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8/29/2012 Legislative leaders announce $100,000 budget appropriation for innovative United Providence school initiative

STATE HOUSE – President of the Senate M. Teresa Paiva Weed and Speaker of the House of Representatives Gordon D. Fox today celebrated a $100,000 budget appropriation to support United Providence (UP!), a first-of-its-kind in the nation labor-management compact between the Providence Public Schools and the Providence Teachers Union.

The $100,000 grant, approved as part of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s budget, will be combined with contributions made by other organizations, including $100,000 from the Rhode Island Foundation, to support the UP! initiative. UP! will focus on three of the lowest performing schools in the city, promoting innovation and fostering a collaborative environment for teaching and learning.

UP! is the first labor-management Educational Management Organization (EMO) in the nation, and has set as its mission to maximize student achievement in the city’s most struggling schools. The endeavor, rooted in the belief that strong labor management relations are a foundational element for school success, is seen as a replicable model for schools throughout the state.

Senate President Paiva Weed, speaking at a news conference today to announce the funding, said: “Collaboration is key to the state’s transformational efforts in education. One reason Rhode Island was successful in securing federal Race to the Top funds was because of the collaboration among all parties, including labor and management, as well as private partners. The unique, child-centered, approach United Providence is taking to maximize student achievement is particularly exciting because it can be proven successful then replicated throughout the city, the state, and elsewhere.”

Said Speaker Fox: “I am proud that the General Assembly is supporting this innovative partnership. Combined with other educational initiatives taking place in our capital city and throughout the state, this funding will make a real difference in the lives of our students and their families. I especially applaud my former House colleague, Providence Teachers Union President Steve Smith, for working collaboratively with management to create such a great program that we hope can be expanded to other communities in the future.”

The news conference was held at the Carl Lauro Elementary School in Providence, one of three schools targeted for the UP! initiative. The others are the Gilbert Stuart Middle School and the Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School.

Also addressing today’s news conference were Providence Mayor Angel Taveras, Providence School Superintendent Susan Lusi and Providence Teachers Union President Steve Smith. Dr. Lusi and Mr. Smith are members of the UP! Planning Committee.

“United Providence! is a national model for labor-management collaboration. I join residents from across Providence to thank the Rhode Island General Assembly for their generous contribution to the important work Dr. Lusi and Steve Smith are leading,” said Mayor Taveras. “The most important investment we can make in economic development is an investment in education. Because of Speaker Fox, Senate President Paiva Weed and the General Assembly, we are building a stronger foundation to improve education for all Providence students.”

“Our school year may only be in its second day, but already, I can sense wonderful things happening. We are so proud to be partners in this unique collaboration between labor and management,” said Dr. Lusi. “Thanks to the support and generosity of the Rhode Island legislature and the new leadership of Executive Director Dr. Sheri Miller-Williams, United Providence! is off to a terrific launch. We are now ready to begin our work together to raise student achievement in some of our district’s most struggling schools.”

Providence Teachers Union President Smith said, “The Providence Teachers Union has long believed a partnership between labor and management is essential in moving our schools forward. We are extremely excited and thankful that the Rhode Island General Assembly is supporting our work.”

In Providence, nearly a quarter of the district’s schools have been identified as among Rhode Island’s lowest-achieving schools. United Providence notes in its business plan: “There is a deep sense of urgency to invest in our underperforming schools, and to subsequently use these schools as the catalyst for ongoing district-wide reform and improvement. Our lowest-performing schools represent our best opportunity to produce fundamental change and deliver on the promise of a high-quality education for all students in Providence. … UP! represents a new and exciting strategy that will jumpstart this reform process.”

For more information, contact:
Greg Pare, Press Secretary for the Senate
State House Room 314
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 276-5558

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