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Dental Care During Your Pregnancy

Research has shown that you may be at an increased risk for dental disease while you are pregnant. It's important to maintain good oral health during pregnancy. You should schedule a dental check up when you first become pregnant or if you are thinking about becoming pregnant. You should also have your teeth cleaned more frequently, especially if you are noticing signs of plaque buildup, red and puffy gums, or bleeding after brushing and flossing.

Try to brush and floss after every meal, including snacks, and choose nutritious snacks over sugar-rich foods that lead to tooth decay. What you eat during your pregnancy also affects the development of your baby's teeth. Your baby's teeth begin to develop between the third and sixth month of pregnancy, so it is important that you receive sufficient amounts of nutrients - especially calcium, protein, phosphorous, and vitamins A, C, and D.

Active Duty Dental Program (ADDP)
If you are on active duty, you'll usually receive dental care from a military dental treatment facility. If in a remote location, your care will be coordinated through either the TRICARE Active Duty Dental Program in the U.S. or its Territories. The TRICARE Overseas Program contractor will coordinate your care in all other remote overseas locations >>Learn More

TRICARE Dental Program
The TRICARE Dental Program is a voluntary, premium-based dental insurance plan for:

  • Active duty family members
  • National Guard and Reserve family members
  • National Guard and Reserve members who are not on active duty orders.

The TRICARE Dental Program offers an extra routine cleaning during your pregnancy. Normally, coverage is limited to two dental cleanings per 12-month period. There is no cost for cleanings provided by a network dentist.

You can enroll in the TRICARE Dental Program at any time. >>Learn More

TRICARE Retiree Dental Program
The TRICARE Retiree Dental Program is a voluntary, premium-based dental insurance plan for:

  • Retired service members and their families
  • Retired National Guard or Reserve members and their families
  • Medal of Honor recipients and their families
  • Survivors

TRICARE Retiree Dental Program enrollees are 100% covered for most diagnostic and preventive services provided by a Delta Dental network provider. All enrollees are covered for two dental cleanings per year.

You can enroll in the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program at any time. >>Learn More

Last Modified:March 14, 2012

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Active Duty Dental Program

TRICARE Dental Program
CONUS: 1-855-638-8371
OCONUS: 1-855-638-8372
TDD/TTY: 1-855-638-8373

TRICARE Retiree Dental Program