A Report on the Actuarial, Marketing, and Legal Analyses of the CLASS Program

Appendix P: June 22, 2011 Technical Experts Meeting

PDF Version: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appP.pdf (46 PDF pages)


APPENDIX Pa: Agenda and Discussion Issues and Questions
Issues and Questions
APPENDIX Pb: Presentation Entitled "Core Assumptions and Model Outputs"
APPENDIX Pc: Presentation Entitled "Actuarial Research Corporation's Long Term Care Insurance Model"
APPENDIX Pd: Presentation Entitled "The Avalere Long-Term Care Policy Simulator Model"
APPENDIX Pe: Presentation Entitled "Alternative Approaches to CLASS Benefit Design: The CLASS Partnership"


Technical Expert Panel Meeting
Actuarial Modeling of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Program


June 22, 2011
9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Room 705A
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

  Contact: Marie Belt or Goldwyn Smith at 202-690-6443  

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome and Introductions

Ruth Katz
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Disability, Aging, and Long-Term Care Policy

Kathy Greenlee
Assistant Secretary for Aging

9:15 - 9:45 Overview of CLASS and Major Modeling Issues

William Marton
Director, Division of Disability and Aging Policy

Bob Yee
Actuary, CLASS Program Office

9:45 - 10:15 Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) CLASS Model

John Wilkin
Senior Actuary, ARC

10:15 - 10:45 Questions and Comments on the ARC CLASS Model

10:45 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 11:30 Avalere Long-Term Care Policy Simulator (LTC-PS)

Anne Tumlinson
Senior Vice President, Avalere Health

Eric Hammelman
Director, Avalere Health

11:30 - 12:00 Questions and Comments on the Avalere LTC-PS

12:00 - 12:45 Lunch

12:45 - 2:00 Review and Discussion of Core Assumptions and Model Output

John Wilkin
Senior Actuary, ARC

Eric Hammelman
Director, Avalere Health

2:00 - 2:15 Break

2:15 - 3:30 Presentation and Discussion of Alternative Approaches

William Marton
Director, Division of Disability and Aging Policy

Bob Yee
Actuary, CLASS Program Office

3:30 Adjourn


Thank you for your participation on the Technical Expert Panel on Actuarial Modeling of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Program. The agenda for the meeting is organized around addressing six major questions (below) and our efforts to develop estimates of premiums, participation and other important aspects of the CLASS program. Please review the questions and materials prior to the meeting. After the meeting, we would very much appreciate it if you could provide follow up comments or thoughts within a week so that we can incorporate them into our future modeling efforts.

  1. Who is likely to enroll in the CLASS program?

    1. Do you think that the models’ approach to adverse selection is reasonable?
    2. Can you suggest approaches to validate the models with regards to their treatment of adverse selection?
    3. What alternative approaches would you recommend?
  2. What is the future long-term care utilization of enrollees likely to be?

    1. Do you think that the approach for estimating future claim costs is reasonable?
    2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the survey data that are the basis for estimating future claim costs?
    3. What other data could be used to model future claims?
  3. Are other key assumptions reasonable?

    1. Are the interest rate assumptions reasonable (e.g., 4.7%, 5.7%, 6.7% average annual rate of return)?
    2. Are the annual voluntary lapse assumptions reasonable (e.g., .5%, .75%, 1% per year)?
    3. How should the progression of disability among workers be modeled during their working years and beyond?
    4. Are the assumptions of morbidity improvement reasonable (.25%, .5%, .75% per year for 20 years; 0% thereafter)?
    5. Are the mortality improvement assumptions reasonable (e.g., 1.31%, .78%, .32% per year)?
  4. What level of participation should we expect?

    1. What are reasonable lower and upper bounds to participation? What do you think is the best point estimate of participation?
    2. Do you think the models reasonably reflect the dynamic between participation and adverse selection?
    3. How should we model the interaction between program demand and premium levels?
  5. What alternative designs would put the program on stronger financial footing?

    1. Other than underwriting and mandatory enrollment, what features would you suggest to mitigate adverse selection?
    2. What aspects of the program should be changed to maximize participation?
  6. Other than specific changes to the benefit plan, what strategies should we pursue to mitigate program risk?

Summary of CLASS
Program Features   CLASS Benefit in Statute  
Enrollment Requirements:  
   Age 18+ Yes
   Taxable Wages/Income   Yes
   Actively Employed Yes
   Not in Institution Yes
Coverage Benefits:  
   Primary Benefit Cash
   Daily Benefit Amount (DBA) $50 (Average)
   Unit of Payment Daily or Weekly
   Minimum Duration in Years NA - Lifetime
   Total Value TBD
   Inflation Protection CPI-U
   Advocacy Services Yes
   Advice and Asst. Counseling   Yes
Eligibility for Benefits:  
   5 Year Vesting Period Yes
   Work Req. Over Vesting Period At Least 3 Years
   Earnings Req. Over Vesting Period   $1,120/Year
   24 Months of Prior Prem. Payment Yes
   Minimum Benefit Trigger 2 or 3 of 6 ADLs1
   Tiered Benefit Yes
   Elimination Period in Days 0
   Presumptive Eligibility Yes - if in Inst.2
   Administrative Expenses 3%
Monthly Premium:  
   Underwritten (Other Than Age)   No
   Indexed to Inflation No
   Low Income Premium Yes
   Full Time Student Premium Yes
   Waiver of Premium TBD
   Level Premium After Age 653
   Return of Premium TBD

CLASS: Issues for Discussion

  1. Who is likely to enroll in the CLASS program?
  2. What is the future long-term care utilization of enrollees likely to be?
  3. Are other key assumptions reasonable?

CLASS: Issues for Discussion

  1. What level of participation should we expect?
  2. What alternative program designs would put the program on stronger financial footing?
  3. What strategies should we pursue to mitigate program risk?
Summary of CLASS Plans
Program Features   CLASS Benefit in Statute   Modified
Enrollment Requirements:    
   Age 18+ Yes Yes
   Taxable Wages/Income   Yes Yes
   Actively Employed Yes Yes
   Not in Institution Yes Yes
Coverage Benefits:    
   Primary Benefit Cash Cash
   Daily Benefit Amount (DBA)   $50 (Average) $50 (Average)
   Unit of Payment Daily or Weekly   Daily or Weekly  
   Minimum Duration in Years NA - Lifetime NA - Lifetime
   Total Value TBD TBD
   Inflation Protection CPI-U CPI (2.8%)
   Advocacy Services Yes Yes
   Advice and Asst. Counseling Yes Yes
Eligibility for Benefits:    
   5 Year Vesting Period Yes Yes
   Work Req. Over Vesting Period At Least 3 Years   5 Years (or 40 Qs)1  
   Earnings Req. Over Vesting Period $1,120/Year $12,000/Year
   24 Months of Prior Prem. Payment   Yes Yes
   Minimum Benefit Trigger   2 or 3 of 6 ADLs2   TBD
   Tiered Benefit Yes Yes
   Elimination Period in Days 0 0
   Presumptive Eligibility Yes - if in Inst.3 Yes - if in Inst.3
   Administrative Expenses 3% 3%
Monthly Premium:    
   Underwritten (Other Than Age)   No No
   Indexed to Inflation No Yes (2.8%)
   Low Income Premium Yes Yes
   Full Time Student Premium Yes Yes
   Waiver of Premium TBD TBD
   Level Premium After Age 654 After Age 654
   Return of Premium TBD TBD


Core Assumptions and Model Outputs

John Wilkin, ARC
Eric Hammelman, Avalere Health

    CLASS Benefit in Statute     Modified CLASS  
Enrollment Requirements    
   Age 18+ Yes Yes
   Taxable Wages/Income Yes Yes
   Actively Employed Yes Yes
   Not in Institution Yes Yes
Coverage Benefits    
   Primary Benefit Cash Cash
   Daily Benefit Amount (DBA) $50 (Average) $50 (Average)
   Unit of Payment Daily or Weekly Daily or Weekly
   Minimum Duration in Years NA - Lifetime NA - Lifetime
   Total Value TBD TBD
   Inflation Protection CPI-U CPI-U
   Advocacy Services Yes Yes
   Advice and Asst. Counseling Yes Yes
Eligibility for Benefits    
   5 Year Vesting Period Yes Yes
   Work Req. Over Vesting Period At Least 3 Years 5 Years (or 40 Qs)*
   Earnings Req. Over Vesting Period   $1,120/Year $12,000/Year*
   24 Months of Prior Prem. Payment Yes Yes
   Minimum Benefit Trigger 2 or 3 of 6 ADLs TBD
   Tiered Benefit Yes Yes
   Elimination Period in Days 0 0
   Presumptive Eligibility Yes - if in Inst. Yes - if in Inst.
   Administrative Expenses 3% 3%
Monthly Premium    
   Underwritten (Other Than Age) No No
   Indexed to Inflation No Yes (2.8%)*
   Low Income Premium Yes Yes
   Full Time Student Premium Yes Yes
   Waiver of Premium TBD TBD
   Level Premium After Age 65 After Age 65
   Return of Premium TBD TBD
* Modified CLASS changes these three options.

Average Premium for CLASS in Statute vs. CLASS Modified with Full Waiver of Premium, 2+ ADL trigger, and 2% Participation
Bar Chart.

CLASS Modeling Assumptions: 3 Scenarios
Scenario I
Worse than Expected
Better than Expected
Antiselection: ARC 0.85 0.70 0.55 Dampening factor: 1=perfect antiselection
Antiselection: Avalere   0.85 0.70 0.60  
Relative Claim Costs 1.2 1.1 1.0 Increased incidence from survey data
Return on Investment 4.70% 5.70% 6.70% Average annual rate of return
Lapsation 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% Percentage lapse per year
Morbidity Improvement   0.25% 0.50% 0.75% Annual percentage improvement for first 20 years; 0% thereafter
Mortality Improvement 1.31% 0.78% 0.32% Annual percentage improvement over the 75 year period
Participation 1% 2% 4%  

Average Premium for Scenarios I, II and III
Full Waiver of Premium, 2+ ADL trigger, and 2% Participation
Bar Chart.

Average Premium for Scenario II by Selection
1% and 4% Participation with Full Waiver of Premium, 2+ ADL trigger
Bar Chart.

Average Premium for Scenario II by Claim Costs at 1% and 4% Participation with Full Waiver of Premium, 2+ ADL trigger
Bar Chart.

Average Premium for Scenario II by Claim Costs
1% and 4% Participation with Full Waiver of Premium, 2+ ADL trigger
Bar Chart.

Average Premium for Scenario II by Participation Rate
Full Waiver of Premium and 2+ ADL trigger
Bar Chart.

Average Premium for Scenario II by ADL Trigger
Full Waiver of Premium and 2% Participation
Bar Chart.

Average Premium for Scenario II by Waiver
2+ ADL Trigger and 2% Participation
Bar Chart.

Average Premium by Return on Investment
Full Waiver of Premium, 2+ ADL Trigger, and 2% Participation
Bar Chart.


Actuarial Research Corporation’s Long Term Care Insurance Model

June 22, 2011


Actuarial Basis For Premium Formula


Source for Assumptions

Mortality Assumptions

Utilization Assumptions: Data Sources for Nursing Home Rates

Utilization Assumptions: Data Sources for Home Care Rates

Utilization Assumptions: Comparison of ARC Model Incidence Rates to SOA Data for 2+ ADLs
  Age   ARC Model
  (before adjustments)*  
SOA 2004
  Intercompany Data  
45 .155% .13% 1.2
55 .235% .14% 1.7
67 2.20% .47% 4.7
77 7.54% 2.81% 2.7
87 21.90% 9.62% 2.3
* Excluded adjustments are for selection, antiselection, trend, and ADL creep. Incidence rates are the sum of NH + HC incidence rates average of male and female.

Utilization Assumptions: Adjustments

Utilization Assumptions: Selection and Antiselection

Utilization Assumptions: Selection

Utilization Assumptions: Antiselection -- Two Methods

Formula Method of Antiselection

Utilization Assumptions: Antiselection -- Examples

Additional First Year Claims Method of Antiselection

  Income     All* Cognitive or  
2+ ADLs (000)
  All* Cognitive or  
3+ ADLs (000)
  SRD** Cognitive or  
2+ ADLs (000)
  SRD** Cognitive or  
3+ ADLs (000)
$0+ 2,651 2,005 1,865 1,589
$1+ 623 571 480 428
$10k+ 412 374 315 277

Policy Options That Can Be Modeled

Assumptions That Can Be Modified

Premium Sensitivity


The Avalere Long-Term Care Policy Simulator Model

June 22, 2011

Avalere Health LLC

Presentation Purpose and Agenda

Long-Term Policy Simulator (LTC-PS) Overview

Basic Overview

LTC-PS Overview (cont.)

Data Sources

Model Overview
Flow Chart: Total U.S. Population leads to Enrolled Population. Leads to Population Receiving Benefit (including 1. Disability and 2. Vesting). Leads to Value of Benefit. Leads to Program Payments. Leads Must Be Equal Over Estimation Period. Enrolled Population also leads to Population Not Receiving Benefit. Leads to Premium Payments. Leads to Program Income. Leads to Must Be Equal Over Estimation Period. Population Receiving Benefit (including 1. Disability and 2. Vesting) also leads to Premium Payments. Leads to Program Income. Leads to Must Be Equal Over Estimation Period.

Modeling Enrollment: Population and Program Eligibility

Overall Population

Estimating Attachment to Workforce

Modeling Enrollment: Vesting

Modeling Enrollment: Participation

Overall Participation

Modeling Enrollment: Participation

Smooth Enrollment

Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Participation

Enrollment Estimation Methods
Line Chart.

Modeling Disability: Prevalence

Community Setting

Nursing Home Setting

Modeling Disability: Prevalence (cont.)

Prevalence OverTime

ADL creep

Modeling Disability: Continuance

  1. Stallard, E and Yee, R.K.W. 1999. “Non-insured Home- and Community- Based Long-Term Care Incidence and Continuance Tables.” Society of Actuaries
  2. Society of Actuaries. 2005. “Experience Studies in Individual Disability.”

Modeling Disability: Incidence

Incidence Comparisons, 2+ ADLs
Line Chart.

Modeling Disability: Adverse Selection

Impact of Adverse Selection on Incidence, 2+ ADLs
Line Chart.
Adverse selection assumes 2 percent participation

Modeling Costs: Medicaid Interactions

  Premiums     None     100% FPL     150% FPL  
<$50 25% 50% 75%
$50-80 20% 45% 70%
$81-100 15% 40% 65%
$101-120 10% 35% 60%
$121-150   5% 30% 55%
>$150 0% 25% 50%

Questions and Answers


Alternative Approaches to CLASS Benefit Design:
The CLASS Partnership

William Marton
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
June 22, 2011

CLASS Independence Benefit Plan
Flow Chart: CLASS Independence Benefit Plan leads to Plan 1, Plan 2 and Plan 3.

CLASS Independence Benefit Plan
October 1, 2012
Flow Chart: CLASS Independence Benefit Plan leads to Plan 1, Plan 2 (highlighted) and Plan 3.

CLASS Independence Benefit Plan
Flow Chart: CLASS Independence Benefit Plan leads to Plan 1, Plan 2: Family of Options, and Plan 3. Plan 2 leads to Option 1, Option 2 and Option 3.

Family of Options

CLASS Independence Benefit Plan
Flow Chart: CLASS Independence Benefit Plan leads to Plan 1, Plan 2: CLASS Partnership, and Plan 3. Plan 2 leads to Basic, Comprehensive and Short Term.

CLASS Partnership

Basic: Incorporates the major features of the CLASS statute (e.g., a primary benefit that is cash; no limit on duration; a vesting period; and no underwriting except for age), but changes key components to mitigate, although not likely eliminate, adverse selection.

Comprehensive: Provides much more comprehensive coverage (e.g., a three-year $150 daily benefit) designed to appeal to people who want to insure against future risk of long-term care that they will likely face at very old ages. Structure of the benefit reduces the likelihood of adverse selection.

Short Term: Provides very short-term (e.g., one year), high dollar coverage to persons with high functional needs. The premiums for this product should be substantially lower than those for the Basic and Comprehensive options, with the goal of appealing to persons who want some level of coverage but cannot afford something more comprehensive. Similar benefit structure as for the Comprehensive Option

Whyis this plan called the “CLASS Partnership”?

The structure of the benefit is designed to provide an opportunity for private insurers to develop products that would naturally “wrap around” and supplement the underlying core benefit. (Note: The supplement would be underwritten.)

Specifically, the daily benefit amount increases the longer the policy is held, rising from a nominal amount after the vesting period to an amount of coverage similar to what is commonly purchased from long-term care insurers.

However, unlike the CLASS Basic Plan, the duration of coverage for the Comprehensive and Short Term options is limited.

Figure 1. Changes in Daily Benefit Amount for the Comprehensive Option
Area Chart.

Summary of CLASS Partnership Plan
Program Features CLASS
  Benefit in  
CLASS Partnership Plan
  Comprehensive     Short Term  
Enrollment Requirements:        
   Age 18+ Yes Yes Yes Yes
   Taxable Wages/Income Yes Yes Yes Yes
   Actively Employed Yes Yes Yes Yes
   Not in Institution Yes Yes Yes Yes
Coverage Benefits:        
   Primary Benefit Cash Cash Cash Cash
   Daily Benefit Amount (DBA) $50 (Average) $50 (Average)   Varies - Up to $1502     Varies - Up to $2002  
   Unit of Payment Daily or Weekly   Daily or Weekly   TBD TBD
   Minimum Duration in Years NA - Lifetime NA - Lifetime 3 Years 1 Year
   Total Value TBD TBD $164,250 $73,000
   Inflation Protection CPI-U CPI (2.8%) Variable4 Variable4
   Advocacy Services Yes Yes TBD TBD
   Advice and Asst. Counseling Yes Yes TBD TBD
Eligibility for Benefits:        
   5 Year Vesting Period Yes Yes Yes Yes
   Work Req. Over Vesting Period   At Least 3 Years     5 Years (or 40 Qs)5     5 Years (or 40 Qs)5     5 Years (or 40 Qs)5  
   Earnings Req. Over Vesting Period   $1,120/Year $12,000/Year $12,000/Year $12,000/Year
   24 Months of Prior Prem. Payment Yes Yes Yes Yes
   Minimum Benefit Trigger 2 or 3 of 6 ADLs6 TBD HIPAA - 2+ ADLs6 HIPAA - 3+ ADLs6
   Tiered Benefit Yes Yes No No
   Elimination Period in Days 0 0 0 0
   Presumptive Eligibility Yes - if in Inst.7 Yes - if in Inst.7 TBD TBD
   Administrative Expenses 3% 3% TBD TBD
Monthly Premium:        
   Underwritten (Other Than Age) No No No No
   Indexed to Inflation No Yes (2.8%) Yes (3%) Yes (3%)
   Low Income Premium Yes Yes No No
   Full Time Student Premium Yes Yes No No
   Waiver of Premium TBD TBD TBD TBD
   Level Premium After Age 658 After Age 658 After Age 759 After Age 759
   Return of Premium TBD TBD Yes10 Yes10

Indexed Monthly Premiums for CLASS Partnership: Comprehensive Option (Scenario II - Expected)
  Age     Core1     Supplement2     Total  
35 $109 $23 $132
40 $121 $32 $153
45 $138 $44 $182
50 $153 $73 $226
55 $162 $103 $265
60 $166 $144 $309
65 $168 $203 $371
Average   $148 $99  
  1. Full waiver of premium, 2% participation
  2. 60% loss ratio, SOA experience data

Comparison of Comprehensive Level Premiums Against Private LTC Insurance Plans
  Age     Comprehensive  
  United of  
AS Gold3
35 $199 $238 $192 $182 $232 $74
40 $224 $270 $202 $193 $237 $87
45 $258 $308 $227 $201 $256 $104
50 $308 $356 $256 $214 $276 $125
55 $351 $415 $290 $234 $303 $153
60 $398 $498 $330 $280 $349 $187
65 $464 $621 $421 $402 $433 $238
  1. $4,500/month, $200,000 maximum (3.7 years), 30 day elimination period, 5% ACI, all cash
  2. $150/day, three year, 30 day elimination period, 4% ACI, 40% HC in cash alternative
  3. $4,500/month, three year, 0 day elimination period, 4% ACI, 40% HC in cash alternative
  4. $4,500/month, three year, 6 week elimination period, 4% ACI, service reimbursement
  5. $150/day, three year, 90 day elimination period, 4% ACI, service reimbursement

Indexed Monthly Premiums for CLASS Partnership: Short Term Option (Scenario II - Expected)
  Age     Core1     Supplement2     Total  
35 $72 $11 $83
40 $81 $15 $96
45 $92 $22 $114
50 $101 $37 $138
55 $106 $52 $158
60 $105 $75 $180
65 $101 $108 $208
Average   $96 $51  
  1. Full waiver of premium, 2% participation
  2. 60% loss ratio, SOA experience data


For additional information, you may visit the DALTCP home page at http://aspe.hhs.gov/_/office_specific/daltcp.cfm or contact the office at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201. The e-mail address is: webmaster.DALTCP@hhs.gov.

Files Available for This Report

Main Report
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/index.shtml
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/index.pdf [48 PDF pages]
APPENDIX A: Key Provisions of Title VIII of the ACA, which Establishes the CLASS Program
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appA.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appA.pdf [6 PDF pages]
APPENDIX B: HHS Letters to Congress About Intent to Create Independent CLASS Office
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appB.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appB.pdf [11 PDF pages]
APPENDIX C: Federal Register Announcement Establishing CLASS Office
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appC.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appC.pdf [2 PDF pages]
APPENDIX D: CLASS Office Organizational Chart
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PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appD.pdf [2 PDF pages]
APPENDIX E: CLASS Process Flow Chart
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PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appE.pdf [2 PDF pages]
APPENDIX F: Federal Register Announcement for CLASS Independence Advisory Council
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appF.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appF.pdf [3 PDF pages]
APPENDIX G: Personal Care Attendants Workforce Advisory Panel
Full Appendix
   HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appG.htm
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appG.pdf [6 PDF pages]
Ga: Federal Register Announcement for Personal Care Attendants Workforce Advisory Panel
    PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appGa.pdf [3 PDF pages]
Gb: Advisory Panel List of Members
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appGb.pdf [2 PDF pages]
APPENDIX H: Policy Papers Discussed by the LTC Work Group
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appH.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appH.pdf [36 PDF pages]
APPENDIX I: CLASS Administration Systems Analysis and RFI
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appI.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appI.pdf [10 PDF pages]
APPENDIX J: Additional Analyses for Early Policy Analysis
Full Appendix
   HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appJ.htm
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appJ.pdf [150 PDF pages]
Ja: A Profile of Declined Long-Term Care Insurance Applicants
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appJa.pdf [23 PDF pages]
Jb: CLASS Program Benefit Triggers and Cognitive Impairment
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appJb.pdf [65 PDF pages]
Jc: Strategic Analysis of HHS Entry into the Long-Term Care Insurance Market
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appJc.pdf [33 PDF pages]
Jd: Managing a Cash Benefit Design in Long-Term Care Insurance
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appJd.pdf [28 PDF pages]
APPENDIX K: Early Meetings with Stakeholders
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appK.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appK.pdf [4 PDF pages]
APPENDIX L: In-Depth Description of ARC Model
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appL.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appL.pdf [62 PDF pages]
APPENDIX M: In-Depth Description of AvalereHealth Model
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appM.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appM.pdf [23 PDF pages]
APPENDIX N: September 22, 2010 Technical Experts Meeting
Full Appendix
   HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appN.htm
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appN.pdf [37 PDF pages]
Na: Agenda, List of Participants, and Speaker Bios
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appNa.pdf [7 PDF pages]
Nb: Presentation Entitled "Actuarial Research Corporation's Long Term Care Insurance Model"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appNb.pdf [11 PDF pages]
Nc: Presentation Entitled "The Long-Term Care Policy Simulator Model"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appNc.pdf [11 PDF pages]
Nd: Presentation Entitled "Comments on 'The Long-Term Care Policy Simulator Model'"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appNd.pdf [7 PDF pages]
APPENDIX O: Actuarial Report on the Development of CLASS Benefit Plans
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PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appO.pdf [47 PDF pages]
APPENDIX P: June 22, 2011 Technical Experts Meeting
Full Appendix
   HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appP.htm
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appP.pdf [46 PDF pages]
Pa: Agenda and Discussion Issues and Questions
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appPa.pdf [8 PDF pages]
Pb: Presentation Entitled "Core Assumptions and Model Outputs"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appPb.pdf [7 PDF pages]
Pc: Presentation Entitled "Actuarial Research Corporation's Long Term Care Insurance Model"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appPc.pdf [11 PDF pages]
Pd: Presentation Entitled "The Avalere Long-Term Care Policy Simulator Model"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appPd.pdf [11 PDF pages]
Pe: Presentation Entitled "Alternative Approaches to CLASS Benefit Design: The CLASS Partnership"
   PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appPe.pdf [8 PDF pages]
APPENDIX Q: Table 2: Actuarial and Demographic Assumptions
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appQ.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appQ.pdf [2 PDF pages]
APPENDIX R: Figure 1: Daily Benefit Amount for Increased Benefit
HTML   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appR.htm
PDF   http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/class/appR.pdf [2 PDF pages]

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Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy
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Email:  webmaster.DALTCP@hhs.gov

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Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP)
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Last Updated:  11/16/2011