State News

Friday October 19, 2012
TandemBASE to offer easy access to thrill rides
TandemBASE developed a special parachute made just for tandem BASE jumps, designed to support more weight and provide a soft landing will still maintaining maneuverability.
Courtesy photo
Kevin Brown, 50, of Fayetteville, was the first tandem BASE jumper at the New River Gorge Bridge. He made his jump during Bridge Day 2011.

BASE jumping is not a sport of amateurs.

As part of Saturday's annual Bridge Day celebrations, dozens of parachute-wearing daredevils will fling themselves off the New River Gorge Bridge for a seconds-long ride to the whitewater below.

Other BASE jumpers try their luck on skyscrapers, antennas and cliffs (BASE stands for "buildings, antennas, spans and earth"). And as crazy as that sounds, most are already accomplished skydivers before they make their first death-defying leap.

But Mark Kissner, a BASE-jumping gear manufacturer from Idaho, wanted to open the sport to more inexperienced jumpers.

Skydiving companies have done it for years. First-time skydivers can sign up for a "tandem" jump, where they are strapped to an experienced skydiver who handles all the important parts of a jump . . . like opening the parachute on time.

Skydivers, however, have a much larger window of time to get things right, spending minutes in the air before pulling the cord. BASE jumpers must deploy their chutes only moments after leaving their perch.

"Nobody ever thought it was possible," Kissner said. "The idea of taking an activity (where) the average jump lasts 10, 15 seconds, how do you incorporate a student into that environment?"

But Kissner figured it out and, with his help, 11 first-time BASE jumpers will get the chance to parachute from the New River Gorge Bridge alongside the experts.

Kissner started his company, TandemBASE, in Twin Falls, Idaho, about two years ago. He already manufactured BASE-jumping gear, so he built a tandem harness inspired by tandem skydiving harnesses.

He also hired a parachute manufacturer to produce a special tandem-jump chute, giving the company a list of specific features he needed. The resulting parachute is not much different from a regular BASE chute but is made to support more weight and allow for a soft landing while still maintaining maneuverability.

Still, Kissner has to be picky with jump sites. There are only a few places in the world where his company can perform tandem jumps. Buildings, antennas and cliffs aren't good launch sites because tandem parachutes aren't quite as maneuverable as single-jumper chutes. There's a chance jumpers will reverse direction once their chutes deploy, sending them flying back toward the object they launched from with too little time to react.

That limits launch sites to bridges, but only a few bridges are tall enough and also have good, soft landing areas. Though BASE jumpers pride themselves in landing on rough terrain, tandem jumps require a more forgiving environment.

The New River Gorge Bridge meets both criteria.

TandemBASE made its first appearance at Bridge Day last October.

Kevin Brown, 50, of Fayetteville, was their first client in the Mountain State.

Brown is a park ranger for Army Corps of Engineers at Summersville Lake. He grew up near the Summersville Dam and remembers his grandfather taking him to the gorge when crews were building the bridge. He's only missed one Bridge Day since 1994.


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