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The Roles of Economists in the U.S. Department of Agriculture

by Economic Research Service

Administrative Publication No. (AP-031) 24 pp, January 2009

Cover image for ERS report "The Roles of Economists in the U.S. Department of Agriculture" (AP-031) Among the many responsibilities of USDA are implementing the Food Stamp Program and other food and nutrition assistance programs; managing Federal forest land; implementing standards of humane care and treatment of animals; providing incentives for adopting wildlife habitat enhancements and other conservation practices; participating in trade negotiations; ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and eggs; providing funds for rural business development; and implementing farm programs legislated by Congress. The Department has a broad mandate, and virtually everything with which it is charged has economic dimensions. It is not surprising, then, that USDA employs over 800 economists across 16 of its agencies.

Keywords: economics, economist, research, employment

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Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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