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  • Paulsen: We Will Never Forget September 11th

    Washington, D.C. – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took to the floor of the House of Representatives on the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives that morning and to the men and women of
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  • Erik's Correspondence Corner: Stopping Tax Hikes & Veterans Jobs Bills

    Washington, D.C. – Continuing his effort to keep the lines of communication open with constituents, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took time to answer questions sent in from around the district regarding important initiatives currently before C
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  • Paulsen Hosts 3rd Annual Job Fair in Brooklyn Center

    Eden Prairie, MN – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) spent Monday at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center talking with over 50 businesses looking to connect with hundreds of potential employees in attendance.
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  • Paulsen Holds Seniors Fair with Identity Theft Seminar

    Eden Prairie, MN - Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) is holding a free Seniors Fair on Wednesday, May 2, 2012, for area seniors. The Seniors Fair will include representatives from area organizations (listed below) that will be on hand to answer question
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  • Rep. Paulsen to Host Third-Annual Job Fair

    Eden Prairie, MN– With the economy slow to recover and many Minnesotans still looking for work, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today announced that he will be hosting his third-annual job fair to help Minnesotans looking for work connect with b
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  • Let Us Never Forget: Paulsen Delivers Veterans Day Message

    Washington, D.C. – Since 1919, the nation has set aside November 11th as a day to remember all those who have worn the uniform of our armed forces. This week, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03), released a message urging constituents to join him i
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  • Paulsen Statement on Iraq Withdrawal

    Eden Prairie, MN – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) released the following statement regarding the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year:
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    Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) released the following statement after it was announced that Osama bin Laden, architect of the 9/11 terror attacks, had been killed by American military personnel in Pakistan:
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  • Paulsen Reacts to the State of the Union Address

    Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) issued the following statement this evening in response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address: "I appreciate President Obama's call for bipartisanship; we need to work together as a country if we're going to tackle this looming debt crisis and put this country back to work" said Paulsen. "However, we must learn from past mistakes and realize that we can't simply spend our way to prosperity. Despite new government programs designed to stimulate our economy, Americans watched as our deficit, debt and unemployment rate skyrocketed over the past two years."
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  • Rep. Paulsen Recognizes our Nation's Veterans

    Since the founding of our Republic 234 years ago, American men and women have time and again taken up arms in our defense when the nation has called.
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  • House Passes Paulsen Military Survivor Housing Assistance Bill

    Today the United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 6058, the "Wounded Warrior and Military Survivor Housing Assistance Act of 2010," authored by Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03). This legislation directs the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Veterans Administration to account for the special needs of members of the Armed Forces with service-connected injuries. It also extends to survivors and dependents of these veterans by taking into account their housing and mortgage insurance program needs. After recently meeting with a widow of a serviceman from Eden Prairie, MN Rep. Paulsen introduced this legislation.
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  • Statement from Rep. Paulsen on Memorial Day

    On Monday, we will celebrate one of America's most sacred holidays. On Memorial Day we remember the millions of heroes who, for generations, have given their lives for our great nation. Today we are free to choose our leaders and live our lives without oppression because of their sacrifices.
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  • Paying the Red Bulls is Long Overdue

    For far too long, members of the Minnesota National Guard's 34th Infantry division – known as the "Red Bulls" – have been caught in a bureaucratic nightmare that delayed bonus pay they'd earned during their deployments in Iraq. After many months and continued pressure from members of Congress in both parties, it appears as though this long-overdue problem is finally headed toward a solution.
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  • Congressman Paulsen Visits Iraq

    Congressman Paulsen recently traveled to Iraq as part of a Congressional delegation visit, meeting with several Minnesota troops.
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  • Congressman Erik Paulsen Statement on Veteran's Day:

    Veteran's Day is truly a day in which we remember the cost of freedom. The freedoms we enjoy today are the result of over two centuries of sacrifice by our men and women of the Armed Forces. Each time our nation has called, our veterans have stood up and shown the world the very best of America. Many have given their lives in the defense and protection of freedom. While this ultimate sacrifice is something we can never truly repay, it is something we must honor each and every day.
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  • Paulsen Praises Approval of Key Funding for Minnesota National Guard

    WASHINGTON –Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today praised the passage of funding he requested and secured with members of the Minnesota Congressional delegation for two key Minnesota National Guard programs, one aimed at strengthening reintegration services for soldiers returning home and another for improving communications and response capabilities during state emergencies such as floods or other natural disasters. These appropriations were part of the Fiscal Year 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations bill that passed the House of Representatives today on a vote of 400 to 30.
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  • Paulsen Opposes $4.1 Billion Cut in Troop Funding

    Congressman Erik Paulsen released a statement expressing disappointment in the FY 2009 War Supplemental Conference Report that passed the U.S. House of Representatives last night.
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  • Erik Paulsen Cosponsors Legislation Honoring Veterans of Foreign Wars

    Today, Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) announced his co-sponsorship of bipartisan legislation honoring the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). The resolution, introduced by Congressman John Kline (MN-02), supports the goals and ideals of Veterans of Foreign Wars Day and commends the organization's mission.
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  • Paulsen Amendment to Help Veteran-Owned Businesses Passed by House

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives today passed an amendment authored by Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) aimed at strengthening veteran-owned businesses. The amendment, which was approved by voice vote and added to the Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act (H.R. 2352) passed today, requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to study the effect of the Act in growing and assisting veteran-owned business. Paulsen's amendment also requires the GAO offer suggestions to Congress as to how we can better assist veteran-owned business.
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  • Paulsen Co-Sponsors Military Voting Protection Act

    While they are serving overseas, we must ensure their voices are heard by strengthening the absentee voting system they depend on each election.
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