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    Mobile Office Hours

    Mobile Office Hours allow residents to speak one-on-one with Rep. Martin Heinrich’s staff about casework in their communities. Staff will be on hand to assist constituents who have questions regarding Social Security benefits, Medicare, veterans benefits, and other federal programs. No issue is too small or too big to address.


Resource Spotlight

Transportation & Infrastructure

As New Mexico's First Congressional District continues to transform its transportation system of mass transit, Congress will consider a new surface transportation authorization to replace the existing Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:  A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which expires on September 30, 2009.  
This legislation will authorize funding for our nation's surface transportation programs over the next six years.  The majority of the Federal funds in the bill will be allocated by existing formulas to the New Mexico Department of Transportation.  Although the current federal-state-local partnership has served highway and transit systems well, not all communities are treated equally in the decision making process.  To ensure all of Central New Mexico’s communities benefit from these programs, the reauthorization legislation will designate a small portion of funding for member-designated High Priority Projects

In addition to connecting us with friends and family across the state and country, a modern, safe transportation system provides the groundwork for economic development and job creation in our communities. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which Rep. Martin Heinrich voted for and President Obama signed into law, has already provided $281 million to New Mexico in highway and transit money.