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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Steve Austria (R – Beavercreek), a member of the House Appropriations Committee, voted in favor of the Department of Defense and Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R.1363) which offers a short-term extension to keep the government running while also funding the Department of Defense through the end of Fiscal Year 2011. H.R. 1363, which includes $12 billion in cuts, passed the House by a vote of 247 to 181.

Congressman Austria released the following statement regarding today’s vote:

“The reason we are here today is because the Democrats – led by Senate Majority Leader Reid and former-House Speaker Pelosi – failed to do the most basic function of the United States Congress and that is to pass a budget or a single appropriations bill.

 “By not getting serious about this year’s budget, Senate Democrats are putting an undue strain on our military and their families. We are six months into the fiscal year and these delays in full funding for the Department of Defense are leading to schedule slips, cost increases, and management problems for some of the most important programs to our National Defense – not to mention the quality of life issues they raise for our brave men and women in uniform. In fact, it is my understanding that Wright-Patterson Air Force Base could be forced to furlough many of its 27,400 military, civilian and contract personnel. 

“I’m pleased to see that the CR we passed today prevents a shutdown, cuts another $12 billion and fully funds our troops. Now it is up to the Senate Democrats and President Obama to eliminate the uncertainty our men and women serving our country feel, and join us in preventing a government shutdown.”

A third short-term extension is necessary because although the House passed H.R. 1 47 days ago to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year, the Senate has yet to adopt the House’s version or bring their own version to the table. 

Earlier today Congressman Austria took to the House floor to urge his colleagues in the House to pass the short-term bill. Video of the speech can be found on Congressman Austria’s YouTube page at www.youtube.com/CongressmanAustria.

Because the Department of Defense does not have enacted appropriations or new start authority for the rest of FY2011:

• More than 300 personnel have been laid-off from repairing vehicles needed in Iraq and Afghanistan at Army maintenance depots;
• The Defense Supply Center in Columbus, Ohio cannot begin construction on a public safety facility;
• The Navy was forced to delay the procurement of a Virginia class submarine – putting our submarine industrial base at risk;
• The Defense Health Program has been forced to take actions that have adverse effects on the quality of healthcare provided to our military, retirees, and their families;
• And earlier this week Michael Donley, Secretary of the Air Force, said that the Air Force will not be able to make its payroll for the last pay period of Fiscal Year 2011.
