Author archive: Dennis Slagter

Honoring service with service


Each May as we celebrate Memorial Day, our nation takes a moment to remember all of the brave men and women who died in service to our country. Memorial Day was first initiated as a day of remembrance for fallen soldiers during the Civil War but today it serves as a day to honor all servicemembers who lost their lives while serving in America’s conflicts. We will always be mindful of their great sacrifice as we continue to serve the American consumer and those who wear, or have worn, the uniform for our country.

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February 2011: CFPB’s HR System Comes Online


Each day this week, we will feature information about an important milestone in the establishment of the new consumer bureau. Today’s post is about our new HR system. Read more of this series. The Dodd-Frank Act created the CFPB as an independent bureau within the Federal Reserve System. Many steps must be taken before the [...]

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