PART B: NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED EXHIBIT 14. EXPORTS, IMPORTS AND BALANCE OF GOODS BY SELECTED COUNTRIES AND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS, -- 1997 (In millions of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (-) Represents zero. (X) Not applicable. (Z) Less than one half unit of measurement shown. (R) Revised. Note: This exhibit is not additive. See footnotes.) Balance May April Cumulative Item(1) 1997 1997 to-date Total Balance of Payments Basis -15,339 (R) -14,553 -71,957 Net Adjustments -1,890 (R) -1,716 -7,948 Total Census Basis -13,449 (R) -12,837 -64,009 North America -3,441 (R) -2,251 -14,089 Canada -1,741 (R) -853 -7,081 Mexico -1,700 -1,397 -7,008 Western Europe -1,292 -486 -2,440 European Union -1,450 -1,092 -3,128 Austria -36 -47 -123 Belgium 428 335 2,358 Finland -74 -120 -345 France -336 -243 -1,257 Germany -1,740 -1,406 -6,984 Italy -839 -702 -3,794 Netherlands 1,159 1,039 5,420 Spain 54 60 614 Sweden -325 -398 -1,662 United Kingdom 294 418 2,757 Other EU -35 -26 -112 European Free Trade Association -49 469 50 Norway -242 -61 -725 Switzerland 202 539 818 Other EFTA -9 -9 -44 Other Western Europe 206 137 639 Eastern Europe/FSR 4 69 16 Hungary -64 -42 -181 Poland 101 77 233 Former Soviet Republics -44 43 -23 Russia -106 -3 -324 Other FSR 62 47 302 Other EE 12 -11 -13 Pacific Rim Countries -7,777 -8,748 -40,806 Australia 601 532 3,100 China -3,764 -3,451 -16,864 Japan -3,633 -4,841 -21,631 Newly Industralized Countries(NICS) -205 -81 -401 Hong Kong 564 631 2,567 Korea 479 592 2,404 Singapore -165 -347 -667 Taiwan -1,083 -957 -4,705 Other Pacific Rim(2) -777 -907 -5,010 South/Central America 641 800 2,367 Argentina 305 245 1,222 Brazil 446 421 1,895 Colombia 74 102 234 Other S/C A (2) -185 32 -983 OPEC -1,707 -1,686 -8,932 Indonesia(2) -265 -353 -1,555 Nigeria -572 -613 -2,502 Saudia Arabia -196 -128 -692 Venezuela(2) -602 -482 -3,059 Other OPEC -73 -110 -1,124 Other Countries -749 -840 -3,824 Egypt 312 134 1,196 South Africa 41 58 316 Other -1,103 -1,031 -5,336 Uniden. ctys (3) 7 7 13 Timing Adjustments (X) -537 -931 _______________________________________________________________ Exports May April Cumulative Item(1) 1997 1997 to-date Total Balance of Payments Basis 57,192 (R) 57,644 277,647 Net Adjustments -991 (R) -697 -3,898 Total Census Basis 58,183 (R) 58,341 281,545 North America 18,120 (R) 19,166 89,812 Canada 12,747 (R) 13,454 63,014 Mexico 5,372 5,712 26,798 Western Europe 13,481 13,981 66,578 European Union 11,892 12,177 59,649 Austria 164 163 849 Belgium 1,113 1,075 5,584 Finland 154 115 638 France 1,327 1,381 6,608 Germany 2,007 2,373 10,563 Italy 754 842 3,846 Netherlands 1,751 1,600 8,157 Spain 462 453 2,479 Sweden 286 297 1,409 United Kingdom 3,110 3,153 15,910 Other EU 765 724 3,606 European Free Trade Association 1,104 1,413 5,004 Norway 174 199 836 Switzerland 912 1,195 4,082 Other EFTA 17 19 86 Other Western Europe 485 391 1,924 Eastern Europe/FSR 714 725 3,254 Hungary 39 43 201 Poland 163 127 497 Former Soviet Republics 397 454 2,046 Russia 259 313 1,294 Other FSR 139 141 752 Other EE 115 101 510 Pacific Rim Countries 16,799 16,347 79,975 Australia 994 883 4,735 China 1,051 1,001 4,888 Japan 5,594 5,526 27,768 Newly Industralized Countries(NICS) 6,719 6,795 32,437 Hong Kong 1,275 1,316 6,092 Korea 2,388 2,504 11,321 Singapore 1,521 1,356 7,280 Taiwan 1,535 1,618 7,744 Other Pacific Rim(2) 2,441 2,143 10,147 South/Central America 5,297 5,067 24,242 Argentina 494 427 2,154 Brazil 1,339 1,214 5,930 Colombia 478 469 2,104 Other S/C A (2) 2,986 2,958 14,054 OPEC 2,288 1,997 9,532 Indonesia(2) 488 329 1,853 Nigeria 75 56 297 Saudia Arabia 639 590 2,951 Venezuela(2) 569 513 2,387 Other OPEC 518 510 2,043 Other Countries 2,534 2,473 12,744 Egypt 353 203 1,443 South Africa 259 255 1,227 Other 1,923 2,016 10,074 Uniden. ctys (3) 7 7 13 Timing Adjustments (X) -582 -365 _______________________________________________________________ Imports May April Cumulative Item(1) 1997 1997 to-date Total Balance of Payments Basis 72,530 (R) 72,197 349,604 Net Adjustments 899 (R) 1,019 4,050 Total Census Basis 71,632 (R) 71,178 345,554 North America 21,560 21,417 103,901 Canada 14,488 14,307 70,095 Mexico 7,073 7,110 33,806 Western Europe 14,773 14,467 69,017 European Union 13,342 13,269 62,778 Austria 200 210 973 Belgium 684 741 3,226 Finland 228 236 983 France 1,663 1,624 7,865 Germany 3,747 3,779 17,547 Italy 1,593 1,544 7,639 Netherlands 592 561 2,736 Spain 408 393 1,865 Sweden 611 695 3,071 United Kingdom 2,816 2,736 13,153 Other EU 800 750 3,719 European Free Trade Association 1,152 944 4,955 Norway 416 260 1,561 Switzerland 710 655 3,263 Other EFTA 27 28 131 Other Western Europe 279 254 1,285 Eastern Europe/FSR 710 656 3,238 Hungary 104 84 383 Poland 62 49 264 Former Soviet Republics 441 411 2,069 Russia 365 316 1,618 Other FSR 76 95 450 Other EE 103 112 523 Pacific Rim Countries 24,576 25,096 120,781 Australia 393 351 1,634 China 4,815 4,452 21,752 Japan 9,227 10,367 49,399 Newly Industralized Countries(NICS) 6,924 6,875 32,838 Hong Kong 710 684 3,525 Korea 1,909 1,912 8,917 Singapore 1,686 1,703 7,947 Taiwan 2,619 2,575 12,449 Other Pacific Rim(2) 3,218 3,050 15,157 South/Central America 4,656 4,266 21,875 Argentina 189 182 933 Brazil 893 792 4,035 Colombia 404 367 1,870 Other S/C A (2) 3,171 2,926 15,037 OPEC 3,996 3,683 18,464 Indonesia(2) 752 681 3,408 Nigeria 646 669 2,799 Saudia Arabia 835 718 3,643 Venezuela(2) 1,171 995 5,447 Other OPEC 591 620 3,167 Other Countries 3,284 3,313 16,567 Egypt 41 69 246 South Africa 217 197 911 Other 3,026 3,047 15,410 Uniden. ctys (3) (X) (X) (X) Timing Adjustments (X) -44 566 (1) Detailed data are presented on a Census basis. The information needed to convert to a BOP basis is not available. (2) This exhibit is not additive. Selected countries are included in more than one area grouping. Indonesia is included in both OPEC and Other Pacific Rim; Venezuela is included in both OPEC and Other South/Central America. (3) The export totals reflect shipments of certain grains, oilseeds, and satellites that are not included in the country/area totals. SOURCE: Report FT900 (CB-97-118), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, MAY 1997. For more information, contact Haydn R. Mearkle (301-457-2246) or Richard M. Preuss (301-457-2311), Foreign Trade Division.