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    Mobile Office Hours

    Mobile Office Hours allow residents to speak one-on-one with Rep. Martin Heinrich’s staff about casework in their communities. Staff will be on hand to assist constituents who have questions regarding Social Security benefits, Medicare, veterans benefits, and other federal programs. No issue is too small or too big to address.


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Small Business Resource Center

Small businesses are one of the most important engines of economic growth in our economy.  Over 25 million businesses exist in the United States, and small business represents over 99 percent of all employers in America.  In fact, small businesses create 80 percent of all new jobs in America. Representative Martin Heinrich is committed to ensuring that all of the small businesses in this country, and especially those in central New Mexico, are encouraged to grow. Below are several useful resources for small businesses:

Latest News From Heinrich on the Economy and Jobs

Representative Martin Heinrich is committed to creating jobs, putting the middle class first, and strengthening our economy. We need a plan that not only will create jobs and improve our economy now, but will strengthen our nation over the long term []

Health Care Reform Will Help New Mexico Small Businesses

New Mexico’s small business owners and self-employed spent $660 million in health care premiums in 2008. According to projections based on research by MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, that number would have risen to $1.6 billion by 2018 without relief from comprehensive reform []

Interactive Health Care Calculator for Small Businesses

This calculator will help small business employers determine the premium subsidies for which they are eligible in the years leading up to the establishment of the state health exchanges [...]

Tax Cuts and Benefits Under the Recovery Act

Congress has worked to enact an array of tax cuts which are a crucial piece of our efforts to turn the economy around.  These tax cuts are broad based and touch on many aspects of American life–from tax breaks for working and middle-class families and small business owners, to families wanting to buy a home or investing to make an existing one energy efficient, to sending children to college []

Additional Links:

“If you are looking for additional information or experiencing difficulties with the Small Business Administration, my office is happy to assist you.  Please contact my downtown Albuquerque office at (505) 346-6781.” –Rep. Martin Heinrich