Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tweet – Tweet: Follow One or All of Our 19 Twitter Accounts

TSA has had a presence on Twitter since 2008 with our @TSABlogTeam account, but we recently expanded that presence greatly by creating 18 new accounts for our office of public affairs. To stay up to date with all things TSA, follow one of the accounts, or live on the wild side and follow them all!

Spokespersons - Follow these accounts for updates on TSA related news and announcements for their regions.
@TSAmedia_AnnD Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
@TSAmedia_Carrie Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
@TSAmedia_DavidC HQ
@TSAmedia_JimF Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
@TSAmedia_JonA Alabama, Georgia,  Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
@TSAmedia_LisaF New Jersey, New York
@TSAmedia_Lorie  Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
@TSAmedia_LuisC  New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
@TSAmedia_NicoM Arizona, California, Hawaii
@TSAmedia_SariK Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
@TSAmedia_SPayne HQ
TBD Soon -  Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia
Regional Accounts - Follow these accounts to keep up with TSA related news as well as up to the minute announcements on emergency situations affecting airports.
@TSACentral Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas
@TSAMidAtlantic Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, West Virginia,
@TSAMidwest Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
@TSANortheast Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
@TSASoutheast  Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,  Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands
@TSAWestern Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Main Twitter Accounts
@TSA This is where you can get updates concerning national TSA related information.
@TSABlogTeam This is where you can get quick notes and updates from me concerning the TSA Blog and national TSA related information.
Our social media directory can be found here.

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

You're establishing agency twitter accounts based on the names of specific people? What happens if Lisa F quits or has different job responsibilities?

I'm not so much criticizing as I am trying to help you out in trying to avoid what will surely be some kind of headache will you have a change in personnel.

Anonymous said...

As an old Fogey, I like to use just E-mail. I do not use Twitter, Facebook or other new contrivances.
Thanks anyway.

Molly said...

I worked for the TSA TWIC Card program in 2009. How is theTWIC Card program functioning?

Anonymous said...

Oh, goodie, it's the stimulating and interactive dialogue from the TSA blog times 19!

Wintermute said...

Now we can be ignored in 140 characters or less!

Anonymous said...

LOL Is there really a need for that many accounts?

Anonymous said...

This way they can react even more quickly to reports of TSA misconduct. As soon as a report surfaces, they can immediately let everyone know that the report is false and the TSA acted properly.

On slow news days, daily reminders to "Remember 9/11 as you remove your shoes and step in the scanner!" "Do you want to fly today?" or "The TSA is always right!" may dissuade people from reporting problems, there by saving TSA resources. Much more efficient than waiting for Bob to choose the right boilerplate phrases for a blog post, or making managers spend time deciding whether to deny, spin away, or ignore the latest fiasco.

Anonymous said...

How about just answering some of the many questions that have been asked right here on the TSA Blog, you know, like your suppose to be doing?

Anonymous said...

Using social media does NOT mean your a socially acceptable organization.

RB said...

Why does TSA need such a large and expensive PR arm?

TSA is suppose to be about transportation security. I see no reason why the public should be paying hard earned tax dollars for such matters.

TSA is abusing the public, not only in abusive airport screenings but now wasting tax dollars on matters not related to transportation security

Anonymous said...

You're using these Twitter accts to spam. You're just reTweeting each other's posts. Nothing new or local. Just more spam at taxpayer's expense.

Knock it off.

Anna Tycner said...

In my opinion, the measures applied by the agency violate privacy and is unethical. Apart from the fact that these solutions are very expensive. I don’t know if our country is no funding. We have a crisis, gold more expensive srebrne monety and they do not spend money fot no effective technical innovations.