File a mortgage complaint

We'll forward your issue to the company, give you a tracking number, and keep you updated on the status of your complaint.

  1. What happened?
  2. Desired resolution
  3. My information
  4. Product information
  5. Review

4000 characters remaining
Which part of the mortgage process is your issue related to? *
Application, originator, mortgage broker
Credit decision/Underwriting
Settlement process and costs
Loan servicing, payments, escrow accounts
Loan modification, collection, foreclosure
Are you concerned about losing your home to foreclosure? * Required
Please note: Filing a complaint will not automatically delay or stop a foreclosure
Have you missed any mortgage payments or are you in default on your mortgage?
Also check "Yes" if your mortgage company believes you are in default or have missed payments, even if you believe your mortgage company is in error.
When is the scheduled foreclosure sale?
You may find this date on the "Notice of Sale" or "Order Setting Sale."
Did you pay a company to help you avoid foreclosure?
Sometimes called "foreclosure rescue," "foreclosure defense," "foreclosure prevention," or "loss mitigation assistance."

Do you believe the issue involves discrimination? (Optional)(Optional)
On the basis of *

Please include a description in the text area above.

4000 characters remaining
My contact information
International address? Include your state in the "City" field above.
My age is(Optional)
I am filing on behalf of

Filing on behalf of someone else may require signed, written permission.

Someone else

International address? Include your state in the "City" field above.

Enter the servicemember information below.

International address? Include your state in the "City" field above.

Property address

International address? Include your state in the "City" field above.
For account identification only

Information about the company

Upload any supporting documents (Optional)

Mortgage statements, good faith estimates, loan origination documents, etc.

Documents must be attached to your complaint before submission. Once your complaint is submitted, you will not be able to add any further documentation. You may submit any document to support your complaint in all digital file types except executable files (.exe).

What happened [Edit]

Describe what happened so we can understand the issue...
Which part of the mortgage process is your issue related to?
Are you concerned about losing your home to foreclosure?
Have you missed any mortgage payments or are you in default on your mortgage?
Is there a date scheduled for the foreclosure sale of your home?  
When is the scheduled foreclosure sale?  
Did you pay a company to help you avoid foreclosure?
This is about  
Do you believe the issue involves discrimination?
On the basis of

Desired resolution [Edit]

What do you think would be a fair resolution to your issue?

My information [Edit]

Contact information

Mailing address
I am filing on behalf of

Someone else


Servicemember information

The consumer is a
Dependent information
Servicemember information
Servicemember status  
Servicemember branch  
Servicemember rank  

Product information [Edit]

Property address
Account/Loan number  
Information about the company
Supporting documents
Screen Reader users press enter to select a Product.  Product


OMB #3170-0011

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB control number for this collection is 3170-0011, expires 11/30/2014.


OMB #3170-0011

Privacy act statement

The information you provide will permit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to respond to your complaint or inquiry about companies and services we supervise. Information about your complaint or inquiry (including your personally identifiable information) may be shared:
  • with the entity that is the subject of your complaint;
  • with third parties as necessary to get information relevant to resolving a complaint;
  • with a court, a party in litigation, a magistrate, an adjudicative body or administrative tribunal in the course of a proceeding, or the Department of Justice;
  • with other federal or state agencies or regulatory authorities for enforcement and statutory purposes; and
  • with contractors, agents, and others authorized by the CFPB to receive this information.

We may also share your complaint or inquiry (but not your personally identifiable information) with the public through a public complaint database.

This collection of information is authorized by 12 U.S.C. § 5493.

You are not required to file a complaint or share any identifying information, including your Social Security number, and you may withdraw your complaint at any time. However, if you do not include the requested information, the CFPB may not be able to act on your complaint.


Privacy act statement
