Monday, November 22, 2010

Response to "Young Boy Strip Searched by TSA"

***Update 12/13/2010 10:30 AM *** New information was brought to light that indicated the initial report was incorrect. The TSA officer  intended to pat down the child, due to a TSA requirement to check passengers with bulky clothing,  which the boy was wearing, and not due to the walk through metal detector alarming.

A video is being widely circulated showing a shirtless boy receiving secondary screening from a Transportation Security Officer (TSO). A passenger filmed the screening with their cell phone and posted the video on the web. Many are coming to their own conclusions about what's happening in the video which is now perched at the top of the Drudge report and being linked to in many other blogs and tweets. We looked into this to find out what happened.

On November 19, a family was traveling through a TSA checkpoint at the Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC). Their son alarmed the walk through metal detector and needed to undergo secondary screening. The boy's father removed his son's shirt in an effort to expedite the screening. After our TSO completed the screening, he helped the boy put his shirt back on. That's it. No complaints were filed and the father was standing by his son for the entire procedure.

It should be mentioned that you will not be asked to and you should not remove clothing (other than shoes, coats and jackets) at a TSA checkpoint. If you're asked to remove your clothing, you should ask for a supervisor or manager.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


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Anonymous said...

I've never seen the public show so much contempt and revulsion over government activity since the tortures of Abu Ghraib prison. It isn't the TSA troops in the field, the buck stops with the President that sanctioned this activity. Write him.

Michigan said...

Perhaps those of you who want to complain should think back to 9/11, or any other successful or failed terror plot in the last 50 years, and ask yourself if the new procedures are really necessary or too over the top.

Maybe you can get in touch with the families of the victims of 9/11 and ask them if they wish that these procedures were in effect the day those planes were hijacked and their loved ones were murdered. I wonder what they would say.

If you feel the procedures are too invasive, you are concerned about a scanner having a negative impact on your health, or you are uncomfortable with a pat-down, you always have the alternative of using a method of transportation that doesn't require them. Your happiness and comfort is not more important than the safety of other passengers and the crew.

Someone brought up the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and it is a weak argument. It's not an unreasonable search because of the numerous attempts, many of them successful, to kill scores of people using airplanes.

The first commercial flight in the U.S. took place in 1914, but it wasn't until 1972 that the FAA required airlines to screen all passengers and carry-on baggage. This was due to several hijackings that had occurred in the 60s.

The point is is that they had to change airport security, which was virtually non-existent at the time. If they hadn't changed then, more planes would have been hijacked and more people would have died.

Times have changed again. It is necessary once more to change with them or we will continue to allow terrible tragedies like 9/11 happen. Be angry. You have every right to be. But your anger is misguided. You should be angry at the people who hate Americans and want to wipe us off the face of the planet.

Think about what could happen if the new procedures weren't in place and you, or someone you love, were on a plane that someone managed to take over or blow up because something slipped past security.

Have a safe and happy holiday season and be thankful there are safeguards in place to protect us and our loved ones, even those on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Let's all go through naked. It would make the lines go quicker....use less TSA poeple.

Anonymous said...

"You will not be asked to remove clothing (other than the clothing we have asked you to remove)."

That's a lie. I was recently requested to remove a sweatshirt. TSA can't keep their lies straight.

Anonymous said...

"If we should, God forbid, have another successful terrorist attack all of the people who are complaining about the TSA security measures will be begging for them before flying again (if they are sane and logical, that is). I just returned from flying to Dallas via Atlanta. I did NOT feel groped by the female TSA employee - she explained to me what she was going to do and I told her that I appreciate the extra security. I'd rather go through a screen and a pat down than die on a plane that some nut case has rigged up to send me plunging to my death.
Remember 9-11 folks? Hello...."

Hello to you, too. That is of course if the lights are on, and someone is actually home.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the TSA and other organizations dedicated to terrorizing the American public under the guise of "security", I'm much more frightened of my own government than I ever was of Al-Qaeda.

Anonymous said...

So in other words, your "defense" is that you've so cowed/beaten down the father that he reached the conclusion that the best way to deal with you was to partially undress his child to make you go away quicker?


TSA: Trampling Civil Rights since 2001.

Anonymous said...

How is this father supposed to explain "bad touching" to his son. Nobody should ask you to take off your clothes or touch your private parts unless they're approved by the Department of Homeland Security. as Ben Franklin warned, if you give up your rights to protect your freedom you will have neither.

Anonymous said...

I know that I saw someone from TSA on CNN a couple of weeks ago who said that no one under 12 would be pat down. I'm sorry but this is wrong. That child looked like he was being molested.

Anonymous said...

Where were all you tireless defenders of civil liberties when prior administrations were reading your email or torturing innocent people? This train left the station years ago, with your blessing, when you thought decent white folk like yourselves wouldn't be inconvenienced. Mustering outrage over something you just saw on the internet is the nadir of laziness and speaks to the true privilege you enjoy. The sad thing is, something else will captivate your attention next week and you'll go about your lives as though the problem has been solved. You get the country you deserve, suckers.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll just go naked under a coat that way I can avoid the whole "pat down" experience. Serously - this has gotten so far out of hand! The only reason people got things past security was because TSA wasn't doing their job properly in the first place and now we the public pay the price with your "enhanced screening." Another thing I'd like to know is how TSA screens its employees now that they are patting down people - especially children!

Anonymous said...

Wow first off I hate to point out this but Al Quaeda has been using children as carriers of IEDs for about three years here's an interesting article.
Also I hate to point this out the second in command of Al Quaeda Adam Yahiye Gadahn (Adam Pearlman) is a Brown hair blue eyed American, from California. The attack on Ft. Dick all the attackers where white Islamist from Albania, that had been in the US most of their lives and had no foreign accents. SO if you want TSA to racially profile then what race do they profile against, because radical Islam has extended itself into all races? What age, because Al Quaeda will use anyone from children to elderly against us, they have even used used the handicapped to deliver IEDs?,2933,327445,00.html
Profiling is useless when there is no profile that can be relied on. If you begin to look for people who are dressed a certain way or have Islamic names then guess what that becomes a predictable obstacle that the bad guys will use against the US. Plus I hate to remind you but Al Quaeda is not the only terrorist group that want to kill you remember their is still home-brewed terrorist groups like AIM (American Independency Movement)who caused the the attack in Oklahoma City.
What is it you Want TSA to do? You made the accusation that TSA was "Security Theater" Then TSA made changes in order to assure that everyone gets from point A to B safely. Every one just threw a tamper tantrum. Yes the pat downs are uncomfortable. Well try steeling a VCR from a mall and see how uncomfortable those pat downs are, that private security guards will give you, trust me you won't feel uncomfortable you'll feel outright violated by comparison. Despite the claims of some (whom did not actually get a patdown) no ones "junk" is being fondled, grazed maybe but not fondled. No TSA is not violating anyone's rights because no one has the "right" to enter Government "private" property. Although publicly owned airports are not considered public land. They are government municipal controlled private property. Just like you have a right not to let anyone you don't want in your house. The Government has the right to refuse entry to people that can not comply to the rules of security. No TSO's have taken away any of your rights because you have the absolute freedom not to fly. If you don't want to give up that gun your carrying then drive. If you don't want your bag X rayed then drive. If you don't want to be screened in an airport then go greyhound! Just because you don't like your choices does not mean you have no choice.
It all boils down to this if you alarm a metal detector or refuse the AIT then you will have to under go a pat down, you refuse you will not be allowed to enter the secure area. It's really that simple.

Anonymous said...

It is foolish to subject people to such harassment it becomes a choice of choice of strip search by x-ray or fondling by an agent. to put children through either is not acceptable. There needs to be a common sense approach to the security performed on children that doesn't violate there innocence. Like not touching or viewing the private areas. Personally I will not fly because of the security. I find it more relaxing to drive than to go through TSA with my wife and child no It just will not happen. I hope more people decide to travel by car bus or train rather than put up with TSA. This will put more pressure on the government to provide a better more common sense approach to flight security.

Anonymous said...

why isn t it the woman who searchs the boy, a man touching and feeling young children , it s pushing them to become pedophiles .

Catherine Fitzpatrick said...

I'm really impressed with how you are handling this.

I've been tracking the influential blogs and finding that in fact the A-listers are not making this an issues. The big geeks don't care (they fly a lot). The little geeks shriek (they haven't experienced as much airport security).

I tracked the story, and I began to see that it isn't "everybody" or "the whole Internet" but just a small measurable number of predictable outlets whiplashing the usual forums dwellers.

We need a filtering and screening system to protect us from terrorism, which is real, and which has been responsible for many victims around the world.

Anonymous said...

I hope our representatives in government (congress, senate, etc) get involved and either disband or completely reform the TSA. Someone needs to be fired.

I don't want to live in a county where people have to live in fear of humiliation and sexual touch by government employees when they go about their daily lives.

I'm outraged that my tax dollars pay for this.

Aaron R said...

Ok so. Let me get this straight. Fear driving our actions is ok right? Getting groped, felt-up, pat-down, scanned, and humiliated without real reason is ok right?

Where am I. Seriously.

Its completely pathetic that we have fallen so far as a nation to get to this point where we have decided its ok to have these things done to us. Especially to those who do not even fit a valid profile for a terrorist (except perhaps in fiction).

And those of you who defend this. I can understand your like for policy such as this. After all; can never be too safe right? Wrong. There's a limit to fear mongering that any person should take. Giving up your rights to be "safe"? Come on. Look at statistics and look at them hard. What do you see? Don't just say 9/11 and expect that to be enough justification. That said I was in fourth grade when 9/11 happened. I haven't forgotten.

If for god whatever knows whatever reason I fly. I don't want such a foolish and unnecessary branch of government patting down people or scanning them on highly detailed scanners. I myself will subject to them. But I'm not saying its going to be a good experience for the agent who is getting paid to do a (mostly) thankless job.

I'm gonna copy and paste this into notepad and save it in case this comment gets edited or is not added.

Logically, Aaron R

Anonymous said...

The President, VP and all Senators and Representatives should be subject to the most invasive form of screening every time they fly. Maybe that would fix this problem.

Shonna said...

You don't ask anyone to take off their clothes, yet there is a scanner that does just exactly that for you? You wonder why we the people would balk at this? I've taken both my kids through security and was once, in Vegas, put through the scanner where air is blown at you - and my then 4 year-old daughter had to go through on her own. The TSA agents were NOT understanding that she needed to be with me (she is autistic...the TSA agents at the time just sneered and said, "She has to go through on her own". AND they patted her down without letting me be with her. I've seen nothing resembling professional behavior then or now. I don't fly now as a result.

Anonymous said...

According to the man who shot the video he was asked - several times - to delete it. Why? If the TSA has done nothing wrong, it should have nothing to worry about, right?

Anonymous said...

I have an idea: everyone should carry a copy of the Constitution with them and place it on top of their belongings in plain sight in the bins when they go through security. If enough people do this, maybe someone will get the message that this is an illegal body search. By the way, where is the ACLU? Why aren't they crying foul?

Anonymous said...

This incident is simply a matter of errors that keep on piling on top of one another. The father of the child was frustrated and the screener made a stupid choice in continuing with the search. The screener should have immediately suspended the inspection of the child and demand that the child be fully clothed prior to resuming the search.

Folks, you have to understand that these screeners are not trained to really think about their actions. Rather, they are trained to conduct screening operations (which is actually a tough job) at breakneck speed. They are not law enforcement officers, public relations experts, or even have the faintest idea about their actual role in the big picture of air safety. They are just trying to do their job and go home.

This issue has nothing to do with the individual working men and women of the TSA, its the leadership. The TSA leadership has a history of branching out beyond their authority. The point that really caught my eye in this blog is that TSA screeners/representatives actually followed and harassed the man who recorded the child being searched!!!!!! It sounds as if they were very close to an investigative detention, needless to say without the slightest hint of probable cause or even reasonable suspicion that a crime was occurring. They may justify the harassment by saying that the video recording was "suspicious".

Ok, call the airport police or a Federal Air Marshal. TSA screeners and or managers have zero law enforcement authority. TSA screeners are there to conduct administrative searches of the traveling public. Period!

TSA has historically done all kinds of things outside their authority. There are countless instances of violations of individual civil rights. Then there are the smaller annoyances.
They used to tell passengers that they were required to remove their shoes when it was still optional. At one time TSA had screeners walking around airports asking passengers for their identification conducting investigative stops. Those are just a few petty examples.

The TSA will always justify their actions under the guise of public safety, or that the civil rights violations are made by rouge individuals overstepping their authority.

The truth is, like any big organization there is little accountability anywhere.

Now, let me get this straight? TSA is now allowed to either see me naked or invasively pat down my body. If I refuse, I am subject to civil penalty and if I attempt to establish any accountability for ignorant TSA actions (recording) I get harassed until I board my plane.

There is only one answer here folks. We need to utilize the system by writing and or calling our publically elected officials and complaining.

Venues such as this blog do little, except cool our tempers so that we just swallow our pride and put up with the silliness going on in our airports.

Anonymous said...

Even if we forget about the children, the sexual assault survivors, the disabled, folks with prosthetic breasts, etc., how can we possibly forget that YOUR employees are exposed to this radiation with UNKNOWN consequences for 8 or so hours a day.

As a human, you offend me.

As a taxpayer, I don't want to pay for the impending claims.

Please stop this foolishness before you kill someone!

Betancourt said...

In regards to the full body scans, I believe it’s fair to say that flying is a privilege not a right, therefore if people don’t want to be patted down or have their body scanned, then people have the choice to either drive, take a bus, or a boat to their destination. Safety should be our priority.

Denis Drew said...

Why all the fuss on the internet over a little boy whose father actually took his shirt off for him or over males who were intimately touched inside the clothing or females horrified to be enhance-frisked by female agents ...

... when the numero uno shocker should be ...

This happened in Chicago -- second city -- where you would think personnel density would present no shortage of female agents. If this can in Chicago it can happen anywhere -- and from other reports it seems to be considered routine by TSA agents.

Are these stories left behind for lack of video? If so I plead with anti-groping activists to prepare their own videos ranging from at least a person talking about what happened to (probably the most effective) graphic simulations of media reports.

Related issue: if male TSA agents feel free to routinely grope females (which should be recognized as a violent felony by the Obama administration from now on -- immediately! -- some journalist ask Obama please) when there are supposedly too few females on hand (pun intended) how much more free do non-TSA, private contractor X-ray viewers -- who we cannot view in return -- feel to view naked images of the opposite sex?? “The person viewing you is in another room. You won’t know if it’s a man or woman”.?
If these stories don't move to number one concern why should anyone care about anything?

Anonymous said...

I have a serious question (same as Shelley's). I don't want an AIT porno scan but as a rape survivor, I don't want to be touched by a stranger either (and no, the gender doesn't make it better or worse). Personally, I would rather strip down to my (tight) skivvies for a visual inspection to avoid skin-to-skin/glove contact.

Is that a viable option?

Can you please let us know?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I like how you don't address the intimidation of the man who took the video. Let me remind you, we can use our phones for whatever we want and some random guy in a suit can't make us delete it. Stop acting like thugs now! If you haven't noticed you are rapidly becoming the most reviled organization in the nation. Take Note: America is not willing to be a police state.

Anonymous said...

TSA agents operate with surly looks and bullying techniques. I've had it happen to me many times. I don't believe that the father thought he had a choice in the matter and probably the TSA agents told him to take the boys shirt off if they didn't suggest that they would strip search the poor kid!

I doubt this will be posted. TSA= police state and frankly I'm limiting my travel until there is an end to this. So will other americans and it will hurt airlines and the tourist industry. If I had a child there is no way I'd submit them to this touching by gov't strangers with no CLEAR written public guidlines.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the boy was selected for a pat-down. My opinion is the guard was into little boys, disgraceful that our government has stopped to harassing its own citizens. governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Our government has obviously become abusive.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

Where is the blog post that was above this one just 20 minutes ago? The one that gave all of that "good information" on how to get through security, including adding the MyTSA app to my phone. (Yeah, right!)

Anonymous said...

People love to make things into something they are not without researching. As a person who hates flying and REALLY is frightened after 9-11, search away TSA. I don't have a problem with it if it makes me safer.

Anonymous said...

Do Americans have what it takes to stop these shenanigans?
Our government no longer is there to protect our rights. They will not stop this ridiculous and invasive touching or naked body scanning by the TSA. The ONLY thing left to do is to hit them where it counts. IN THE POCKETBOOK!

Here is all we have to do:
1. STOP FLYING until they pull all these machines out.
2. STOP FLYING until they stop these agressive pat-downs.
3. STOP FLYING until Obama asks for Janet Napolitano's and the head of the TSA's resignation.

Done deal.
It will only take about a week to accomplish this. The government only understands money or lack of it.

Anonymous said...


If you think an 8 year-old is a security threat then it is you who shouldn't be flying.

Anonymous said...

If we are to ask for a supervisor, perhaps the TSA employees could wear some sort of a name tag so we can identify them. If you ask their name for a complaint report, they do refuse to give it to you - and tell you it's against the rules to give their names out.

So how, exactly, are we to file an accurate complaint?

Asking for a supervisor simply invites even more aggressive TSA behavior. They do intimidate to get you to obey their commands, regardless of how out of line they are, and there is no recourse.

This is why the TSA is not trusted - there is no oversight, and no ability for the passengers to report truthfully on situations that do occur.

SEB said...

I've got a feeling that my comment got weeded out because, on reflection, it may have been viewed as dirty (although that's certainly not what was intended!).

Anyway, I meant to say that seeing a CCTV of this incident would be helpful in determining how the event really happened. If TSA is perfectly comfortable releasing some CCTV footage of innocent people who haven't given their consent for a video of them being released, they should be willing to put out all such CCTV footage if they want to "refute" a story. Otherwise, the fact that TSA feels comfortable releasing CCTV footage in some situations but not others suggests to me that footage that they don't release would not be at all favorable to TSA.

TJ said...

I have never been through a TSA checkpoint where there was not a person at the back of the line shouting for ALL jackets and belts to be removed.

Jackets and belts are different from shirts, but it's false that TSA does not ask for any clothing to be removed.

Devon said...

This does bring up an added issue to the topic. I don't have a problem with the pat-downs, but a toddler may. I don't have children, but I can see how the idea may irk many parents. I also think this man is completely out of line for removing his son's shirt and that made the issue much worse.

Dave W. said...

Are Behavior Detection Officers subject to pat down every time they enter the sterile area? I just read about the suicidal one at ATL who is accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young woman.

If he is suicidal, isn't he a security risk? Why not screen TSA employees with the same level of thoroughness as children receive?

Anonymous said...

Every single member of the TSA is part of following an immoral order. You should be dismantled and ashamed of yourselves.

Every single American who believes in the fourth Amendment should stand up to all of you!

We shouldn't be afraid of our Government, they should be afraid of us.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I thought four out of five americans are in favor of the naked body scanners, but your blog suggests something else. May I know how TSA came up with that conclusion

Anonymous said...

"The TSA's administrator, John Pistole, is treated like any other traveler when he flies, waiting in security lines and walking through X-ray machines, including the full-body imagers, his spokesman said."

Prove it.

jhardesty said...

The TSA is a joke... its time we start getting rid of this "security theater"... its a waste of our time, an embarrassment to our intelligence, and worst of all hasn't caught a single person since inception...

Anonymous said...

Pretty hilarious seeing as this was posted on the TSA website. I will tell you this much, and agent touches me inappropriately and I am filing a law suit for sexual harassment.

8675309 said...

I don't want a same-gender person to pat me down. I want an attractive female to do it.

Anonymous said...

I must ask Why? All of the soldiers who ever died on the battlefield to protect our rights, are we so willing to allow this government entity violate these rights in the name of security. Where and on what planet do you think this little boy could have or was a security threat. Where was the security when the cargo packages were loaded with Printer cart that were explosive? The back side is vertually and completely unsecure. No inspection of vehicles or inspection of the people. Come on stop this as it allows the terrorist to win the war. Remember they said if they could change the way we live then they will have won the war. NO other coutry does this!!! Even airlines comming to USA dont go through these security measures, so where is the security in that? Just some thoughts before you so willingly become the sheep that just let go of your rights.

Anonymous said...

So what is the limit to what they can do to us?

Lets say they decided to do a full body cavity search. They wouldn't of course, but lets say they did. They wouldn't be breaking ANY laws and there would literally be NOTHING to prevent them from doing it!

They can do whatever the hell they want within their own conscience, and THAT is hardly any restraint at all!

Anonymous said...

I have a little girl about the age of that child, and should you attempt to touch her in the manner that little boy was touched, or scan her in any way, you better lawyer up real fast. Like, light-speed fast.

Anonymous said...

"If we should, God forbid, have another successful terrorist attack all of the people who are complaining about the TSA security measures will be begging for them before flying again (if they are sane and logical, that is). "

Interesting. If we have another successful attack - on a flight that originates in the U.S - then it will mean the TSA failed to do its job.

You'll be begging for more?

Jeff said...

I am wondering why we couldnt have the explosive sniffing dogs standing right next to the Agent who checks our documentation, then go through the regular checks (before full body scanners). We would find explosives, find metals, x-ray our carry-ons and this whole privacy thing would evaporate. I must be missing since it seems so easy but nobody seems to be asking the question. Why not dogs?

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted that TSA agents tried to scare the man who shot the video of TSA agents strip-searching the little boy. I am sure TSA will try to get a law passed making it illegal to shoot video of their revolting practices. If TSA agents get police powers, it's all over. They will arrest anyone who criticizes them or photographs/videos them.

Anonymous said...

It used to be that public "servants" had to swear an oath to the Constitution and used to care about "justice" and "right and wrong." It appears that now, the TSA just hires total IDIOTS who could care less about Constitutional rights, as long as they get a pay check. Souls are so cheap these days.

Anonymous said...

Call your representative and ask them to sign H.R. 6416,The American Traveler Dignity Act.

Anonymous said...

Funny, the parent was interviewed by Leonard Greene in the New York Post. The disingenous poster neglected that - hey not official complaint on the spot by someone whose son was molested by three TSA 'agents'

He said "I didn't think it would be so horrible" and "we've told him no one should touch him there but his parents and doctor Now I have to tell him TSA, too? That's wrong"

Of course, he's right. Even criminals do not have to submit to sexual molestation - defined in US law as being touched w/o consent through clothes in private areas, where the intent of the toucher is immaterial - for their crimes. It certinly is not constitutional, that you should be molested as a condition to travel.

Hey, Bob, care to comment

Anonymous said...

This was a few years ago, but my daughter 19 at the time, had just undergone spinal surgery 3rd surgery. She had a custom back brace and a spinal bone stimulator. She had cards about her metal in her body and the medical equipment on her. TSA made her TAKE everything OFF! I was near by and questioning ,but was ignored. After it was all off a supervisor came over and said NEVER let them make you take this medical equipment off! We were afraid to protest too much...this was at Dulles airport. No apology's ridiculous

Everyone said...

Dear TSA:

Nobody likes you. You were not formed so government employees can grab our privates. Kindly consider changing your policy to something more profiling?

Then, and only then, could you possibly repair the damage done to the people's trust in their Government since this ill-conceived policy was made.


Everyone except the perverts publishing our nude scans on the web

Anonymous said...

I am happy to say I will not be flying ever again. Seeing that poor boy being traumatized by tsa officers, agents whatever they call themselves.. I will be taking train or alternative travel arrangement from here on in.

Anonymous said...

So is it true you're now arresting people for legally taking video at checkpoints?

Anonymous said...

This is going to go away. So long as people have smartphones and there are airplanes, people will protest. We have every right to video anything in public, even in an airport.

What happens if we put a sky marshal on every plane and broke up the TSA to fund it?

Anonymous said...

I recently went thru your enhanced pat down as you like to call it. Having a legal background, I must remind you that this is NOT a pat down but a modified custodial search.

I also asked for a supervisor as you recommended to other posters, I was yelled at and intimidated by this "manager" for my effort.

So what is your point? What honestly do you expect the lemming to do?

Anonymous said...

According to the Daily Caller, the person who shot the video has a very different perspective on this:

However, the guy who shot the video says this, as posted at the Daily Caller:

Lets get the facts straight first. Before the video started the boy went through a metal detector and didn’t set it off but was selected for a pat down. The boy was shy so the TSA couldn’t complete the full pat on the young boy. The father tried several times to just hold the boys arms out for the TSA agent but i guess it didn’t end up being enough for the guy. I was about 30 ft away so i couldn’t hear their conversation if there was any. The enraged father pulled his son shirt off and gave it to the TSA agent to search, thats when this video begins…

After I finished videotaping the incident I went through the check point myself. I collected my things and went over to talk to the father and son. Before I could get to them a man in a black suit who had been talking with the other TSA officials approached me. He asked to speak to me and I obliged, wondering what was to come. He then proceeded to interrogate me about why I was videotaping the “procedures of the TSA”. I told him that I had never seen such practices before on a young child and decided to record it. The man being frustrated at this point demanded to know my plans with the video, of which I didn’t respond. Repeatedly he asked me to delete the video, hoping his mere presence could intimidate me to obey, but I refused. By this point it became obvious that he felt TSA had done something wrong and that I caught it on tape. After the interview, I left for my gate. I called my brother who told me I should put the tape on YouTube because this had been a recent hot topic in the news.

My gate was a long way off, but about 15 minutes after arriving 2 TSA agents came and sat 15 feet or so away from me. I stood up and moved so that they were in front of me and then took a picture. A 3rd and then a 4th agent came and sat down with the others. They would occasionally glance at me and talk on their walkie-talkies. I don’t know why they were there or if it was a huge coincidence but they stayed for 30-45 minutes and left just before I boarded the plan. Interesting to say the least, intimidating? Maybe a little…

Read more:

Can you please explain the significant discrepancy between his story and the TSA's official spin?

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Lets see how you blame this one on someone else.

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me at the stupidity of some of these responses.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Airport safety or not, being groped by a stranger for ANY reason, will result in a traumatic experience for a child.

Anonymous said...

First of all my initial reaction to this was horror.

As many others because this is a child, but at the same time how many child soldiers are trained in underdeveloped countries to fight, if someone intended to really cause some damage arming a child with explosives would not be an issue.

Next because having worked in customer service this definitely requires some customer recovery. No where does this mention that TSA went into investigation or reprimanded those employees for allowing the father to remove the boy's shirt. Or sending employees to sensitivity training where they might have offered a private pat down room for the boy and his father so that this child would not be on display for the public.

It is a vicious mistake but TSA had an even worse response to it.

Anonymous said...

anon said:
"Let's all go through naked. It would make the lines go quicker....use less TSA poeple."

makes perfect sense, i want to have my children to look at you naked, a simply rational approach.

Anonymous said...

You TSA people are full of it. saying that "flying is a privilege and if you refuse to get screened, you don't have the RIGHT to fly." isn't that what we're about? freedom and rights? oh wait, i forgot you obviously haven't read the 4th amendment, which states the right of privacy and security shall not be violated. besides, there's no need for gene-frying scanners or invasive patdowns, because the only REAL recent airplane accidents that happened had to do with natural disasters, not bombs or terror acts. wake up tsa, and since there are no ashes to smell because we were already plenty safe, wake up and smell the roses. You make me sick.

Anonymous said...

"Their son alarmed the walk through metal detector and needed to undergo secondary screening."

Did the detector require therapy? I had no idea that the detectors were sentient beings. No wonder people are concerned about the body scanners.

Anonymous said...

I and my 13yr old son was flighting out of skyharbour airport 11/24/10 about 6:50am and was asked to remove our sweater prior to entering the scanner then was given a body pat down. I'm African American and this was my son first time flying. This was dehumanizing and I point to the other scanner and indicated a caucaian in the other scanner wearing a sweat shirt shirt and the TSA agent said it was on a case by case base.

Anonymous said...

LOL I just have to ask,

Did the TSA have a hot tip that the Red Power Ranger told the little boy to take over the plane using super powers and giant robots?

I mean really, you guys should implement some kind of policies regarding sexual harassment of kids, adults, hell even citizens of this great country.

What it looks like dear TSA is that you guys have this strangle hold on our ability to travel with dignity and safety. But do not take the customer for granted. Customers who take pride in our flag and take pride in the fact that our country is DIFFERENT than the rest of the world.

You seem to be showing us the opposite of what our country stands for. For that alone you should feel shame. Pathetic.

Jesse said...

This just means the criminals have won. Whats next? Maybe we should all have full MRI's before passing onto the plane. Maybe I will just drive where I need to go from now on. That poor kid is gonna grow up with issues.

Anonymous said...

If you knew half of what tso's knew, you would thank them for a job well done. Molested? Really? Try talking to someone who has been molested and see if it compares. This video here depicts an undisciplined child and very uninformed father. With the easy access of information via the internet or a simple phone call to TSA, this whole scenario could have been avoided. So go ahead, blame tsa for your own mishaps and promise me that when tsa takes a week off from screening (date to be announced later, once all terrorist groups are notified) you continue to fly that week. Thank you TSA!!

Blogger Bob said...


***Update 12/13/2010 10:30 AM *** New information was brought to light that indicated the initial report was incorrect. The TSA officer intended to pat down the child, due to a TSA requirement to check passengers with bulky clothing, which the boy was wearing, and not due to the walk through metal detector alarming.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I live overseas. My family and I were planning to ski in Colorado in February. If TSA does not withdraw the porno-scanners and the grope-searchers by the beginning of January, I will cancel our flights. We will stop travelling to the US until sanity is restored.

Some shout that I need to "get used to it" and if I don't like it, I don't have to fly. Others justify the measures saying "this is the age in which we live".


This is the age which the total-security-freaks are TRYING to impose on us. We don't have to accept it.

And surely it is those too nervous to board a flight with unmolested grannies and kiddies who need to catch the bus.

Enough is enough.

I ask everyone to boycott airtravel until passengers have recovered their elemental human rights.

I would go ahead and cancel those reservations..... no sense in waiting til January

RB said...

Blogger Bob said...

***Update 12/13/2010 10:30 AM *** New information was brought to light that indicated the initial report was incorrect. The TSA officer intended to pat down the child, due to a TSA requirement to check passengers with bulky clothing, which the boy was wearing, and not due to the walk through metal detector alarming.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

December 13, 2010 10:30 AM
What was the source of this "new" information?

Might it have been questions from a certain Congressman?

Anonymous said...

"Michigan said..."
FAA rules (government policies) are mostly to blame for the success of the 911 hijackers.

Why did the hijackers carry box cutters?
Box cutters were approved by the FAA as carry on items.
How did the hijackers gain access to the cockpits?
Prior to 911 it was an FAA rule that whenever a plane was hijacked, the plane captains were to open the cockpit door and negotiate directly with the hijackers. Captains had to under go annual FAA training classes that reinforced this policy.

WITHOUT being a conspiracy theorist; it is safe to say that poor government policies enabled every single 911 attacker. The only unsuccessful attack was when the PASSENGERS TOOK MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS!

Anonymous said...

New information was brought to light that indicated the initial report was incorrect. guys lied. Right?

“I said, ‘You guys knew that at the beginning. You lied at the beginning,’” Chaffetz said Friday.

Anonymous said...

"Bulky clothing? Come on, Bob, the kid was wearing a sweater! We can see it on the video. So now you are saying that according to TSA policy, sweater = patdown?

Anonymous said...

Please provide the TSA's definition for 'Bulky Cloths', because in my estimation a long sleeve shirt would not qualify as bulky.

Anonymous said...

I received the screening and pat-down last night. I am a 52 year old woman. No idea why they chose me. They took me to a private room. A woman patted me down while another monitored. They explained everything and used the back of their hands. They never looked through my luggage. Not sure why they chose me. It really was not bad or demeaning. I thanked the for keeping me safe.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is, is that tsa does need to do a patdown on children because terrorist like to hide explosives on children but known of you angry passangers thought of that did you? TSA is doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

No more flying for this family - we are taking the train - trip coming up soon - I will not have my
eleven year old daughter subjected to Obama's new flying rules! Goodby Southwest!!!

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