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Oct 19

Takeover: How the Left's Quest for Social Justice Corrupted Liberalism

FRIDAY 12:00PM The Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium
A book event How did liberals get to be the way they are today? Donald T. Critchlow (and his co-author, W.J. Rorabaugh) supply the answer in their new book, Takeover. They argue that it is a mistake to see the Obama Administration’s agenda as a single man’s vision. Equally flawed, they posit, is the now-common argument that today’s liberalism is simply a ...
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U.S. and coalition forces are pouring into Kandahar – the Taliban birthplace and center of gravity – in an effort to shift momentum in the nine-year-old war. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen has called the Kandahar operation “the cornerstone of our surge effort,” and its success or failure is likely to determine the future course of the U.S.-led ... Read more

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