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TRICARE Management Activity

A component of the Military Health System

Acquisition Corps

Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs)
Key Leadership Positions (KLPs)
Acquisition Corps Membership
Acquisition Leadership Effectiveness Inventory (ALEI)

The purpose of the Acquisition Corps is to create a pool of highly qualified AT&L personnel to fill Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs) and Key Leadership Positions (KLPs).

The Acquisition Corps is a cadre of professionals who have earned recognition as experts in the field of acquisition and are pre-approved to fill Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs). It is a subset of the acquisition workforce, composed of military and civilian personnel who meet statutory education, training, and experience requirements.

The Defense Acquisition Corps was formerly referred to as the Acquisition Professional Community (APC). DoDD 5000.52 consolidated the separate DOD component acquisition corps into a single Defense Acquisition Corps, “Acquisition Corps”. All APC members, including those who were waived into the APC, are members of the Defense Acquisition Corps. Acquisition Corps is composed of those persons who have met the standards prescribed by Chapter 87 of title 10, United States Code, and who have been granted admission to the Acquisition Corps by the USD(AT&L) or by a CAE to whom this authority has been delegated.

The Defense Acquisition Corps was established pursuant to DAWIA. Prospective members must meet [Intermediate (Level II) or Advanced (Level III)] certification requirements, have a Bachelor's degree and 24 semester-hours business related courses, and must be selected by their DoD component for membership. An individual may decline membership, but only Corps members can fill Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs).

New entrants must meet the current Acquisition Corps requirements to become members.

  • Employees and members must meet all Acquisition Corps Eligibility requirements to become a member.
  • DOD policy does not allow waivers into the Acquisition Corps.
  • Members and employees may be waived in to a position without being waived into the Corps.


  1. Minimum of four years of acquisition experience,
  2. A baccalaureate degree at an accredited educational institution authorized to grant baccalaureate degrees (Ref: USC 10 Sec 1732 para (b) (1) (A) (i)),
  3. At least 24 semester credit hours (or the equivalent)of study from an accredited institution of higher education from among the following disciplines (Ref: USC 10 Sec 1732 para (b) (1) (B) (i)):
Accounting Economics
Business Finance Industrial Management
Law Marketing
Quantitative Methods
Purchasing Organization and Management

Or in lieu of number 3 above (Ref: USC10 Sec 1732 para (b) (1) (B) (ii)):

At least 24 semester credit hours (or the equivalent) from an accredited institution of higher education in the person's career field;

AND either 12 semester credit hours (or the equivalent) from such an institution from among the disciplines listed above or equivalent training as prescribed by the Secretary of Defense to ensure proficiency in the disciplines listed above.

Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs)

Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs) are a subset of the AT&L positions. As required by Title 10, United States Code, CAPs for the AT&L workforce are hereby published. A CAP (Critical Acquisition Position) is any acquisition position that is required to be filled by an employee. Only Acquisition Corps members can fill CAPs. - 59k - 2009-12-15

Key Leadership Positions (KLPs)
Key Leadership Positions (KLPs) are a subset of CAPs with a significant level of responsibility and authority and are key to the success of a program or effort. These positions warrant special management attention to qualification and tenure requirements.

Individuals assigned to KLPs must meet certification requirements when assigned. All other acquisition workforce members must meet the certification requirements within 24 months of assignment.

Any waiver of KLP position or tenure requirements must be approved by the (Component Acquisition Executive (CAE)). However, all waivers must be prepared by an authorized management official, with employee personal information obtained from the employee's official record on file.

  • Waivers for CAP/KLP tenure requirements must be approved prior to the person’s departure from the CAP/KLP; waivers are processed in accordance with DoD Instruction 5000.55, Reporting Management Information on DoD Military and Civilian Acquisition Personnel and Positions, and DoD Instruction 5000.58, Defense Acquisition Workforce. Waivers may be requested using DD Form 2905.

Both CAPs and KLPs represent positions with responsibility and authority that are critical to the success of a program or effort.

Acquisition Corps Membership

An employee can voluntarily request to become a member of the Acquisition Corps if they have received a Level II or higher certification and is employed in a position at the grade GS-13, its NPS Equivalent, or above. This benefits the acquisition field by increasing competition for Critical Acquisition Positions and allowing for upward mobility for the employee. Membership in the Defense Acquisition Corps is required for assignment to all CAPs and KLPs. Members of the AT&L Workforce who have already been designated as members of a component acquisition corps are considered members of the Defense Acquisition Corps.

The Acquisition Training Application System (ACQTAS) found at allows employees to track, identify and manage continuous learning. ACQTAS for Continuous Learning is the 4th Estate’s web-based system for requesting credit for a wide variety of CL events one may have already attended. Workforce members who are working on certification requirements by taking DAU classes will automatically be credited with CL points for those events upon completion. After one has earned at least 80 points within two years, ACQTAS-CL will again notify the employee and supervisor of CL success, and the employee will receive a 4th Estate Continuous Learning Certificate of Achievement. Everyone must “renew” their CL certificate every two years by earning 80 more CL credits to meet the goal. For more information on how to use the system please visit the website and click on ACQTAS-CL Tutorials under the Help section.

Once Level II or III Certification is achieved, the employee will send an e-mail with the Request for Membership to the AM&S ACM Training Monitor. A template of the request is available from the Training Monitor or at the TRICARE web site: Utilizing the information provided from the approved ACMP-1 Form and associated Profile Sheets; the Training Monitor will complete the DACM Acquisition Corps Membership Qualifications Assessment Worksheet and the DD Form 2587, DoD Acquisition Corps - Certification of Admission. The Training Monitor will then prepare the Memorandum to the Director, AM&S for approval of the DD Form 2587, DoD Acquisition Corps - Certification of Admission.

Acquisition Leadership Effectiveness Inventory (ALEI)
A competency needs assessment tool for acquisition professionals to plan continuing development of leadership competency required for successful performance and AT&L learning progression.

  • Prioritization of employee’s development objectives
  • Creation of action plan
  • Provides development strategies
    • Strategies
    • Courses
    • Online Training
    • General Development Opportunities