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Vision: Agile sourcing through innovative strategic solutions developed by multi-skilled professionals who anticipate and deliver warfighting capabilities.

Mission: Acquire and support warfighter capabilities through responsive business solutions.
tabOther Senior Executive Offices 
Col James Lovell
Senior Military Assistant
DSN 227-6990 / Com 703-697-6990

SMSgt Mark Childress
Senior Exec. for Enlisted Matters
DSN 227-8331 / Com 703-697-8331 

SAF/AQE - Executive Action Group
DSN 227-9494 / Com 703-697-9494

tabCapability Directorates 
SAF/AQI - Information Dominance
Leadership: Mr. Randy Walden
Phone Number: 571-256-0081

SAF/AQP - Global Power
Leadership: Maj. Gen.John Posner
Phone Number: 571-256-0191

SAF/AQQ - Global Reach
Leadership: Maj Gen Robert C. Kane
Phone Number: 571-256-0492

SAF/AQS - Space Programs
Leadership: Brig Gen Robert D. McMurry Jr
Phone Number: 703-695-3423

SAF/AQL - Special Programs
Leadership: Col Kenneth Plaks
Phone Number: 202-767-3890
tabFunctional Directorates 
SAF/AQC - Contracting
Leadership: Brigadier General Wendy M. Masiello
Phone Number: 703-588-7070

SAF/AECO - Acquisition Excellence & Change Office
Leadership: Mr. Robert Pollock
Phone: 703-588-7318

SAF/AQR - Science, Technology, and Engineering
Leadership: Dr. David E. Walker
Phone: 571-256-0303

SAF/AQH - Acquisition Career Management
Leadership: Mr. Pat Hogan
Phone: 703-254-2529

SAF/AQX - Acquisition Integration
Leadership:  Mr. Richard W. Lombardi, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Integration
Phone: 571-256-0356

tabProgram Executive Offices 
PEO StructureA Program Executive Officer, or PEO, is one of a few key individuals in the United States military acquisition process. A Program Executive Officer may be responsible for a specific program (e.g., the Joint Strike Fighter), or for an entire portfolio of similar programs (e.g., the Air Force PEO for Space, who is responsible for all acquisition programs at the Air Force Space Command Space and Missile Systems Center. PEOs are typically delegated ACAT II and III Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) for programs in their portfolios.

SAF/CM - Combat and Mission Support
Leadership: Mr Randall Culpepper

AFPEO/JSF - Joint Strike Fighter
Leadership: VADM Dave Venlet

AFLCMC/EB - Weapons
Leadership: Maj Gen Kenneth Merchant

SMC/CC - Space Systems
Leadership: Lt Gen Ellen Pawlikowski

AFPEO/SL - Space Launch
Leadership: Mr. Roger S. Correll

AFLCMC/SS  - Strategic Systems
Leadership: Brig Gen Daryl Hauck

AFMC/AFRL - Technology
Leadership: Maj Gen William McCasland

AFLCMC/WK - Tankers
Leadership: Maj Gen John Thompson

Leadership: : Col Eric Fick

AFLCMC/WW - Fighter/Bomber
Leadership: Maj Gen Dwyer Dennis

AFLCMC/WL - Mobility
Leadership: Mr Kevin Buckley

AFLCMC/WN - Agile Combat Systems
Leadership: Mr. John M. Miller

AFLCMC/HN - C3I & Networks
Leadership: Maj Gen Craig Olson

AFLCMC/HI - Business & Enterprise Systems
Leadership:Mr. Robert C. Shofner

AFLCMC/HB - Battle Management
Leadership: Mr. Steven Wert
tabDirect Reports 
AF/SB - Scientific Advisory Board
Web Site:
Phone: 703-697-4811

AF/RCO - Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office
Leadership: Mr David E. Hamilton, Jr
Phone: 202-767-1800

AFHSIO - Air Force Human Systems Integration Office
Web Site:
Leadership: Colonel James R. Little
Phone: 240-612-4580

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