The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Community Development
Building a Robust Anti-Poverty Network in the Bay Area
Community Development Working Paper 2012-03
Posted September 26, 2012
The geography of race and class in the San Francisco Bay Area has shifted dramatically over the last decade, and suburban poverty is on the rise. The need for social services has grown in communities outside of the urban core, outpacing the abilities of anti-poverty organizations to provide assistance. Using eastern Contra Costa County as a case study, this paper outlines some of the challenges for the current anti-poverty network in suburban locales, and lays out a framework for building capacity to better meet the needs in these urban fringe areas.
Investing in What Works for America's Communities
Posted August 31, 2012
This book encourages a more integrated approach to anti-poverty efforts that builds on what we know is working. Through dozens of examples of innovative ideas that are transforming neighborhoods, this book uncovers the new sectors, new financing tools, and new technologies that can be harnessed to bring opportunity to America’s struggling communities.
Community Development and Education
Community Investments: Volume 24, Number 2, 2012
Posted August 17, 2012
This issue of Community Investments focuses on the intersection between education and community development in an attempt to identify shared goals and seed a conversation between the two sectors.
Community Development Policy Briefing: Community Development and Schools
Posted August 14, 2012
This event brought together experts in education, affordable housing, regional planning, community development finance, and policy to discuss how the community development and education sectors can better collaborate to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for low- and moderate-income students.
Preserving Communities Preserving Homeownership Foreclosure Resource Center
Updated presentations posted for June 2012.
Posted July 12, 2012
Provides research and resources on the foreclosure crisis, including a toolbox for mitigating the negative impacts of foreclosures at the local level and PowerPoint presentations on housing and mortgage market trends within the Federal Reserve's 12th District.
Vantage Point, the 12th District Community Indicators Project Vantage Point, the 12th District Community Indicators Project
New issue posted June 2012
This issue of Vantage Point synthesizes the key themes that emerged in the Fall 2011 community indicators survey.
The 2012 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference

The 2012 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference
March 25-28, 2012
Seattle, Washington

From March 25-28, 2012, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, in partnership with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, hosted the 2012 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference in Seattle, WA.

Suburbanization of Poverty in the Bay Area Community Development Policy Briefing: The Suburbanization
of Poverty

Posted April 11, 2012
The briefing focused on rising suburban poverty and the phenomenon's implications for public policy and community development. The event highlighted the latest research on the topic and offer a chance to hear how local organizations are responding to suburban poverty here in the Bay Area.
Independent Foreclosure Review Independent Foreclosure Review
Posted January 26, 2012
If you had a mortgage loan on your primary residence and believe you were financially harmed during the mortgage foreclosure process by any of 25 identified servicers in 2009 or 2010, you can request an independent review and potentially receive compensation. The deadline for requests is December 31, 2012.
Suburbanization of Poverty in the Bay Area Suburbanization of Poverty in the Bay Area
Posted January 13, 2012
This research brief examines the changing geography of poverty in the Bay Area and its implications for the community development field.
Student Debt and Default in the 12th District Student Debt and Default in the 12th District
Posted December 7, 2011
This Brief examines broad trends in student borrowing in the Federal Reserve's 12th District, with an emphasis on students from low- and moderate-income households.
Healthy Communities Healthy Communities
The Healthy Communities Initiative was designed to enrich the debate on how cross-sector and place-based approaches to revitalize low-income communities might both revitalize neighborhoods and improve health. The idea is simple: those who work on making low-income communities function better (by building high-quality affordable housing, financing small businesses, and creating community assets such as charter schools, clinics, or daycare centers) should work closely with the health sector to coordinate those community-improving efforts in a way that promotes better health outcomes over the life course.
Community Development Investment Review Advancing Social Impact Investments through Measurement
Community Development Investment Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011

This issue of the Review includes the proceedings of the "Advancing Social Impact Investments through Measurement" conference held at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors on March 21, 2011. The conference was an attempt to bring both the community development finance and the impact investing communities together to share recent developments in innovation in social metrics and to think more deeply about how the government could play a role in promoting more and better measurement of social and environmental outcomes. In addition to the proceedings, this issue includes a series of thoughtful essays written by conference attendees in response to what they heard at the convening.

Programs and Information
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Information on the CRA, its implementing regulations, the regulatory agencies, and other resources to assist in complying with and understanding the CRA.
Events and Conferences
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Community Development Issues
From affordable housing to "banking the unbanked," learn more about community development issues and initiatives within the Federal Reserve's 12th District.
Access online copies of Community Investments, the Community Development Investment Review, and research papers.
Center for Community Development Investments
The Center is dedicated to innovations in research and practice that increase the flow of investment capital to low- and moderate-income communities.
About Us
Learn more about the Community Development Department and its staff.