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Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Cotton Farms

by Nora Brooks

Statistical Bulletin No. (SB-974-2) 38 pp, October 2001

Producing a pound of cotton cost U.S. farmers 38 cents in operating costs and another 35 cents in overhead costs in 1997, the latest survey year. Individual farm costs ranged from 18 cents to $1.97 per pound for operating costs and from 28 cents to $2.96 per pound for total costs. The Prairie Gateway had the largest proportion of cotton farms while the largest cotton farms and the largest share of cotton production were in the Fruitful Rim.

Keywords: cotton, costs of production, operating costs, total costs, low-cost, high-cost, custom, cotton production practices, farm characteristics, enterprise size, Agricultural Resource Management Study

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 03, 2012

For more information contact: Nora Brooks