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ERS Farm Typology for a Diverse Agricultural Sector

by Robert Hoppe, Janet Perry, and David E. Banker

Agriculture Information Bulletin No. (AIB-759) 8 pp, September 2000

The Economic Research Service (ERS) developed a farm typology which categorizes farms into more homogeneous groups than do classifications based on sales volume alone, producing a more effective policy development tool. The typology is used to describe U.S. farms.

Keywords: Farm, farm typology, limited resource, retirement, residential/lifestyle, lower sales, large, very large, small family farms, assets, production, specialization, diversification, government programs, farm household income

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Originally published as a brief brochure, this AIB is superceded by AIB-769, an updated version.

Last updated: Thursday, June 21, 2012

For more information contact: Robert Hoppe, Janet Perry, and David E. Banker