Featured Posts

Half of All Facebook Page Traffic Now Coming from Mobile … and Other Hot Topics

Small businesses have dealt with plenty of Facebook changes in 2012. From new features to a completely new look—you have taken these changes in stride and done your best to … [Read More...]

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Social Campaigns Goes Mobile!

Whether it’s using their smartphone or tablet, everywhere you turn people are “going mobile.”  Currently, Facebook tabs on business pages (like the tab your social campaign … [Read More...]


The Top 10 Questions Small Businesses Have About Pinterest

This week, we hosted our first ever Pinterest for small business webinar. It was a huge success and over 1,000 people signed up to learn more about a social network that’s … [Read More...]


[GUIDE] How 6 Nonprofits Use Online Marketing to Connect with Supporters

It’s not easy to spread the word about a nonprofit. Volunteers are usually already juggling a million things at once and even getting a group meeting together can prove to be a … [Read More...]


Engage, Inform, Recruit: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media to Recruit Volunteers

When you think about nonprofits and social media marketing, you probably assume that these organizations are primarily using social media tools to fundraise. Without money, you … [Read More...]

volunteers (feat)

Latest Entries

Half of All Facebook Page Traffic Now Coming from Mobile … and Other Hot Topics

Small businesses have dealt with plenty of Facebook changes in 2012. From new features to a completely new look—you have taken these changes in stride and done your best to adapt to a changing social landscape. But if there’s one change small businesses can be happy about it’s the surge … [Read More]

Social Campaigns Goes Mobile!

Whether it’s using their smartphone or tablet, everywhere you turn people are “going mobile.”  Currently, Facebook tabs on business pages (like the tab your social campaign would run on) cannot be seen on mobile. This is a huge audience that you could be missing, and a problem that we wanted … [Read More]

The Top 10 Questions Small Businesses Have About Pinterest

This week, we hosted our first ever Pinterest for small business webinar. It was a huge success and over 1,000 people signed up to learn more about a social network that’s already driving big results for businesses—big and small. One of the best parts about the event was the conversation … [Read More]

[GUIDE] How 6 Nonprofits Use Online Marketing to Connect with Supporters

It’s not easy to spread the word about a nonprofit. Volunteers are usually already juggling a million things at once and even getting a group meeting together can prove to be a challenge. A busy staff also means there isn’t a lot of time to consider new initiatives. That can make it harder … [Read More]

Engage, Inform, Recruit: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media to Recruit Volunteers

When you think about nonprofits and social media marketing, you probably assume that these organizations are primarily using social media tools to fundraise. Without money, you can’t provide services or pay the staff who carry out those services. Actually, most nonprofits are going social to … [Read More]

It’s Not too Late to Run a SaveLocal Holiday Deal!

With some of the larger deal providers, if you wanted to run a holiday deal, you might have had to make that decision back in September or October to get contracts in place and your deal approved in time. Not with SaveLocal! With SaveLocal, you can set up your deal in minutes and have a stream … [Read More]

How a Facebook Sweepstakes Can Help Small Businesses Hit the Engagement Jackpot

When it comes to generating results from online marketing, small businesses are always looking for a better way to cash in. But while tools like social media and email marketing have provided a winning ticket for some—plenty of small businesses still face setbacks when it comes to growing their … [Read More]

[Q&A] How Do You Run a Fundraiser with Email Marketing?

As we enter the biggest giving season of the year, we thought it would be timely to talk with someone who knows quite a bit about hosting fundraisers: Hania Whitfield, the owner of Whitfield Consulting, a marketing firm that focuses on nonprofits and small businesses. I recently spoke with Hania … [Read More]

“Can I Just Use a Big Image in My Email?”

When I teach Boot Camp Classes for Constant Contact, one of the most common questions I am asked is one that I have several answers for. "I want to send a single-image email, what is the easiest way to do that?" Once that question is asked, I go through all of the possible scenarios of why a … [Read More]

Are You a Victim or the Victor?

The past several years have been difficult ones for small businesses. Recently, there have been signs that the economy is picking up again, and many small business owners say they’ll end the year on a high-note. But others admit they’re continuing to struggle, blaming the economy for their … [Read More]