Posts tagged: Dr. Jon Hagler

“It’s a Show – Me Thing”

Judy Canales, Administrator for Rural Development Business and Cooperative Service, joined Missouri Governor Jay Nixon for an evening reception and visited with many of Missouri’s agriculture and rural elite to celebrate Missouri agriculture.  The following morning Administrator Canales, Governor Nixon, and 1,000 other farm and community leaders attended the Missouri State Fair Ham Breakfast.   The breakfast was a continuation of the Governor’s salute to agriculture.  The delicious cured ham was the main course for the 59th Annual Governor’s Ham Breakfast in the Director’s Tent on the fairgrounds in Sedalia.  The theme for the 2011 fair is “It’s a Show-Me Thing!”

Governor Nixon addressed the guests, which included the introduction of distinguished guest such as Administrator Judy Canales, Missouri Director of Agriculture Dr. Jon Hagler, several federal officials, state officials, and locally elected officials, Missouri State Fair Director Mark Wolfe, the State Fair Commission and many other agriculture leaders and State Fair supporters. Read more »

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Highlights Trade During Visit to St. Louis

L to R-- Mike Baroni, vice president of economic policy, Archer Daniels Midland Company; Dr. Jon Hagler, director, Missouri Department of Agriculture; Secretary Vilsack; Senator Claire McCaskill; Jim Fisher, pork producer, Fisher Farms

L to R-- Mike Baroni, vice president of economic policy, Archer Daniels Midland Company; Dr. Jon Hagler, director, Missouri Department of Agriculture; Secretary Vilsack; Senator Claire McCaskill; Jim Fisher, pork producer, Fisher Farms

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spent part of last week in St. Louis, Mo., making several stops to promote trade and agriculture and to announce the opening of a new office in St. Louis for the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Read more »