggins said...

And now, reports are circulating that TSA is "suggesting" to major media outlets that they not cover this story. Why?

Anonymous said...

seriously.... enough with the 'crude attempt' comments and long blah blah blah blog. in two short sentences... just state the facts. a) claim wont/can happen b) tsa knew/didnt know you could bypass security in this manner

geeesh, blah blah blah just does not work.. seriously 'we the people' arent that stupid. QUESTION: 'Do really think we are that stupid?'. thanks.... We The People Of The United States

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

TSA = Thousands Standing Around.

Cliff said...

The mere fact that you point out the TSA is looking for baggies of pot in body scans highlights the blatant scope creep of your so-called "mission" at our airports. When I think of how much I'm paying taxes to support the police state thugocracy known as the TSA it absolutely makes my blood boil.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so you're now saying that one of the primary functions of the TSA is to find "a little pill" or small quantities of drugs? That's interesting because when we gave up our liberties in order to travel, we were told it was only because we were all going to die in terrorist events otherwise.

It's good to know that now we're safe from a person who has a single pill for their own use. I know I'll sleep better tonight.

Dave Shevett said...

Anonymous said If this is true and I doubt that it is, he just told people how to kill you. And you people put him on a pedastal and make a hero out of him. Priceless.

You poor deluded soul. The people who would use this technique already know how to do this. That's the point. People have been telling the TSA for YEARS that these machines are ineffective and foolish. Just because someone doesn't talk about it doesn't mean they're not broken. The scanner machines have been shown to have gaping security holes - and you choose to attack the person who is pointing out the flaws?

If Corbett (and many others like him) take your approach, and choose to never say anything, do you honestly think the "bad guys" would never learn of the security flaws? They already know, and yet the TSA continues to spend BILLIONS of dollars on these devices, even after people like Corbette have told the TSA time and time again that the machines can be easily circumvented.

Private communication with the TSA has proven to be ineffective. Nothing happens, the problems are not fixed, and billions are still being spent. The only way to get attention on the problem is going public like this.

Anonymous said...

So what you're saying is that multiple layers of your security failed in this case. We’ve spent a trillion dollars since the formation of the TSA and passengers on planes have been responsible for stopping more terrorists than the TSA.

Anonymous said...

Seems like using box cutters to hi-jack a plane, then using said plane as a missle, was .... a crude method.
Evidently we are only interested in stopping the flashy, law-abiding bad guys.

Anonymous said...

You mention the safety of the body scanners off the cuff with a link. If they are so safe, why is the TSA dragging its feet on safety reports?

Anonymous said...

Just curious, Bob, why is TSA threatening the media not to discuss this story?


Anonymous said...

Why are people so angry at government? Because of the huge waste of money and the condescending attitude of people who are supposed to SERVE the public.

MrNiceGuy said...

This guy lost me at "Interwebs". Not the sharpest knife in the drawer I'd say. Bwaa ha ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Please release the surveillance video of Jon's journey past your several layers of protection. He has given you permission.

OtisMyMan said...

Blogger Bob:

Surely your post on this subject isn't your best work or an accurate reflection of your blogging capabilities? It would be so unfair for me to draw any conclusions or correlations about the caliber of this piece to the standard of service provided by the TSA.

Also, maybe you can enlighten me on the the reasons for the law enforcement type uniforms and bades now worn by TSA employees that have been given no law enforcement training, are not authorized to arrest and detain, and who's hiring qualifications do not meet the federal minimum requirement for law enforcement officers. I will grant you, the TSA hiring adds on the pizza boxes are indeed "out of the box".

Anonymous said...

This blog doesn't at all address how Mr. Corbett was able to get it through the image scanners (and other supposedly 20 layers of security) and instead, tries to discredit/dismiss his valuable contribution to the discourse on aviation security. Every time i go through security, i get a feeling most of the procedures are so useless in detecting any potential threat. Coming from a US govt. agency, this is a disgrace.

Another thing which has never been addressed by TSA is the health effects of radiation from these machines. Even Europe has decided not to deploy any of them due to health concerns.

Anonymous said...

Complete lack of honesty.

My favorite part is ...if you don't like the machine we ll provide an actual person to grope you and invade your privacy in the name of false security.

mmilesll said...

The real problem with the scanners is that TSA didn't spend enough money on them. Why even try to hide the fact that they haven't caught ONE terrorist and that the X Ray machine is extremely dangerous to your health.

Anonymous said...

The TSA is just another gross embarassment to the American image, both at home and aboard.

Keith said...

Dear Bob,
If there's "no issue" with "some guy", then why is Sari Koshetz (a TSA representative) actively intimidating News Outlets from sharing the story?

Anonymous said...

I so wish TSA Bob actually travelled and saw the crap that goes on. I'm a weekly flyer. About 33% of the time I try to opt for a pat down I'm told flat out that there is no option to ask for that instead. In fact, some airports are set up so that there is no way to walk around the scanners.

There is nothing we can do when a screener lies to us. The TSA is in a position of authority and they abuse it every week, thousands of times over and over again.

Last week I was actually told that I was going to get a "punitive putdown" because I had a paper clip in my pocket (yes, I had checked my pockets and missed it) after the no-opt out scan.

I think that TSA agent used insider language with me. Because I'd hate to think there really is an official "punitive putdown".

Anonymous said...

Optional? So I can decide which way I can have my privacy violated?
Why don't you have an independent panel certify the scanners as safe?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else get the sense that TSA is not for the people? It seems that their only goal is to try to humiliate and intimidate decent law abiding citizens.

Anonymous said...

Anybody can opt for a pat down? Not sure if bad guys wearing side pockets with things that go boom will want to opt for a pat down.(:

Anonymous said...

So, what you're saying is that even though this person bypassed your security and brought objects through the scanners, the system is still completely safe?

This is about as credible as when the TSA was saying that the images captured couldn't be saved - which was a lie from the word go. Any incriminating image would have to be know.. as EVIDENCE.

It's security theater. Make people take off their shoes, belts, jewelry, objects from their pockets, and then give them no place or time to reasonably collect their things before rushing them out the end of the line.

The most dangerous point in the security line is the constant back-up of people waiting to get through. If anyone was going to set off a fragmentation bomb, it'd be when the crowds are the most thick, right before the entrance to the scanners.

And don't even get me started on the pat-downs of children, babies, seniors, and people with medical conditions like limb replacements.

Anonymous said...

THe first LAW ever enacted by congress..... that you The TSA are subject to is...... The declaration of Independence. It is in fact a law even though its a declaration

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Hey were not happy I thinks its time you leave before We The People toss your butts into the unemployment line.

Anonymous said...

Sad part is its the "crude" attempts that get people killed. Don't dismiss them as meaningless. Take seriously someone who says your system is broken and fix it,please! Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Once again, the TSA proves that its only function is for comic relief.

Spooky J said...

Good going, Bob. You'll probably be promoted and receive a handsome pay increase for toeing the line with your spectacularly mediocre spin attempt.

However, aren't the very people your agency is purported to be protecting us lesser life forms from, just "some guys crudely attempting to circumvent TSA screening procedures?"

That's what I thought; thanks for the clarification. You may proceed.

Anonymous said...

Allegedly? You just need to release the video like you have done so many other times and we will all know for sure.

As an aside, Mr. Corbett used more professional language on his video than you did.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob, I'm kinda curious about something ... You put a link leading to a site about TSA safety that mentions that Johns Hopkins says that these scanners are totally safe. I have actually read that report however, and the truth is that they have serious doubts about the safety of the scanners; and yet, you, the TSA keep crowing about how even Johns Hopkins thinks they are safe. What's the deal Bob?

Anonymous said...

"such as… you know… things that go BOOM"

Wow, that a professional statement! Why not just say "The 'B' word....ick!

Anonymous said...

What a laughable response. The video shows your agency is about the appearance of security and not real security.

Anonymous said...

"20 layers of security"... LOL. This amateur made it through all 20 with ease. You guys didn't even notice that the whole thing was being videotaped. Pathetic. What I take away from this is that TSA has no way to detect explosives. If he had them he would have got them through. Your "crude attempt" to sweep this under the carpet has failed, just like your security procedures.

Anonymous said...

This blog post was as least as well considered as are the other measures TSA has implement ed over the years. And, just as effective too!

Anonymous said...

If your equipment is so sophisticated, why do I have to take tiny bits of paper out of my pockets? Can your expensive machines not tell the difference between my boarding pass and things such as ... you know ... things that go BOOM?

Anonymous said...

Once again the TSA proves that its primary function is........comic relief

Anonymous said...

Stop complaining about everything. If you are against everything they do. You can drive a car.

Anonymous said...

Who said they didn't see the little empty metal container? It wasn't a threat, wasn't detected as one.

Anonymous said...

Director Pistole, directly address Americans' concerns. This is a poor attempt at re-direction and re-framing of the argument. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: the guy got through the "20 layers of security" with metal objects. Billion dollar epic fail.

Anonymous said...

Major Newspeak fail. Your masters will not be pleased, Bob. Run Bob run.

U.S. passenger said...

Read the Joint Majority Staff Report on the TSA, 10 yrs (and 57 billion dollars) later

Utterly pathetic:

setnaffa said...

It was fellow passengers who spotted and their own clumsiness that stopped the shoe and pany bombers, not the TSA. But you have stopped us from bringing our own bottled water. Now we have to buy the vastly overpriced stuff from inside. Do you get a cut?

And last week someone found a box-cutter on a Southwest Airlines jet. It wasn't placed their by a passenger. Are you making the employees go through the same screening? (Hint: no, I've seen them go through security with a wave.)

I am in favor of passengers being safe on airplanes; but why does that always seem to require one of your officers groping my wife?

You made her embarrassed in Albuquerque and Denver--and even made her cry in Salt Lake City. Shame on you!

We drive instead of flying on vacations and business trips. We've given up visiting our families. So you can explain to the airlines why they're going out of business.

Hope your snarky answer made you feel better.

RB said...

Another report of TSA trying to supress free speech in the media.

You guys go to the Soviet Union School of Government?

March 8, 2012 at 3:34 pm | #11
Reply | Quote

We were also “strongly cautioned” not to cover the story. We did anyway at SmarterTravel:

Anonymous said...

no one believes you. they believe the person who made the video.

Anonymous said...

Aren't these supposed to be for security purposes? Why are you using them to search people for drugs (or any other contraband for that matter) without a warrant?
This is illegal and anyone participating in it should be promptly jailed.

Anonymous said...

How much is Blogger Bob costing our bankrupt country? Why should we have to pay an incompetent PR guy dressed up as "Blogger Bob" to try to cover up for TSA's arrogant, dangerous, incompetence?

Anonymous said...

If the devices were so good then how did the shoe and underwear "bombers" get through with explosives. Besides that, our airlines were just as safe before all these privacy invading machines were put into place. 9/11 would of been completely prevented by simply having metal doors to the cockpit and a tazer or rubber bullet gun available to the pilots.

Treating all flies as suspect terrorists is not the answer.

Don Dunn said...

Let's see Mr. Corbett try the same experiment with something that might be dangerous instead of a "metal object." Maybe someone will visit him in prison.

And why get into a discussion of whether or not his "method" works? Let's all be grateful that TSA is doing its best to keep us safe. Sure, it's a cause for concern if the scanners aren't 100% effective in any and all conditions (hey, what if there's an electrical failure just as an Al Quaida goes into a scanner?!!!) but you tell me any security system that is flawless and foolproof. So what's the point, guys, of disputing the "careful wording," etc. in Bob's post, or demanding that he acknowledge a TSA failure?

Anonymous said...

TSA, did you hire a 5th grader to write this entry???

Anonymous said...

The TSA answer wouldbe4 be very convincing if they did what the blogger did and then showed a video that indicated that it either worked or did not work...they are instead asking us to take their word that it does not work;.

Anonymous said...

Good going, Bob. You'll probably be promoted and receive a handsome pay increase for toeing the line with your spectacularly mediocre spin attempt.

However, aren't the very people your agency is purported to be protecting us lesser life forms from, just "some guys crudely attempting to circumvent TSA screening procedures?"

That's what I thought; thanks for the clarification. You may proceed.

Anonymous said...

1. "Anonymous said...
That video would not hold up in any court because it shows absolutely nothing. "

What does that even mean? This has nothing to do with any court case. The question is 'does the scanner hold up in reality?" and the answer seems to be no.

2. Anonymous said...
"Why do you search for drugs? I would not think that is in your founding mandate."

Apparently you haven't been around here very long. The TSA is not searching for drugs. By mentioning that they have found drugs, they merely mean to illustrate how effective their scanner is at detecting concealed objects on the front or back of people. This is very important, because the vast majority of passengers are walking two-dimensional cutouts, and there are additional "layers" aimed at those few who happen to have three dimensions.

Now if the TSA happens to find drugs they are of course absolutely and without a doubt obliged to summon law enforcement, giving no regard to the fact that they may be ruining someone's life. As we all know, most people who travel with a small quantity of marijuana taped to their groin are evil wicked pushers who are transporting their poison in order to give it to a child as soon as possible.

3. Bob: I am a college instructor at a leading research university that has recently faced budget cuts. We still teach in classrooms without computers and with blackboards and chalk. With the money spent on A SINGLE ONE of these scanners, which at the very best decrease the odds of dying in a terrorist attack by a completely insignificant margin, we could have outfitted every classroom in our building with smart boards, which would have had a real impact on our several hundred students' education. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Bob, you know that every day more and more people are seeing and admitting that the emperor has no clothes, don't you? The folks are beginning to wake up and you and all the TSA line personnel will have to find real jobs.

Anonymous said...

I note that you don't deny that he made it through security or that this vulnerability exists. Glad that my government has been spending tons of money on a system that invades my privacy and doesn't even keep me safe. Why is the TSA blog so proud of finding a baggie of drugs when busting drug users is not the TSA's mandate and in any other circumstance besides boarding a plane, that search would have been unconstitutional?

Anonymous said...

I like how Bob links back to the TSA's own misleading propaganda to prove how safe the scanners are. The studies all say that the backscatter scanners aren't safe for repeated use without lead shields. Then Bob gloats about how successful they are at catching things "as big as a gun" when actual guns are smuggled through all the time during tests and by accident when women forget to take them out of their purses. I just did a search for "tsa misses gun" and got DOZENS of different stories.

Anonymous said...

"For obvious security reasons" - give me a break!

Anonymous said...

A FOIA request of all the comments *not* posted by the TSA moderator would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Honest question, if I read your blog post aloud in a TSA line, would I be apprehended? I have a sneaky suspicion uttering some of these words in a mocking fashion would land me a nice long 'detainment' by some TSA officers.

What worries me is that the mocking approach continues to deal with the issue of personal privacy in such a callous manner.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I'm not sure if you caught this, but since you seem to be the kind of guy who would get a real kick out of seeing his name in print, there is a blog post on a website called econsultancyDOTcom that uses your post as an instructional tool on how not to respond to PR crises. It must feel very good to be used as an example of someone who is bad at their job. But at least you can balance that with the assurance that you are protecting us all from the horrible dangers of having an extra billion dollars or so to spend on actual problems!

Anonymous said...

A crude attempt it may be...but it worked, and I don't think you actually denied that.

The scanners are a psychological tool to perpetuate a state of fear when there is little to be afraid of.

Wake up people.......

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob wrote: "artfully concealed on passengers as large as a gun or nonmetallic weapons, on down to a tiny pill or tiny baggies of drugs. ".

So you are saying that your scanners found an artfully concealed "tiny pill". Was that person arrested for concealing this tiny pill? Was the tiny pill going to go BOOM as you so eloquently write?

Mr. Corbett did indeed get something past the perfectly save infallible scanners. It just wasn't a tiny pill.

Please explain why that a tiny pill was caught by the scanners and what safety issue that "find" pose to the traveling public.

Anonymous said...

Shameful! I'm really sick of this administration attacking the messenger instead of solving problems. From Mr. Obama on down to the people at the airport who get their kicks from groping us or taking pictures of us through our clothing, there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY at all. Anywhere else, people would be arrested for assault for what TSA agents do to us. The blogger watchdog exposed a major flaw in TSA's prurient security procedures and instead of addressing the issue, TSA's blogger deflected and obscured the issue by attacking an American Citizen who is trying to make us safe. Shameful!

Anonymous said...

This blog post can be re-read as: "this video is severely endangering our budget. It is made by poo-poo heads and it is dumb".

gus3 said...

9/11 did not involve smuggling a single thing that went BOOM.

The things that went BOOM were the hijacked jets. The things that were smuggled, didn't go BOOM.

Your attempt to show this viral video as being disconnected from reality, only shows how disconnected the TSA is from reality.

And then you wonder why people have such disdain for the TSA.

John Delano said...

Who is profiting off of all the fear you people spread?

Anonymous said...

Well, if this machine can't catch everything, then the only logically next step is a full blown naked body feel down.

Anonymous said...

Those of you who are surprised/disappointed/upset by the TSA's "incompetence" are erroneously presupposing that it was ever the TSA's goal or purpose to 'protect' you.

The TSA is a billion dollar boondoggle used by the Federal government to peddle the FEAR resulting from the manufactured terrorist threat. When you are scared, you line up like good little lambs and let them irradiate you and grope your genitals.

The defense budget has nearly doubled since 9-11, the TSA has grown by billions, all to save us defenseless Americans from the scary terrorists and their boxcutters. If these scanners are so effective, why did Israel refuse to buy them? If some hack blogger beat the system with a sewing kit from the dollar store, why should I believe that the TSA is still legitimately capable of providing airport security?

You have a seven times greater chance of dying by lightning strike than terrorist attack.

Don't give up your Liberties so carelessly.

Borntobe Political said...

"on down to a tiny pill or tiny baggies of drugs"

I did not know that this was a drug interdiction program.

By what authority does the TSA search and seize "drugs" or any other non lethal item carried on the person of a traveler with out provable cause?

That in and of itself is a violation of our constitutional right against illegal search and seizure.

Show me where I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, this is a joke, right? I'm pretty sure some 10 year old kid wrote this article...oh wait, kids are pretty sharp these days, must have been a 6 year old.

Anonymous said...

You don't get paid to write do you?

Anonymous said...

Bob, after reading your Bio I understand why you are focused on thing that go Boom. However; it was box cutters and human force that caused 911.
That metal object that got through if "packed" and part of a multiple team effort scanning various airports could potentially be catastrophic.
The point is your agency has failed the American Public repeatedly, we expect human error, but a billion dollars worth of machines, that don't work 100% of the time is inxcuseable and the entire procurement team should be fired period. If The TSA were a private company an entire team would be looking for new works and the manufacturer would be facing a tremendous lawsuit in the Delaware court system!

Anonymous said...

No wonder the new FSD at LGA quite after only about 2 months! And the previous 2 or 3 at JFK! and the one at Philly, and the one.....

Anonymous said...

I would like to know,did the guy get though your system or not?Assuming John did get though then he did the tsa a huge favor.

Anonymous said...

Its so simple...somebody hid something and got away with it. Your machines failed and were caught on camera.

Anonymous said...

Stunningly stupid response, Bob. Every time the TSA screws up and is exposed as an incompetent money pit, they deny or deflect.
Here's my problem with airport security. What's the point? To prevent another 9-11 style attack? Seal the cockpit, done. Furthermore, passengers will not sit by during another hijack attempt. As with the passengers on flight 93, passengers realize that the purpose is to fly the aircraft into a building to kill more people. They WILL overtake the hijackers.
So now were talking about protecting the passengers from someone taking down the aircraft. OK, fair enough. But lets think a little. The average commercial flight holds around say, 200-300 people. Cruise ships, high school football stadiums, passenger trains, etc. all hold more yet these people are not forced to submit to humiliating, potentially hazardous screening processes. There is no such thing as security. A terrorist with an RPG or even a lucky shot with an incendiary round from a high power rifle off the departure end of a runway could easily take down an aircraft. These areas are completely unsecured. Insane people willing to sacrifice their lives to kill CAN NOT BE STOPPED, only killed first. After all, the most protected people in the world are US Presidents and look what happened to JFK and Reagan. Even Bush almost got assassinated by a size 7 shoe.
The TSA is fat little piggy that needs to be sent to slaughter. We need to dump the TSA and follow the Israeli model. If people think that we are safer now than before 9-11 you are truly idiots. All this spending is window dressing, an expensive attempt to make the sheeple feel safe. I'd rather be a free American, aware of the risks and able to defend myself than have my tax dollars wasted on the TSA or any other type of faux-security. Lets spend the resources on intelligence and counter terrorism. Not strip searching Grandma or humiliating women by making them pump breast milk in public.

Anonymous said...

TSA knows about these vulnerabilities and knows that the machines are not being used correctly because of time expedience. 2 images are supposed to be taken.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, this is really the official blog of the TSA?? How much more unprofessional and patronizing can this invasive expensive and wasteful branch of the government get?!?!

One would think they would hire someone that could make a strongly worded post instead of "interwebs" and "some guy".

Just illustrates further how badly we need to remove this entire organization from our society.

Azurelee said...

I enjoyed reading this crude attempt to allegedly discredit the viral video, but not as much as I'll enjoy seeing the TSA dismantled and sent packing.

Much love. <3

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter to me whether the video is accurate or not. I will never fly commercial until the Constitution applies at airports.

Anonymous said...

I see that TSA are still promoting FUD. Love the capitalisation of "BOOM".

Anonymous said...

What else CAN TSA do but damage control - and try to make a joke of it.

They have been exposed as a FRAUD and the billions of dollars spent on a system that DOES NOT WORK !!

Anonymous said...

So Bob, is it true that a TSA spokesperson "strongly caution" this journalist not to cover your latest embarrassment?

Yes or no answer, please.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but you're searching for drugs?
As usual you guys are amazing failures. lLso, stop threatening the media from covering the story.

Anonymous said...

This blog post is a remarkable combination of personal attacks against the gentleman who produced the video and willful refusal to appreciate what he revealed.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any convincing data that the scanners are safe to use. Their use in Europe has been discontinued due to cancer concerns. The agents however prefer you go through them because they do not want to deal with you face to face.

Regardless of whether passengers use the scanners or go through the pat downs, there is something seriously wrong when a government agency treats law abiding citizens as common criminals for engaging in a particular line of legal commerce.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, these useless machines have been purchased by my government now and are in trials. So far, the airport security personnel have determined that using these vile machines is slower and less effective than using metal detectors and wands. They are getting a lot of false positives. Wonder of wonders, now we discover that a simple bit of sewing and a moment thinking about how these scanners present images can completely circumvent their effectiveness! So I can opt for a scan, carry a metal box with C4 on board and just stroll through. Way to go!
Bob, you write your blog response to this like a schoolyard bully who is very confident in his position. Talking down to people the way you have here does nothing to improve the profile of the TSA as an organisation. I think you feel really safe and secure in the TSA and that no amount of public anger or opposition will unseat it from it's current position. ...

Anonymous said...

Wow. This blog post is an embarrassment. It's the whole reason that the TSA will never contribute to making us safer. It shows no ability to learn, no humility, an absolute hatred for American citizens, deflection...

All you really did is say that this vulnerability will work, 100% of the time, and you plan to do nothing about it. When somebody gets through with a bomb using this technique, I hope to God that this blog post is replayed endlessly in the congressional hearings.

snowball_in_hell said...

The item was not UNdetected, it used a poor design of the operator's display to CAMOUFLAGE a thin item against the background.

Immediate hotfix is to turn every subject 90 degrees and repeat the scan.

Immediate hotfix for the PR disaster is to state "all systems and procedures undergo continuous incremental improvement to address concerns as they are uncovered."

Freedom said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How often do those "baggies of drugs" explode?

Anonymous said...

As far as rhe TSA and the "Body Scanners", just follow the money. That's the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Draconian and nonsense security procedures that restrain freedom INCREASE the sensation of terror.. the whole point of terrorism. I do not experience this when traveling in the middle east, and I feel safer and more respected in my civil liberties while traveling to Qatar.. an authoritarian country.

If you wanted REAL security, you would act like Israel. Please don't. Put back freedom.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz is trying to encourage journalists not to cover this story?

If the story was without merit, one would think TSA would be encouraging the media to cover it as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

>> However, our nation's aviation system is
>> much safer now with the deployment of 600
>> imaging technology units at 140 airports.

Please cite some external sources that back up this statement.

Saying so doesn't make it true.

Anonymous said...

The only information this blog post seems to convey is that Mr Corbett's video embarrassed the TSA enough to require an official response from the Propaganda Department. Unfortunately, it offers nothing to refute Mr Corbett's claim.

There is a crude and condescending dismissal of Mr Corbett, followed by a crude dismissal of his video. With that out of the way, the "vast majority" of the post is a crude smokescreen of unsubstantiated rehashed assertions about the effectiveness and safety of the scanners and those "20 layers of security," with a crude dollop of fear and condescension ("things that go BOOM").

It's a typical example of what clearly is the TSA's official strategy for addressing legitimate concerns about the scanners (and other aspects of screening): Evade, ignore, and dismiss, with as much condescension and contempt as possible.

Bob is surely aware that the TSA has a longstanding credibility problem, which posts like this only exacerbate. Whether or not Mr Corbett actually did beat the scanner, his video casts serious doubt on the effectiveness of the scanners. But if anything, the crude TSA response increased Mr Corbett's credibility while further diminishing the TSA's minimal credibility.

My respectful suggestion: This seems a good time for Mr Pistole to consider the possibility that truth and transparency might serve the TSA's Mission and National Security better than secrecy and evasion.

Anonymous said...

Dear defender of the TSA,
If you had continued reading, he submitted this to the TSA several days before publishing, without any response

truthspeaker said...

Is it true the TSA "cautioned" reporters not to cover this story? I'd hate to think that were true, because if it were, it would mean someone at the TSA is engaging in activity that is downright un-American. The government should never pressure the press not to cover stories that show the government in a bad light. In this country, the government is accountable to the people.

And are you really bragging about being able to detect bags of drugs? The TSA's job is to keep commercial air traffic safe from terrorist or other attack. That's it. Drug interdiction is not part of your mission. The TSA is only allowed to conduct searches without probable cause because of the public safety interest of keeping people with weapons off of airplanes. Conducting searches for any other reason would raise some pretty serious constitutional questions.

truthspeaker said...

"If he were a true patriot, he would have reported his findings to the TSA. But he has an agenda and that wouldn't have helped him."

He did. Bob doesn't mention it here, but Corbett says he sent the video to the TSA a few weeks ago.

"If this is true and I doubt that it is, he just told people how to kill you."

They already knew. This was a known vulnerability and that information was publicly available. Corbett didn't discover it, he just demonstrated it was feasible.

Anonymous said...

crude?....ignore the facts, note the crudeness....if someone capable of only producing a crude video can bypass a billion dollars worth of "safety", imagine what someone who is capable of producing a slick video could do!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny--if the technique is as bogus as you claim, why is the TSA trying to strongarm news outlets into not covering it?

MilTrucker said...

I have to say, looks like a pretty huge drop of the ball on this one TSA. Not such a warm-fuzzy followup either. If it is a "bad" system, fess up, clean up and fly straight. If not, show us why we can still trust you, and why we should still pay you. Simple enough I would think. Worst of all, if it's "politics" getting in the way of admitting a fail, and moving on, then shame on anyone in authority who "goes along" at the possible cost of safety to the very citizens your employed to protect.

JustSayin said...

<<< Anonymous said...
20 layers of security and not one caught the the guy with the metal case and the recording device...

color me impressed.

March 8, 2012 2:25 AM >>>

20 layers of security, and not one terrorist attack since 9/11.

I love people who hate the TSA - but who keep coming back to read and comment on this blog - and complain but offer no 'realistic' solutions themselves.

Just complaints.

Apparently, these are people who feel 'entitled' to just wiz thru airport security with little or no screening, just cause 'they don't look like a terrorist.'

...just like the Unibomber.
...just like Jidhad Jane.
...just like Timothy McVeigh.

Way to go supporting thousands of hardworking screeners who pretty much get paid diddly squat for the 'thankless' job of protecting YOU.

Grand total of terrorist attacks since 9/11 and the formation of the TSA: 0.

Anonymous said...

A terrorist has never tried to grope me; the TSA has. Who is the real threat to my daughters?

Anonymous said...

In February 2011, an undercover TSA agent did this same test. She passed through the body scanners 5 times without her firearm being detected.

This fault has been known for over a year. It only catches people carrying items on their front, back, or with obvious restraints (i.e., shoulder holster).

Here's the news story from Feb 21, 2011. The story reported the test was done "a couple weeks ago".

Despite this known flaw, you (the TSA) continue to push civilians through this unconstitutional invasion of privacy for the continued security theater.

Congratulations. In a year, you haven't managed to stop the easiest way to circumvent your own security.

Anonymous said...

Drugs? You need a warrant to do searches on people that have been suspected of nothing. But you think it's ok to overstep your mandate and search for anything illegal, not just security violations?

You're flaunting your disrespect of the law and of civil society.

Anonymous said...

I'm an Israeli. We don't use body scanners AND we defeat the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

This is silliness. Really. I can't believe I'm reading this. Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave.

The defensive tone is especially hilarious given the indefensible material. You cannot be serious. How did The Onion get control of the TSA blog?

Anonymous said...

...And now the TSA is threatening- oops, I mean "strongly cautioning"- journalists to not cover this story.

Just how far will you go, TSA?

sNick said...

Wow, these comments have restored my faith in America.

It's encouraging to see that people's eyes are open and that they are standing up for freedom.

Anonymous said...

"It’s one of the best tools available to detect metallic and non-metallic items, such as… you know… things that go BOOM."

You are as rotten as the agency you work for. Are you joking with this scare tactic nonsense?

This is the kind of talk you see in corrupt states where government bureaucracies are just another con trying to justify their existence and unending paychecks from the public treasury.

Anonymous said...

Sorry people, but Blogger Bob is right, the scanners work as intended and Corbett's experience did not prove otherwise.

The scanners work perfectly fine at making people feel comfortable and accept severe intrusion and violation of their privacy by authorities, in the name of safety.

We live in a dangerous time, where most of the world hates us and terrorists are out to kill us, probably plotting every day in their caves new ways to harm us.

You may not like it, but we need more safety than we currently have. We need to be more open to letting the police and other authorities in our lives. This distrust of law enforcement is just ridiculous, by definition the police, TSA and others are supposed to protect us, not harm us!

If people could just agree to make a few sacrifices, we would be much, much safer. Unfortunately some people are not reasonable and don't value human American lives enough.

For example, it would be very helpful if the police could search the home of any suspect without a warrant or probable cause, even in the middle of the night. But some people are strongly opposed to this and won't hear any common sense (or maybe they just want to hide illegal things they have been up to). Seriously, who would rather die in a terrorist attack than be visited by the police at home? Not me!
Because of these criminals/unreasonable people, our lives are in danger.

So in order to fight these people and prevent them from dragging all of us into their foolishness, we need to give them some incentives.
The scanners and the enhanced pat down accomplish something great: they teach these police haters to be comfortable with law enforcement. First we make them comfortable by making them habituated to getting scanned nude. At the same time we also make them comfortable with having their body touched by a law-enforcement agent.
Once they are comfortable with this and realize it's not a big deal, these people then become less hostile to other important protection measures, such as having their homes searched at anytime by police.

It's like teaching a child to swim: if you push her in the pool, she will be traumatized and never go near a pool again. But if you lead her in the water slowly, one step at a time, starting at the shallow end, she eventually learns to swim even at the deep end.

This is the primary goal of these scanners, and it works well. Take the case of the police officer who pepper-sprayed the not-so-peaceful protesting students who were trespassing on a campus and refused to get up and leave a few months back. 20 years ago, that officer would probably have been lynched by an angry mob. But today, thanks to slowly increasing law enforcement in our lives, witnesses did not react like wild animals. Instead, they realized that we live in a dangerous world, that these students might have been terrorists, and that this officer was trying to keep all the people around safe.

This is how the scanners work, this is their primary purpose, and it's no secret (except to the law enforcement and security haters like Corbett, because they are not smart enough to realize this. Then again if they were smart enough, they would not oppose security).
The scanners work perfectly, and Corbett doesn't understand it! They don't work "according" to the purpose he thinks they serve, but they do work according to the purpose they "actually" serve!

Corbett 0, Blogger Bob 1.
And Bob, thank you and all other TSA employees for your service to this great nation. If it weren't for people like you, who have to put up with the senselessness of people like Corbett and TSA critics, the terrorists would win and we would be living in a tyranny like they do in their own countries. Thank you for protecting our freedom.

Anonymous said...

This post is an embarrassing attempt to dismiss the claims without ever addressing the issue.

It is so poorly written and full of spin that it has already been named as an example of "Failed Crisis Response":

Anonymous said...

The "crude" method to defeat the scanners won't work if the guy is also being scanned sideways.

(The TSA answer is quite funny for 2012 !)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the use of full body scanners, the chances of a person boarding a plane with a gun have now increased. Lovely.

RB said...

Anonymous said...
Now they're going to make us do two scans in the naked scanner machines: One facing the wall (like we do now), then turn 90 degrees so they can get a profile shot. I worry about the radiation exposure, but my girlfriend has other concerns with those machines.

March 8, 2012 9:22 AM

If TSA makes us do two scans isn't that proof positive that the Corbett (some guy) video was right?

Sandra said...

Where's my post of approximately 1:20 p.m., March 8, 2012, Bob?

In it I asked about the TSA's attempt to intimidate media outlets into ignoring the video.

I made a screen shot as I am making a screen shot of this post.

JoJo said...

JG said...
Add me to the list of people who think you and your organization are completely incompetent, if I'm not on it already.


That's called the no-fly list.

SSSS for Some Reason said...

"... our nation's aviation system is much safer now with the deployment of 600 imaging technology units at 140 airports. It is completely safe and the vast majority use a generic image that completely addresses privacy concerns. "

No, not much safer. At all.

And even giving you the benefit of the doubt, you have only made 140 airports "safer" with your 600 machines.

And why only a majority of the machines addressing the privacy concerns? Why not ALL of them. You admit there are privacy concerns, how long until ALL of the machines address those concerns?

I won't even go near the "Completely Safe" because there are far too many other comments on this blog along refuting that comment.

Anonymous said...


You may want to check your blog.

Only the first 200 post are showing and there is no link to "newest" post.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
First, a note about the tone of this blog entry: this blog is operated by a government agency. As a taxpayer, I expect government employees who make public statements about their work via official outlets to do so in a professional manner.

It's the TSA, the national hallmark of unprofessional.

Ayn R. Key said...

Your imaging tech is NOT "completely safe". You have, in addition to the safe MMW, very unsafe BXR.

I've explained the difference to you many times. Obviously you are paid to pretend that there is no difference. Physics and biology don't care about how much you are paid though and still operate in spite of your words to the contrary.

Ayn R. Key said...

Oh, and what about rumors that the TSA is attempting to censor news media that cover this story?

RB said...

Shouldn't someone(s) in TSA be prosecuted for wasting taxpayers dollars (fraud, waste, and abuse) on equipment that doesn't do the job intended.

This is a repeat of the Explosive Trace Portals, millions of dollars wasted, on machines that TSA just tossed in the garbage after figuring out they didn't work. Was that an example of TSA's thorough testing this blog spoke of?

At a time in the United States history when each and every tax dollar spent by government should be carefully managed we have TSA just tossing our money in the away and in the case of the Strip Search Machines it seems to be going to certain people with ties to TSA.

Enough TSA. Congress should cancel the complete TSA budget until a comprehensive investigation of TSA by a Special Prosecutor is completed because something smells fishy coming out of TSA HQ!

Anonymous said...

What a Joke you all are!!

Take out those 'bloody' machines.

Also, please stop talking and addressing the American people in a condescending manner. We aren't as dumb as you think we are. The psych warfare isn't going to work.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"If the body position is turned slightly so the scanner sees front & side at the same time, the entire body will be covered with NO blind spots, issue solved.... ....but alas, I am sure TSA will never think of that!"

Actually that's exactly the kind of thing they are likely to think of. They only react after someone has successfully defeated their "security" and then only fix exactly the problem demonstrated.

They will totally ignore the many other ways to beat the scanners.

Anonymous said...

The only way to get the link to the newest posts is to post a comment.

Since you censored my last comment regarding TSA attitude toward customers. I know I hit a nerve.

Just another example of the lack of professionalism exhibited by TSA employees.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the number of post drop from 356 to 342.

Just another example of censorship by the TSA!

Anonymous said...

How do you know it wasnt looked at by another tsa officer.

JoJo said...

Why was my comment to JustSayin' about TSA's ability to prevent giraffe attacks as well as terrorist attacks not published? What guidelines did it not follow?

Anonymous said...

Those 20 layers of security ... have they ever resulted in a Satisfactory rating in any surprise field evaluation of TSA's counterterrorism procedures?

Look: we know you guys are just doing your job. However, you're wasting taxpayer money (including YOURS) by making yourselves accomplices to these security scams and ignoring real threats. IF TSA workers staged a strike or demonstration against these kinds of abuses by policymakers and senior management, I guarantee you they'll have the backing of the American people.

Anonymous said...

"Things that go boom", I would think you would take your security more seriously.

Of course just last weekend a friend of mine went through TSA "security" with a switch blade in her purse.. so I guess we should not expect you to take anything seriously.

Anonymous said...

u mad TSA?

Anonymous said...


I think we can all appreciate how unprofessional it is for the TSA to use a term that would get us arrested if we say it a TSA checkpoint.

Tighten it up Bob.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob and the TSA should all be ashamed at themselves. Instead of taking it and learning something and acting like an adult you try to disparage someone. You should be happy it was only someone trying to make a point and not someone doing something malicious.

I guess we really can't expect anything more from a government agency. Other then maybe HUD and the DOE you guys are probably the worst agencies in government and boy with the amount of crappy agencies in the government that is saying a lot.

Anonymous said...

The TSA is an expensive, abusive joke. It's a make-work program that we can do without. It's security theater for the "bad guys" to enjoy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

By allowing metals through the checkpoint, both in the manner shown by the video and in cavities and under fake skin (or a pancake), these machines actually increased substantially the chances that a terrorist could get a gun on a plane.

Men in Black said...

 Anonymous Said...
How many terrorists has TSA caught?


How many attempts to bring down a plane has TSA thwarted?


Why then do we have TSA?

You know this for a fact? There's more going on behind the scenes that we are allowed to know

RB said...

"TSA Orders YouTube to Censor Video Exposing Useless Scanners: John Corbett Reports"

Comment TSA?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,

I see today's post has 'comment moderation enabled' and there have been no comments posted today.

Are you going to have anything intelligent to say about TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz? .... I thought not, and I can't wait to read it.

You'll never be able to turn the comments back on. Oh yeah, '20 layers'?...why not 29, or 78, or 1,280... I think 1313 is a really scary number...maybe that would be better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok when are you going to post about the TSA spokesperson that is allegedly threatening journalists that try to cover this issue.

And, 1313 layers is much scarier than 20 layers.

Anonymous said...

Michael Chertoff wants you to take your shirt off.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing boondoggle. We need to de-fund the TSA, remove the scanners, and privatize airport security. The theater that you provide may make some ignorant people feel safe, but in reality you provide very little effective capability to prevent a dedicated individual from smuggling contraband onto an airplane. What's to prevent somebody from sticking a non-metallic object ... say a knife ... up someplace where a scanner can't see (use your imagination)? You guys are a pathetic joke, a nuisance, and a waste of taxpayer dollars. I'll be throwing my full support behind any congressman who attempts to end the TSA.

PS - your response to Mr. Corbett is a total straw-man. From the evasive nature of your post, it's clear that he's found a real vulnerability in your scanners.

Anonymous said...

OK. If these scanners are one of 20 layers of security, then why are you clinging to them so much? They don't work, they are unconstitutional, and they are a health hazard. When are you going to learn?

Anonymous said...

Why the discrepancy between "342 comments on this article" and "200 Comments" at the top of this page?

Been on a deletion spree, Curtis?

Anonymous said...

"Why then do we have TSA?

You know this for a fact? There's more going on behind the scenes that we are allowed to know"

You really think that the TSA is going to crow about finding drugs, eels and inert grenades but not about stopping an actual terror attack? How could you possibly conclude that? Additionally, the Congressional report supports that no terror attempts have been thwarted by the TSA. Are you suggesting the TSA has been withholding information from Congress in violation of law?

Anonymous said...

And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said
fifty people a day walking into a full-body scanner carrying a Jack-in-the-Box in their side pocket and
walking out. And friends, they may think it's a movement.

And that's what it is, the Jack-in-the-Box in the Side Pocket movement, and all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the guitar.

frank p said...

It is sad in the sense that the reply to the video from the TSA was just as effective as the scanners. In other words, it leaves little to be desired.. I really agree with alot of people when i say that the scanners are a false sense of security, all you hear about is the perversion of the scanners. Truth is, until we can start profiling, the TSA can't make every flight safe.

Anonymous said...

Cause & effect. Wait until TSA's "Bad Americanism" comes home to roost.

Anonymous said...

"trust us, giving up your rights is really important, lest you 'go boom'" -- sounds like the beginning of a third-rate dystopia novel

Anonymous said...

Correction to above, the American people didn't "agree" to violations of their rights in exchange for "safety". The ruling class did that, "for us".

sb10 said...

Jon Corbett is not the first to make these claims. But he certainly validated them.

Scanner efficacy claims were made over two years ago by British officials.

Look up:

"Are planned airport scanners just a scam? New technology that Gordon Brown relies on for his response to the Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested – and found wanting."

By Jane Merrick, UK Telegraph, 3-Jan-2010

Anonymous said...

In my opinion TSA is very unnecessary and very costly. I understand that someone makes a lot of money out of this, but please stop this...

KMO said...

Some of the comments here are really encouraging, the ones written by people who saw through the TSA's spurious blackwash. There was another class of commenters who wrote something to the effect of, "You dismissed Corbett's methods as 'crude,' but he got past your security. I'm scared. Please institute more invasive and expense procedures so that I can feel safe."

RB said...

The apparent reaction to the Corbett video by TSA is two new steps:

One, During airport screening all passengers being screened with the Strip Search Machines are now receiving a pat down.

Two, TSA has threatened various media outlets to not report on the Corbett video story and has in fact threatened some media reporters.

And I thought TSA employees took an Oath to Defend the United States Constitution.

Lalevine said...

Although Jon Corbett makes a somewhat valid point by proving his argument with past video footage of successfully passing TSA checks with metal objects on his person, I still don't believe he has any authority to create such a video and allow it go public. Even though he reiterates that terrorists and TSA themselves already know about such flukes in the scanner systems, his video shares this sensitive information to the entire public. Thus, unsophisticated individuals might use Jon's viral video as their source of information to carry out any kind of suspicious activity or attack. Additionally, who is this man and what kind of credentials does he have to be talking about this information anyway?

Anonymous said...

The Israelis won't even buy/use the scanners because, "They could easily circumvent the scanners security with enough explosives to bring down any airliner."

This is a VERY sad attempt to defend yourselves. Hold the manufacturers accountable immediately, and FIX this problem!

Don't waste our tax payer's money playing on the internet writing a blog. Go out, and DO YOUR JOB!

RB said...

Not one new comment since March 8, 2012.

Are you guys at TSA really trying to make it seem that no one in the whole world had a comment for the last three days on this thread?

Nothing like the suppression of free speech by government employees.

Anonymous said...

These machines were just a no bid gift to the government's pals a L-3. Every time you go into the airport and see that L-3 logo on all of those crap machines it should sicken you that your hard earned tax dollars are being channeled to those boys.

Anonymous said...

I really couldn't care less about the slight invasion of privacy that accompanies the implementation of body scanner technology if it improves airport safety, as it is supposed to. However, for the technology to be ineffective is an utter joke. That, IMO, is the biggest issue.

Lisa Fourniadis said...

Interesting blog post, but why not address "some guy's" (lol) allegations directly?

All the same, you're absolutely right that the body scanners are only one layer of protection, but it seems to me that they are an important one.

Anonymous said...

Things that go BOOM? Is this a hoax blog or a TSA blog?!? I would expect the latter to be a bit more professional, then again ... consider some blogging guidelines, after you have sorted out your systems!

Anonymous said...

"Please Remove Your Shoes" - that is what it's all about. No real security, but a false sense of security. Unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

How can we see comments 200 and up??

GSOLTSO said...

Anon asking about viewing comments in the "post a comment" section, we are aware of the problem and are working on it as we speak. You can still view all of the comments at the main page, as long as you do not enter the "post a comment" section. Thanks for you letting us know, and we hope to have it fixed ASAP.

TSA Blog Team

GSOLTSO said...

And, of course as soon as I post the please be patient comment, we are back up and fixed. Thanks IT group, and back to your regularly scheduled blog.

TSA Blog Team

JoJo said...

Lalevine Said...
Although Jon Corbett makes a somewhat valid point by proving his argument with past video footage of successfully passing TSA checks with metal objects on his person, I still don't believe he has any authority to create such a video and allow it go public.


What leads you to believe a man in a supposedly free country (heck, supposedly the freest country!) doesn't have this authority? Would you rather TSA's hand not be forced so this flaw could continue on unaddressed? I think the real thing here is you're upset because it shattered your illusion of security. You don't care if you're really safe or not. You only care that you feel safe.

Anonymous said...

TSA: TOO STUPID to fix the blog so the posts can be read.

Thank you for not taking our feedback seriously...

Anonymous said...

Just posting to get to the later comments, since the page is broken.

Anonymous said...

That's great, West. Now can you do something about your utterly broken screening procedures?

Anonymous said...

still broken

Ayn R. Key said...


Your new format for the comments prevents us from seeing more than the first 200 comments. I can see why you would like that but the readers don't appreciate it.

Ayn R. Key said...

Before you say it - yes, I know we can see them when logged in. What if I'm reading without being logged in?

WNY Liberal said...

So, what has scanning done, other than inflict terror on all airline passengers?

Does this make the TSA a group of terrorists then?

Anonymous said...

I am continually amazed at the incompetence of the TSA. When will Americans say "enough is enough"? I think we need to start from scratch; clearly, the only thing these guys are good at is excuses. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the vocal and growing majority posting here. Would apprecaite a direct response. Would love to see the video of that security checkpoint released. What about TSA strategies for backing out of this space. It might have been ok until there were public countermeasures to defeat it, but now the cost and risk don't justify the return, even if it is simply deterance, which is clearly decresing every day.

Please address the issue direcly...

Beguerra said...

What a pitiful attempt to discredit a valid argument. The TSA is nothing but a big empty act existing solely for trampling the basic rights we were all born with. America has become a stain on it's own citizens. Bob, you're sad.

Anonymous said...

West - the problem is still here. Only 200 comments visible under the comments link. Can only see the full set if you click on the post title.

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