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Special Needs

If you or a family member has special needs, a serious illness or sustains a serious injury, you have several TRICARE coverage options. Additionally, TRICARE has programs in place if you have a family member with a disability. The Department of Defense defines a disabled family member as any child or adult "who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment."

TRICARE covers many services that may be helpful if you or a family have a serious illness, special needs or a disability. You can access these services, and others, using any TRICARE health plan option. These covered services include:

Beyond basic TRICARE coverage, programs are available to meet many special needs. You or your family members may qualify for one of the programs on the left side of this page.

Case Management
TRICARE beneficiaries who receive care for chronic, high-risk/high-cost, catastrophic or terminal illnesses may receive case management services at no extra cost.

Case managers are usually nurses or social workers who can help patients and families figure out complex health care and support systems.

To locate a case manager, contact your regional contractor or local military treatment facility. You can also contact a Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator at any time for assistance with obtaining care if you have a serious illness, injury or disability.

Long Term Care ... Not Covered

Long term care (provides services that assist in the activities of daily living,) is not covered by TRICARE (or Medicare). You may purchase long term care insurance from a private insurer, and you may qualify for the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program.

Last Modified:March 17, 2011