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Directorate of Public Works (DPW)
Environmental Division

  • News and Announcements
  • Photo Contest and Calendar
  • Show-Me Fort Leonard Wood

Public Notice-Building 401 (Old Post Headquarters) Demolition Old Post Headquarters building Public notice and instructions for how to make comments: instructions

Draft Memorandum of Agreement
New Energy Website!hand with globe

You have the Power!

Look Around - Smart Energy Choices are Everywhere!

Click here to access the FLW Energy Management webpage!

Fort Leonard Wood Recycling Achievement AwardRecycling logo
NEW!! A quarterly award for military unit and government civilians (individuals or teams), for activities demonstrating aspects of reusing, reducing, rethinking, repurposing, and recycling (the 5 R's). See links below for details!

Recycle trailer available for use at your next event!recyle trailer To make arrangements for the FLW Recycling trailer to be at your outdoor event just call DPW Inspection Branch at 596-7021. Please confirm your arrangements for the trailer at least two weeks prior to your scheduled event.
Take the FLW Energy Pledge!light bulb and dollar Whether it's for the pocket book or for the environment, here's a checklist of things you can do to save energy.