The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Educational Resources
Ask Dr Econ View the doctor's current featured answer to this question:
"Is the Fed still in the business of processing checks?" or ask your own question.
New Economics in Person videos address the top 1%, U.S. income and wage inequality, and economic mobility. New Economics in Person videos address the top 1%, U.S. income and wage inequality, and economic mobility.
Watch FRBSF economists and a special guest discuss income inequality during a live filming of the economics seminar at the 2012 Conference of Twelfth District Directors in Los Angeles, California.
DataPost DataPost Update: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Measuring the Nation's Output
GDP is one of the key measures of a nation’s economic performance. This DataPost outlines the components of GDP and places these components within the context of recent values published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis: Chairman Bernanke's College Lecture Series offsite link
Watch the four-part lecture series about the Federal Reserve and the financial crisis, delivered by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke.
Interview: Speaking with Susan Nash about our e-learning projects Interview: Speaking with Susan Nash about our e-learning projects offsite link
Jody Hoff, senior manager for Econ Ed, discusses some of our current and upcoming online resources.
Open and Operating Open & Operating: The Federal Reserve Responds to September 11
This is a video-based lesson designed for high school and college students that provides teachers of history and economics a flexible format in which to introduce the Federal Reserve System.
Explore The Economy: Crisis & Response website The Economy: Crisis & Response
What does regulatory reform mean for the Fed? What is being done to prevent another financial crisis? What lies ahead on the road to recovery? New graphics and analysis answer these questions.
What is the Fed? What is the Fed?
The "What is the Fed?" section offers readers a concise and interactive tool to explore the Fed's history, structure, and responsibilities.
Student Activities

American Currency Exhibit

Ask Dr. Econ

Fed Chairman Game

Federal Reserve Education Activities offsite link


12L Economic Trends

Economic Letter

Great Economists and Their Times

What is the Fed?

Teacher Resources

American Currency Exhibit

Bank Tours

Economics in Person

Federal Reserve Education Lesson Plans offsite link

Federal Reserve Education Portal offsite link

International Economic Summit

Open and Operating Video

Personal Finance Lesson Plan & Game

The Economy: Crisis and Response

University Symposium

What is the Fed?


General contact information for FRBSF departments and functions

Public Information