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  • DOWNLOAD Reports Date Revised File Type File Size
    2007 American Housing Survey for U.S   *.pdf 6.82 MB
    2005 American Housing Survey for U.S   *.pdf 4.02 MB
    2003 American Housing Survey for U.S   *.pdf 3.89 MB
    2001 American Housing Survey for the U.S.   *.pdf 8895 KB
    1999 American Housing Survey for the U.S.   *.pdf 3809 KB
    Census reports on AHS metro surveys   HTML link  
    1997 American Housing Survey for the U.S.   *.pdf 3287 KB
    American Housing Survey-Metropolitan Sample Assessment Project   *.pdf 433 KB
    Printed Reports back to 1994 from the Census Bureau, no questionnaire   HTML link  
    Components of Inventory Change (CINCH) reports   HTML link  


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    AHS Based Analyses
    Date Posted/Revised
    File Type File Size
    Investigating Very High Rent Burdens Among Renters in the American Housing Survey
    *.pdf 741 KB
    Combining the American Housing Survey and the American Community Survey to Produce Information Useful in Public Emergency Situations: An Exploratory Analysis
    2007 Metropolitan Disaster Planning Analytical Support of the American Housing Survey
    *.pdf 3 MB
    Trends in Housing Costs: 1985-2005 and the 30-Percent-of-Income Standard
    *.pdf 384 KB
    Data on Home Mortgage Finance from the 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, and 2005 American Housing Surveys
    *.pdf 2.09 MB
    Measuring Overcrowding in Housing
    *.pdf 548 KB
    32 Years of Housing Data
    *.pdf 2.21 MB
    Appendix Tables
    *.xls 782 KB
    Analysis of Racial Characterization under Different Reporting Options
    *.pdf 460 KB
    Characteristics of Units and Their Occupants Associated with Changes in Tenure Status
    *.pdf 769 KB
    Elderly Housing Consumption: Historical Patterns and Projected Trends
    *.pdf 1.04 MB
    Commuting Patterns and the Housing Stock
    *.pdf 657 KB
    Impact of Moving and Job Changes on Commuting Time
    *.pdf 338 KB
    Effects of Changes in Ownership on Repair and Remodeling Behavior in Owner-Occupied Housing
    *.pdf 248 KB
    Rental Market Dynamics: Is Affordable Housing For the Poor an Endangered Species?
    *.pdf 314 KB
    The Destruction of Housing Capital: A Preliminary Exploration into Demolitions and Disasters
    *.pdf 66 KB
    Analysis of Housing Finance Issues Using the American Housing Survey (AHS)
    *.pdf 1.74 MB


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    DOWNLOAD Codebooks Date Revised File Type File Size
    Codebook for the American Housing Survey; Public Use File: 1997 and later 03/31/11 *.pdf 2.46 MB
    ASCII version of the data dictionary from the AHS codebook 04/30/09 *.txt 915 KB
    Codebook Volume 1; 1984-1995 08/02 HTML link Multiple Files
    Codebook Volume 2; includes new items for 1995-96, layouts for 1984-96, no questionnaire 9/23/98 *.doc 502 KB


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    DOWNLOAD Edited Data from Interviews (microdata) Date Revised File Type File Size
    Metropolitan 1998; includes Baltimore, Birmingham, Boston, Cincinnati, Houston, Minneapolis, Norfolk/Newport News, Oakland, Providence, Rochester, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, San Jose, Tampa, Washington, DC, 1/7/00 HTML link  
    National 1997 3/24/99 HTML link  
    Metropolitan 1996; includes Atlanta, Cleveland, Hartford, Indianapolis, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Sacramento, Saint Louis, Seattle 3/20/98 *.exe 7057 KB
    National 1995; with extra samples for Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, Northern New Jersey, Philadelphia 7/21/97 *.exe 12297 KB
    Metropolitan 1995; includes Charlotte, Columbus, Denver, Kansas City, Miami, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Portland, San Antonio 6/20/97 *.exe 6242 KB expands to 93 MB
    National 1978; complete file including data on disabilities 6/3/04 *.exe 9598 KB expands to 175 MB


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    TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENTS Date Revised File Type File Size
    2007 American Community Survey: A Comparison to Selected Housing and Financial Characteristics for The United States From the 2007 American Housing Survey 4/22/11 *.pdf 1.1 MB
    AHS Variable Name Index 3/31/11 *.zip 44 KB
    Documentation describing the topcoding and other confidentiality measures that occur on the American Housing Surveys (AHS) public use files 2/23/11 *.pdf 831 KB
    Known Errors in AHS Products 12/10 *.pdf 26 KB
    Metropolitan Zone Maps 7/28/10 HTML link  
    Dependent Interviewing in the American Housing Survey 5/24/10 *.pdf 110 KB
    Streamlining the American Housing Survey 8/11/09 *.pdf 334 KB
    AHS Data Users' FAQ 9/9/08 *.pdf 216 KB
    American Housing Survey Supplements (1973 - 2005) 02/08 *.pdf 106 KB
    Imputation via Triangular Regression- Based Hot Deck 12/03/07 *.pdf 326 KB
    Evaluation of the 2005 Changes in the AHS Income Questionnaire 12/03/07 *.pdf 733 KB
    Comparison of Housing Information from the American Housing Survey and the American Community Survey
    *.pdf 1.20 MB
    The American Housing Survey and Non-Traditional Mortgage Products 09/07 *.pdf 698 KB
    Sampling Errors for Small Groups 6/16/98 *.exe 206 KB
    Detailed Areas in AHS Metro Surveys 1974-2007 (for a simple list of names & dates, see Codebook vol. 2 above) Excel spreadsheet file 12/30/05 *.xls 189 KB
    American Housing Survey Metro Bibliographies   *.doc 102 KB
    AHS Metro Survey Changes, 1988-2004 10/10/05 HTML link  
    Documentation of Changes in the 1997 American Housing Survey 7/01 *.pdf 278 KB
    History of AHS-MS Interviewing Since Redesign 10/13/05 *.doc 89 KB


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    COMPUTER PROGRAMS Date Revised File Type File Size
    User-Supplied Programs

    (Download Zip Version here)
    08/24/07 *.exe

    763 KB expands to 1.45 MB



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    SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Date Revised File Type File Size
    Census tracts in each metro survey zone 8/31/00 *.exe 138 KB expands to 1 MB
    Income limits, poverty levels, fair market rents, and median incomes for the units in the 1997 AHS 9/14/99 HTML link  
    Property Owners and Managers (POMS), 1995 3/13/97 HTML link  
    Rental Dynamics Weight, 1985-92 3/7/97 HTML link  


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    Printed reports, 1973 to Present; each includes questionnaire: call HUD USER 1-800-245-2691
    Codebook Volume 1; includes most items for 1973-96, and 1985 questionnaire
    Codebook Volume2; Supplement for 1984-96


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    American Housing Survey (AHS) Metropolitan Microdata Files - 1974-1983 and 1984-2004 (ON DVD), order online or call HUD USER 1-800-245-2691.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas on CD-ROM 1998 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER 1-800-245-2691.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas on CD-ROM 1993-94 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER 1-800-245-2691.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1984-87 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1983 (datatape only), order online or call HUD USER.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1982 (datatape only), order online or call HUD USER.
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1980 (datatape only), order online or call HUD USER.
    Microdata on CD-ROM or tape, late 1970s to Present: call the Census Bureau 301-457-4100
    AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas for 1974 and 1976-88 are available from the National Archives.


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    AHS National Data 1995-1996 Data (CD ROM), Reports, & Code Books 1995 National, 1995 Metro, 1996 Metro, order online or call HUD USER 1-800-245-2691.
    AHS National Data 1997 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER 1-800-245-2691.
    AHS National Data 1989-93 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER.
    AHS National Data 1985-89 (CD ROM), order online or call HUD USER.
    AHS National Data for 1973-81, 1983, 1985, and 1987 are available from the National Archives.


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    After downloading the data, check this site periodically for notice of errors and revisions.


    Copies of the 1997 national file created before 7/98 have preliminary, unweighted data for about 10 percent of the cases in the 1997 American Housing Survey national sample. The data are subject to revision and should not be considered final. Some edits and allocations are not complete, and data are missing for some of the variables. There are known problems that have not been completely corrected as well as problems not yet discovered. No conclusions or inferences should be drawn from the data. Some data are suppressed, topcoded, or recoded to ensure that the confidentiality of individual responses is protected.


    Copies of the 1996 Metropolitan created before 3/20/98 identify central cities (METRO=1) only in Cleveland, Sacramento and St. Louis. Later files now show the central cities in all areas.

    Copies of the 1996 Metropolitan created before 2/12/98 have NUNITS=0 (& very rarely 2) when it should be 1 or 99. However NUNIT2 was correct.

    Copies of the 1996 Metropolitan created before 1/26/98 file have the code 5775 in fields SMSA and PMSA, for all cases in the Sacramento area. This is the code for Oakland, but the data do come from Sacramento (correct code: 6920). Oakland will be surveyed in 1998. The revised file has code 6920.


    Copies of the 1995 National Data created before 5/9/97 have some interviews (with a total weight of about 1.8 million homes) misclassified as Suburb instead of Central City. Other analyses are not significantly affected, even Metro/Nonmetro or Rural/Urban. The revised tape shows 33.5 million units in Central Cities (where the variable metro=1).

    Copies of the 1995 Metropolitan Data created before 6/20/97 have errors in the amount of income: zero income is shown for many households where income was not answered (so the file shows many more low income people than is correct). Missing income is filled in by allocation in later versions of the file, as described on page xiii of Codebook vol. 1, mentioned above.

    Copies of the 1995 National Data created before 7/21/97 wrongly show $0 for housing costs of most subsidized units with "other federal subsidy" or "state or local subsidy." Thus too many units appear with $0 housing costs (4.2 million was wrong; 2.3 million is correct), and too few units with other costs. The revised file also gives more detail on lot sizes over 10 acres and identifies more suburban cases in the 6 areas listed above (see revised Codebook Vol. 2). The publication is being reissued.

    The 1995 National Data include extra cases to allow separate analyses of 6 Metropolitan Areas: Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, Northern NJ, and Philadelphia. These 6 broad areas involve 18 SMSA codes, which cover all cases except: Joliet City outside Chicago, and non-urbanized areas in Los Angeles and in Orange County NY. See page 6 of Codebook vol. 2 for the codes (ignore 5960-Orlando, listed by mistake) and comments on weighting.

    American Housing Survey