Hackers Unite In Charleston

October 18, 2012 by rudy panucci

Hackercon 3 (Doomsday Eve) starts Friday. This edition of the annual information and cyber-security symposium will explore Doomsday and survival scenarios in the age of the internet.

In addition to workshops and contests, there will be presentation on Doomsday tactics, speakers including Larry Pesce and K.C. Yerrid, and a presentation of the film, “Reboot.”

Hackercon 3 runs Friday through Sunday at the Ramada on Kanawha Boulevard (formerly The Charleston House Holiday Inn). Some of the workshops will take place down the boulevard at Digiso. Events kick off at 8 AM Friday, and you can find a full schedule here.

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The Best of Halloween On RFC 171

October 15, 2012 by rudy panucci

Back in the Gazz.com days.

Radio Free Charleston’s 171st episode, “Skull Shirt,” is online now and it’s a doozy. This on- hour-five-minute compilation show brings you highlights from the first five years worth of Radio Free Charleston Halloween specials. Most of these shows were multi-part or bonus length epics and each year’s special was different in its own twisted little way.

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Monday Morning Art: ArtMares Preview

October 15, 2012 by rudy panucci

ArtMares, the horror-themed art show, will once again be part of HallowEast this year, and I am proud to once again be incuded among the artists whose work will be on display. What you see above is a pencil study for the digital painting that became “Ghouls Night Out,” my new entry for this year’s exhibit. You may rememer this image from last year. You’ll have to wait to see which of the two fully-painted versions I posted as Monday Morning Art last year made it into ArtMares.

This image is based on a photo taken at the Halloween edition of Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School last year. It features Lavendar Menace, Elle Xombeah, Vorel Sarkany and Penny Maple. This year’s Halloween Dr. Sketchy’s session happens Sunday, October 21 at Kanawha Players Theater, and the theme is Vampirella!

ArtMares opens at Contemporary Galleries on October 24 for a sneak preview. On Friday, October 26, an artist’s reception will be held at Contemporary Galleries with music from the incredible Sean Sydnor. For more details, check the HallowEast IV website.

Sunday Evening Video: Time And Distance

October 14, 2012 by rudy panucci

Our buddy, filmmaker and musician, James Vernon Brown of The Liquid Canvas (see RFC 158) has produced a great video focused on Charleston’s Time And Distance, who are seeking funds via IndieGoGo for their next recording project. Check out the video and then kick in some dough.

Burgers, Big Daddy and Captain Action

October 12, 2012 by rudy panucci

The PopCulteer
October 12, 2012  

It’s a mixed bag of coolness this week, so let’s dive in, shall we?

Rockin’ Robin’s First Anniversary

One year ago, Rockin Robin’s Burgers and Shakes opened in Clendenin, and they’ve been a catering presence supporting the local music scene ever since. Saturday they’re putting on all-day outdoor show with music and contests, and with a beautiful Fall day predicted by the Mational Weather Service, it should be one of the highlights of a very cool weekend.

A Hot Dog Eating Contest kicks things off at Noon, while a Costume Contest will be judged at 5 PM. At 3 PM there will be a Pumpkin carving Contest. Read the rest of this entry »

Monday Morning Art: Onward Wayward Girls.

October 8, 2012 by rudy panucci

The Wayward Girls School of Burlesque made their debut September 29 at The Empty Glass, dancing to music from Pepper Fandango. We’ll have news on their next performance here soon. That’s a digital painting of the School’s headmistriss, Penny Maple, above.

Follow the jump for digital paintings inspired by Elle Xombeah, Lavender Menace, Lili Lugosi, Kitty Killton and Pepper Fandango herself. And you can click the images for larger versions.

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Sunday Evening Video: RFC 170

October 7, 2012 by rudy panucci

Watch it again. It’s good!

Shocka Con In Photos

October 5, 2012 by rudy panucci

The PopCulteer
October 5, 2012  

Happy Horror Time

The first-ever Shocka Con took place last Saturday on D Street in South Charleston, and it was a rousing success, exceeding all expecations. Organizers said that they’d be happy with 300 to 800 attendees, and instead upwards of 2,500 people showed up at various points during the day-long, mostly free event.

This was the first year for the Horror/Sci Fi Con, and because it was first conceived only a few months ago, plans were scaled back from a standard three-day convention to a one-day event based around South Charleston’s Mound, with films shown at The Labelle Theater and seminars at The South Charleston Public Library, just a coouple of blocks down D Street.

The even was free, but donations were accepted so they can get an early start on next year’s convention. While next year’s Shocka Con is expected to be a more conventional convention, I’m hoping that some of the cool elements that made this year’s show such a success are retained. The Monster Parade and free concert were hugely popular.

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Farnsworth Rocks Budget Tapes and Records on RFC 170, plus Weirdness and Meet Ginger From The Stock Car Musical

October 1, 2012 by rudy panucci

Radio Free Charleston 170, “Regular Show Shirt,” is a valentine to Budget Tapes and Records, the legendary music and lifestyle emporium that is celebrating forty years of serving area music fans from their Kanawha City location. Our host segments originate from Budget, and we even have two songs by Farnsworth, recorded on location at the release party for their new EP at Budget.

RFC 170 also brings viewers a song from the Contemporary Youth Arts Company production of the Dan Kehde/Mark Scarpelli original, “The Legend of Ginger and Billy Joe: The Stock Car Musical,” as well as animation and a found film compilation by Frank Panucci.

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Monday Morning Art: The Return Of The Return Of The Steampunk

October 1, 2012 by rudy panucci

We are going back to the Dr. Sketchy’s well one more time this week with three more images from last month’s Steampunk Session. Above you see Denny, below you will find Ophelia Darc and Vorel Sarkany. This month Dr. Sketchy’s will feature Vampirella during their regular session, and they’ll also have a presence at CharCon. We’ll bring you more details as the dates approach.

As always, click the images of these digital paintings to see larger versions.

Also, don’t forget that Radio Free Charleston 170, originating from Budget Tapes and Records, with music from Farnsworth and “The Stock Car musical,” goes live tonight here at PopCult.