Raising the Bar: Linking Landlord Incentives and Regulation through Rental Licensing

A short guide for local government officials to use rental licensing to raise the bar and ensure that landlords are responsible stewards of their properties.

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Land Banks and Land Banking, 2nd Edition

The groundbreaking book by Frank S. Alexander is back with a new second edition that features fresh research and insights.

Download the PDF

Land Bank Information Headquarters

Our one-stop hub for information on land banks and land banking, including an interactive map and answers to frequently asked questions.

Visit the Land Bank Information Headquarters

Join Vacant and Problem Properties Innovators on Linkedin

Discuss critical issues facing your community with others in the field through our new Linkedin group!

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Vacant Spaces into Vibrant Places

Founded in 2010, the Center for Community Progress is the only national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization solely dedicated to building a future in which entrenched, systemic blight no longer exists in American communities. The mission of Community Progress is to ensure that communities have the vision, knowledge, and systems to transform blighted, vacant, and other problem properties into assets supporting neighborhood vitality.


As a national leader on solutions for blight and vacancy, Community Progress serves as the leading resource for local, state, and federal policies and best practices that address the full cycle of property revitalization, from blight prevention, through the acquisition and maintenance of problem properties, to their productive reuse. Community Progress provides technical assistance to communities nationwide, hosts the national Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference, and offers numerous other resources and services to help communities transform blighted properties into community assets. Major support for Community Progress is generously provided by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the Ford Foundation. 

Learn more.

Land Bank Information Headquarters

Five Finalist Communities Selected to Advance in TASP 

Five communities have been selected to advance in the Technical Assistance Scholarship Program, and are now finalists in a competition to receive one of up to three technical assistance scholarships.

Click here to view the press release


Credit: Handshake by AK Rockefeller via flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

#LoveThatLot: Show Your Love for Revitalization Projects 

#LoveThatLot is back in its third annual campaign and we’re excited for you to share your love for revitalized spaces! Visit our blog to learn how you can get involved this Valentine's Day.

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