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State House Room 217
Providence, RI 02903
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News and Events

A national notary group honored Secretary of State Mollis today with its highest award for his role in creating the state’s first code of conduct for the state’s 21,000 notaries public.
Join us in recognizing the crucial role that Rhode Island's 21,000 notaries public play. We maintain the records of notaries public, authenticate their signatures and keep on record the official signature of every notary public.
With voters in four Rhode Island communities set to go to the polls on Tuesday, we are offering some advice to help make casting their ballot as easy as possible.
Three of the four candidates who filed to run for Elizabeth Dennigan’s former House seat have officially qualified to appear on the Dec. 29 ballot.
More than 100 Johnston High School students registered to vote and dozens more took home voter registration forms during a voter registration drive there today.

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