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"Approximately one in eight American women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the second leading cause of cancer deaths for women. October serves as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to encourage further research and attentiveness to this vital health concern."
In support of National Coming Out Day (NCOD), Congressman Charles B. Rangel today issued a photo that was taken as part of the NoH8 Campaign, a global art protest project conceived by photographer Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley in opposition to California’s Proposition 8, that banned gay marriage.
"It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing of my dear friend, Sam Gibbons, who was a decorated war veteran and an accomplished statesman.
"With the passing of my dear friend and former Colleague Mervyn M. Dymally, the world lost a pioneer in public service. As California’s first black state senator and first black lieutenant governor, he helped to open doorways for future generations. During his tenure as the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, he ensured that people of color had a voice and a seat at the table."
“It's such a great honor to have Secretary Hillary Clinton recognize the numerous contributions this program has made globally,” Rangel commented. “I'm very proud of the outstanding young students who are in or have completed the Rangel Fellowship program. Their backgrounds truly reflect what America looks like and I'm glad the world is able to see the beautiful mosaic that comprises our nation's diversity."
This is a very important time in American history. In a world where we are continuously faced with global economic and security challenges, America cannot afford to have a leader who merely offers empty and belligerent rhetoric. That is a threat to our national security.”
"Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an opportunity for us to become more conscious of the silent suffering of victims of domestic violence that devastates individuals, families, and communities. With nearly 5.3 million domestic violence incidents each year, this is a serious problem we must address as a society."
Numbers don't lie; the drop in unemployment rate to 7.8 percent in August shows that President Barack Obama's economic plan to get America working again and rebuild our economy is working.
“Tonight’s debate between President Obama and Governor Romney makes the choice clear and easy for the American people. The Governor plans to roll back the progress we have made as a nation under President Obama to bring fairness and opportunity for all Americans."
“The Veterans Affairs’ Veterans Crisis Line and Make the Connection campaigns have been effective tools for improving the well-being of our veterans,” said Rangel. “Together, these two awareness campaigns play a key role in the efforts to help many of our nation's heroes overcome their mental health challenges."



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