ANNUAL REVISION FOR 2002 PART B: NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED EXHIBIT 14. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF GOODS BY PRINCIPAL SITC COMMODITY GROUPINGS - 2002 DATA (In millions of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (-) Represents zero or less than one half unit of measurement shown. (X) Not applicable. Item (1) Exports Imports Balance of Payments Basis 681,874 1,164,746 Net Adjustments -11,229 3,380 Total Census Basis (2) 693,103 1,161,366 Manufactured goods (3) 544,913 974,576 Agricultural commodities (3) 53,115 42,012 Mineral fuels (3) 11,541 115,748 Selected commodities (3) ADP equipment; office machinery 30,368 76,877 Airplane parts 14,309 4,986 Airplanes 27,115 12,329 Alcoholic beverages, distilled 505 3,273 Aluminum 2,947 6,757 Animal feeds 3,824 605 Artwork/antiques 977 5,194 Basketware, etc. 3,842 6,564 Cereal flour 1,578 2,170 Chemicals - cosmetics 5,870 4,195 Chemicals - dyeing 3,860 2,357 Chemicals - fertilizers 2,106 1,619 Chemicals - inorganic 5,464 6,018 Chemicals - medicinal 15,732 24,748 Chemicals - n.e.s. 12,348 6,168 Chemicals - organic 16,406 30,366 Chemicals - plastics 19,380 10,760 Cigarettes 1,466 316 Clothing 5,485 63,803 Coal 1,673 966 Coffee 8 1,369 Copper 1,026 3,520 Cork, wood, lumber 3,364 7,872 Corn 5,108 137 Cotton, raw and linters 2,031 25 Crude fertilizers 1,520 1,275 Crude oil 92 79,252 Electrical machinery 66,948 81,158 Fish and preparations 2,976 10,000 Footwear 518 15,387 Furniture and bedding 3,814 21,577 Gem diamonds 1,182 12,088 General industrial machinery 30,075 35,200 Glass 2,363 2,162 Glassware 700 1,838 Gold, nonmonetary 3,244 2,428 Hides and skins 1,594 84 Iron and steel mill prod 5,252 12,951 Jewelry 2,087 7,110 Lighting, plumbing 1,333 5,566 Liquefied propane/butane 471 1,250 Live animals 636 2,093 Meat and preparations 6,356 4,269 Metal manufactures, n.e.s. 11,170 16,681 Metal ores; scrap 4,626 3,101 Metalworking machinery 4,140 5,104 Mineral fuels, other 1,997 1,413 Natural gas 995 10,974 Nickel 421 933 Oils/fats, vegetable 1,070 1,127 Optical goods 2,132 2,836 Paper and paperboard 9,551 14,435 Petroleum preparations 6,009 20,748 Photographic equipment 3,529 5,325 Plastic articles, n.e.s. 6,820 9,138 Platinum 723 2,830 Pottery 83 1,697 Power generating machinery 32,430 33,922 Printed materials 4,429 3,960 Pulp and waste paper 3,842 2,363 Records/magnetic media 4,414 5,279 Rice 769 162 Rubber articles, n.e.s. 1,423 2,139 Rubber tires and tubes 2,232 4,765 Scientific instruments 27,087 20,884 Ships, boats 1,200 1,325 Silver and bullion 262 687 Soybeans 5,734 28 Spacecraft 509 310 Specialized industrial machiner 23,532 18,401 Sugar 13 495 Television, VCR, etc. 19,374 66,212 Textile yearn, fabric 10,263 16,097 Tobacco, unmanufactured 1,050 701 Toys/games/sporting goods 2,985 22,067 Travel goods 277 4,402 Vegetables and fruits 7,607 10,194 Vehicles 57,698 168,073 Watches/clocks/parts 236 3,203 Wheat 3,630 266 Wood manufactures 1,564 7,853 Re-exports 63,792 (X) Agricultural commodities 1,730 (X) Manufactured goods 61,352 (X) Mineral fuels 158 (X) (1) Detailed data are presented on a Census basis. (2) Total exports (Domestic and Foreign) (3) Domestic exports NOTE: For information on data sources, nonsampling errors and definitions, see the information section on page 26 of the FT-900, or at trade/www/press.html or SOURCE: Report FT900 (03) (CB-03-93), U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, FINAL 2002. For more information, contact Haydn R. Mearkle (301-763-2246) or Nick Orsini (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.