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March 28, 2011


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When Eisenhower introduced the Interstate Highway system in the 1950's did he make it voluntary for the states to participate, or was it mandatory? I'm wondering if any states didn't want to participate then that are glad they did now. The same holds true with High-Speed passenger rail. I live in Georgia and it just makes SO MUCH SENSE on so many levels to have high-speed passenger rail in the Southeast, linking nodes from Atlanta to Charlotte, Richmond & DC -- or to Birmingham, Savannah, Orlando, Knoxville..

We're subsidizing motor vehicle surface transportation today, as it is not 100% paid for solely through vehicle fuel taxes and other fees. Most everyday folks on the street don't realize this. So why NOT help with some subsidies for passenger rail in the multi-modal spectrum, too!

Victorville, CA? Google says that is only 3 hours to downtown LA via Amtrak, once a day, at 4:15am.

I love high speed rail, but this sounds like an expensive project to ensure that what happens in Vegas . . . well, doesn't get back to LA, anyway . . .

What _is_ the strategy, here?

Fascinating news, I can't wait for this to be built.
Will bring jobs, and clean air, and reduce congestion.
High-speed rail is the future and way to go.
Let's build ASAP!

With the ongoing threat of global warming, high speed rail is supposed to hold the key to the future of transportation. I hope they consider LA to Phoenix.

The Victorville terminus is a compromise.

Pressure should be continued to build an extension of the line to Palmdale, where it can link up to Metrolink (now running) or, fingers crossed, to California High Speed Rail once that gets built.

I believe that's our best chance for a LA to Las Vegas rail link of any variety, something not existing since Amtak's Desert Wind vanished in 1997. Sure, it will require one train-to-train transfer in Palmdale, but at least the service will exist. Las Vegas will be accesible by rail to people in a large swath of California, from Santa Barbara all the way down to San Diego.

I live in Michigan, and I hope that we, too, will get some of the funds to up-grade the rails, roadbed, bridges, and signaling for the continuing of the already started (over the last three years) of hi-speed (110 MPH) railroad from Chicago to Kalamazoo, on to Dearborn, MI!
Also, to take a train from Eastern Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)to the Eastern part of USA,(Boston, New York, Florida, etc.), a train ride takes you From Detroit, West to Chicago, and back East to Toledo, then East or South - a total of 551 Miles to go 45 miles on rail, (Ann Arbor, MI to Toledo, by rail! Talk about waste of time and fuel - and the rails are there already! Please, Look. No wonder few people from Michigan ride the to the East!,Sincerely, Donald Monteith, MARP-Northern Region Chairman

The DesertXpress project is full of "what ifs" and is an utter waste of money.

Build the Maglev. It's more expensive, but better in the long run.

I think it is an excellent idea, but I am curious as to the public perception of (an attitude towards) public transport in America. I could be completely wrong, and I have never been to the US myself but it sometimes seems that there is almost a stigma attached to using public transport in America. At least towards long distance travel.

Maybe I have misread it, and it is just the pro-car culture that we have here in Australia as well. In any case, this project makes good sense on several levels and I hope it is a great success.

I am writing to ask why you (Secretary LaHood) are supporting the Desert Express high speed rail to Victorville, CA. No Nevadans or Californians want this railroad. No Nevadans want to go to Victorville for vacation. Nevadans are going to have to rent a car and drive to Anaheim, and Californians are going to have to drive to Victorville. Many ask why not just drive there in the first place and forgo the train. It is being called "the train to nowhere" in Nevada. Please explain to me why you are supporting this when it is clear that what we really want is the Maglev transportation system. The cities of Las Vegas, Anaheim, Barstow, Ontario, and Newport Beach also support the Maglev trains Why are we pushing to build something that even the cities do not want? I think most people feel that we've waited this long we can wait a bit longer for a truly better system like Maglev, especially when it will take us where we want to go.

The DesertXpress looks truly amazing, but is fast rail service realistic in America? I can see it being feasible in certain locations, but is it a cost effective alternative even in specific instances? Without a doubt,U.S. population numbers will forever grow, so the need for something like DesertXpress is obvious. The hurdle that will have to be overcome is the individuals desire to control when, where, and how they will travel. Getting American citizens to give up their cars is a tough challenge!

As a commercial truck driver there is nothing worse than the bumper to bumper traffic on any Sunday heading south on I-15 towards LA. If I have this route I plan for an extra 4 hours on my trip.
I hope everyone uses DesertXpress.

Step by step, one at a time and see this projects success.
Its really a long hurdle, from DEIS(Draft), SEIS(Supplemental) and now the FEIS(Final) and hoping the Records of Decision will come out as soon as possible.

Sen. Reid is correct that it will not only LV will be benefited from this, (for me) just imagine the development it will create by this anchor project in high desert(Victor Valley) and the flow of commerce once this project becomes connected to CHSR from San Diego to Sacramento and San Francisco.

Takes money to build high speed rail, we're broke, $14 trillion in debt, record deficits, and a lost perpetual after running infrastrcuture $2.2 trillion into disrepair?

Most Americans see the value and need for high speed rail but after the fight over health care and now education, unions, teacher jobs, and more how or why would we even begin to condsider the expense?

I post all kinds of facts and the DOT refuses to put those comments up while there are no comments for days?

I don't get it, why does President Obama and the DOT refuse to look at 21st century IT to save billions in waste in freight transportation when we could use it to pay for high pseed rail and economic recovery?

"Conductors, operators and ticket-takers" sound like great modern era jobs. Any idea of the total economic cost of a trip from Victorville to Las Vegas?

I really love all the haters commenting without knowing the big picture. Let me clarify for you. Vegas to Victorville is the first step. Step 2 is the California rail built from north to south running thru Palmdale. Step 3 connects Victorville to Palmdale completing the link from LA, Frisco and San Diego to Vegas. Again, this is just the first step. Any questions??

There is no empirical data about potential ridership of the proposed train. Apparently none of the proponents of "DesertXcess" have considered the tradeoffs travelers would be making, namely; travelers from LA will already be in their beloved vehicles a third of the way to Vegas before they get to the station; with gas costing about $35-40 PER VEHICLE vs. train tickets costing $75-$100 PER PERSON. People will want to save their $ for gambling, drinks, and shows! Furthermore, would-be passengers then have the inconvenience and potential cost of parking at the train station, handling their luggage, checking in, probably a TSA check, waiting for the next train, followed by additional time and transportation needed upon their arrival in Vegas. With all that, the potential time saved on a fast train would be gone, and they would be without the convenience of having their own vehicle once in Vegas. The bottom line? This is an absurd venture, based purely on wishful thinking and conjecture, destined to add billions to our national debt. And - by the way - I happen to love train travel and want to see it expand and improve in the US, but I can remain objective and realistic about the proposed "DesertXcess" train. It will add billions to our national debt, with little hope for long term job or profit generation.

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