Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan Cuts Ribbon on North Tiverton, Rhode Island’s New Pump Station-Funded through the Recovery Act

USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan joined Senator Jack Reed and North Tiverton, Rhode Island Fire District Moderator James Donnelly on Friday, September 10 to cut the celebratory, ceremonial ribbon that was wrapped around the towns’ new pump station. Read more »

Thousands of Residents in Kentucky and Tennessee will benefit from a USDA Recovery Act Broadband Project

Federal, state and local officials display a map that highlights the coverage areas in which expanded and improved broadband service will be offered. They include (from left) Tom Fern, State Director for Rural Development (Ky.), Trevor Bonnstetter, CEO of WK&T, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein, Bobby Goode, State Director for Rural Development (Tenn.), and Jonathan Miller, Ky. Finance Cabinet Secretary.

Federal, state and local officials display a map that highlights the coverage areas in which expanded and improved broadband service will be offered. They include (from left) Tom Fern, State Director for Rural Development (Ky.), Trevor Bonnstetter, CEO of WK&T, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein, Bobby Goode, State Director for Rural Development (Tenn.), and Jonathan Miller, Ky. Finance Cabinet Secretary.

USDA Rural Utilities Administrator Jonathan Adelstein visited Western Kentucky recently to announce the start of one of the largest broadband projects in the country. Read more »

ARRA Funds: Making a Difference in School Cafeterias

FNCS Under Secretary Kevin Concannon looks at the new dish machine bought with ARRA funds at Walker Elementary School in Concord, NH.

FNCS Under Secretary Kevin Concannon looks at the new dish machine bought with ARRA funds at Walker Elementary School in Concord, NH.

Providing our children safe and nutritious meals at school is a key priority for the Obama Administration.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) helped meet this goal through its $100 million investment in local school systems to enhance the nutritional quality of school meals.  This funding went towards the purchase of new kitchen equipment for thousands of schools across America participating in the National School Lunch Program .  Priority was given to schools that have at least 50 percent of the students eligible for free or reduced-priced meals. Read more »

ARRA Continues to Support American Families

The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act continues to help families, the elderly, the unemployed and children across the country. The Act provided for an increase in monthly benefits for USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. ARRA money provides participating families of four, for instance, an additional $80 each month to purchase nutritious food. Read more »