Exhibit 4. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS BY SITC COMMODITY SECTIONS, NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED: 2005 AND 2006 Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (-) Represents zero or less than one-half unit of measurement shown. October 2006 September 2006 SITC Section Description Exports Imports Exports Imports Total 92,414.2 164,477.5 88,427.7 158,535.3 Food and live animals 4,950.9 4,845.4 4,410.3 4,436.3 Beverages and tobacco 446.3 1,603.1 378.7 1,272.8 Crude matterials, inedible except fuels 4,946.5 2,463.5 3,855.9 2,483.5 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 3,125.7 25,319.9 3,591.6 28,790.4 Animal and vagetable oils, fats and waxes 182.1 225.7 153.0 234.4 Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. 11,881.7 12,105.6 11,239.2 11,349.1 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 8,027.1 20,001.4 7,627.7 19,297.7 Machinery and transport equipment 36,875.7 64,760.2 35,961.4 59,679.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 8,815.4 27,431.9 8,670.9 25,482.6 Commodities and trasactions not classified elsewhere in SITC 3,562.8 5,720.9 3,363.4 5,369.8 Reexports 9,600.0 (-) 9,172.2 (-) Timing adjustment (-) (-) 3.5 139.3 _________________ Cumulative-to-date 2006 SITC Section Description Exports Imports Total 856,613.2 1549589.9 Food and live animals 42,586.6 46,129.8 Beverages and tobacco 3,999.5 12,981.6 Crude matterials, inedible except fuels 40,333.2 25,828.8 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 29,084.3 286,503.7 Animal and vagetable oils, fats and waxes 1,567.6 2,374.2 Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. 111,985.1 118,998.1 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 75,616.1 187,709.8 Machinery and transport equipment 349,190.2 585,951.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 82,196.6 229,607.2 Commodities and trasactions not classified elsewhere in SITC 31,178.5 53,368.0 Reexports 89,068.2 (-) Timing adjustment -192.7 137.1 _________________ October 2005 Cumulative-to-date 2005 SITC Section Description Exports Imports Exports Imports Total 79,552.3 156,161.7 747,188.5 1378947.2 Food and live animals 4,581.6 4,393.3 38,155.8 41,881.4 Beverages and tobacco 405.3 1,314.6 3,570.5 11,429.3 Crude matterials, inedible except fuels 3,726.7 2,394.4 33,047.9 23,773.2 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 1,887.6 30,818.0 22,164.6 235,344.9 Animal and vagetable oils, fats and waxes 152.5 195.9 1,431.4 2,005.8 Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. 9,890.9 11,157.9 100,422.9 105,611.9 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 6,898.3 16,286.1 64,271.5 159,049.3 Machinery and transport equipment 32,768.1 59,605.6 303,405.2 533,165.2 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 7,877.5 24,723.3 72,947.3 217,773.1 Commodities and trasactions not classified elsewhere in SITC 2,631.0 5,272.7 24,825.5 48,913.1 Reexports 8,732.8 (-) 82,945.8 (-) Timing adjustment (-) (-) (-) (-) SOURCE: Report FT900 (CB-06-180, BEA-06-54), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, October 2006. For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Vanessa Ware (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.